Status: Accepted
Owner: marianopeck CC: [hidden email] Labels: Milestone-1.3 New issue 4209 by marianopeck: Transcipt could still be improved a little more From me: - be able to do right click and get the normal context menu you get in all places - the shortcuts are wrong. I do cmd+s which previously cleaned the transcrip and now nowthing happens, sometimes it is cleaned, sometimes it does an undo...weird. But I mch prefer do that than clicking in "clear" - I miss the "Transcript open" I want to thanks Fernando for the improvents. Maybe he or another person has time to give it yet another push for the remaining topics ;) From DOUG Using Pharo1.3a Latest update: #13193 Are there any plans to give the new transcript window a mouseable menu? If not, buttons for select all and copy would be nice. -- Nothing seems to be happening when clicking 'log to file'. What is the name of the file? Where is it? -- When checking/unchecking/checking 'log to file' will the second checking add to the end of an existing file, or will it start a new one, or wipe out old one and start it over? -- This code does not work right with the new transcript: 1 to: 30 do: [: x | Transcript cr; show: x. (Delay forSeconds: 0.2) wait.]. a) Try it in 1.2 (old transcript) to see how it should work. Old transcript, there's a delay between each line printed. 1.3 (new transcript) there's a total delay first, then all the lines are immediately printed. b) If the length of the entries to the transcript exceeds the size of the window, the lines do not automatically scroll up to be able to see them. Instead, they are added outside of the visible window area. IMO, this must be changed so that whatever gets added to the end of the transcript is immediately visible. c) If cursor is at the bottom (with a vertical scroll bar visible), as soon as a new line is added, the transcript pops back to the beginning again, requiring scrolling to see new entries. This makes any kind of continual stream to the transcript impossible to view. Position the Transcript at the end of the output, then run the 1 to: 30 do: code line again -- it will pop you to the top, not the end. -- Will the vertical size of the header area (Clear, etc) be reduced? It is taller than needed. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #1 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more In general, It would be good to not make one huge bug entry for many issues but single ones. You can see that the other report of doug here: it is completely unclear what is done what not... questions mixed with suggestions mixed with bugs. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #2 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more Next Action: Split this issue into multiple actionable issues _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #3 on issue 4209 by marianopeck: Transcipt could still be improved a little more But the previous time (the Transcript problems) we did this and you merged all the issues in one _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #4 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more Hmm... but the privious issues it was clear that they had all one reason that would be fixed when the transcript is fixed. Now we need to fix the fixed transcript further... _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Labels: Type-Bug Comment #5 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more (No comment was entered for this change.) _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #6 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more What is the next action on this topic? _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #7 on issue 4209 by marianopeck: Transcipt could still be improved a little more we are waiting for Fernando :( He said he was going to take a look _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #8 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more fernando told me that he will have a look and send a fix by today _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #9 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more What exactly are the actions that need to be done? _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: ReviewNeeded Comment #10 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more I coded a series of fixes/enhancements 1) toolbar and code pane gap eliminated 2) on show: the window scrolls down to the bottom 3) added menu interaction, custom made using pragma menu builder, putting the navigation related actions in the finder. Pending: 4)clear on cmd-s Attachments: TranscriptEnhIssue4209.2.cs 9.3 KB _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #11 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more The following changeset adds the menu actions handling Attachments: TranscriptEnhIssue-MenuActions.1.cs 2.5 KB _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #12 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more Another pending issue 5) Update problem when evaluating 1 to: 30 do: [: x | Transcript cr; show: x. (Delay forSeconds: 0.2) wait.]. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #13 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more I added that to 13230. We should now make new bug entries for each things, else we get lost. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #14 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more Ok, thanks Marcus. I'll work on the two pending issues 4) and 5). Once solved, i will create a bug entry per each of them, and submit. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #15 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more Andother one is the output to file... it seems to not work. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #16 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more When you do a loop for example to run test and do transcript show:..... you see that something is printed but at the end you see nothing. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #17 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more Output to file does work, the semantics are that you have finished entries, and unfinished entries. Only after a cr is received an entry is finished , and its logged to file if needed. Should this be changed? _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #18 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more Fixed a bug related to the file logging, you were right: the logToFile checkbox had a bug. Nevertheless, the previous comment still holds. Attachments: TranscriptLoggingIntoFile.1.cs 2.4 KB _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #19 on issue 4209 by [hidden email]: Transcipt could still be improved a little more Looks like there is a bug when closing the transcript window when in readOnly mode. If you close window when in readOnly mode and then output something to transcript, then output is still displayed on screen. Need to modify TranscriptWindow>>delete to also do: transcriptMorph notNil ifTrue:[ transcriptMorph delete ]??? _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
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