Status: Accepted
Owner: marianopeck CC: [hidden email] Labels: Milestone-1.3 New issue 4210 by marianopeck: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets In the dev image, I have opened the windows for senders/implementers, I surround a piece of text, and I type "[" and it should surroud the text. But it doesn't do it. It is like if the "smart characters" are disable there. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #1 on issue 4210 by [hidden email]: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets I have no clue how "smart characters" work, so I will investigate :) But you can still use cmd+[ since it's not fixed :) _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: Closed Comment #2 on issue 4210 by [hidden email]: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets In fact, smart characters seems to be managed by OCompletion. So I have created extension for Ocompletion in FlatMessageList and Nautilus :) Closed since the last version of Ocompletion should install extensions _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: FixProposed Comment #3 on issue 4210 by [hidden email]: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets I reopen it because I can't save in Ocompletion So if someone with the write right can integrate Ocompletion-BenjaminVanRyseghem.103 from Nautilus, it could be cool :) Thanks in advance _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #4 on issue 4210 by marianopeck: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets Hi Ben. I have access to OCompletion, however, this project is share with Squeak and we cannot just commit. I really don't understand why you need extensions for OCompletion. I have no idea of this, so I may be saying crap....but...the smart characters work everywhere, for example, in a workspace, in a inspector, etc. And for those places we don't need any extension in OCompletion. So I don't understand why we need that for the senders/implementors popup. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Cc: [hidden email] Comment #5 on issue 4210 by [hidden email]: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets romain could you have a look? _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Labels: -Milestone-1.3 Milestone-1.3-DevImage Comment #6 on issue 4210 by [hidden email]: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets (No comment was entered for this change.) _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: Accepted Comment #7 on issue 4210 by [hidden email]: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets ok now since we cannot see the changes we cannot really help. So where is the code. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #8 on issue 4210 by marianopeck: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets Are you asking to me? if true, I didn't understand anything. I don't know what changes or code you are talking about. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #9 on issue 4210 by [hidden email]: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets nd for those places we don't need any extension in OCompletion. Of course you need, since all these classes inherits from StringHolder If you take a look, StringHolder have a OCompletion extension and Workspace too _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #10 on issue 4210 by marianopeck: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets Ok, you see ? I told you I know nothing about these topics. FlatMessageList is not present in squeak, so we cannot commit it directly to the package OCompletion. But we can do a package OcompletionPharoCompatibility in the same way they do with OcompletionSqueakCompatibility and update ConfigurationOfOCompletion so that it also include that pacakge. I will do tha tomorrow. Ok? _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #11 on issue 4210 by [hidden email]: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets It's ok for me. If you want, I can do it, just tell me _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #12 on issue 4210 by [hidden email]: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets And do not worry, nobody can know about all topics :) _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #13 on issue 4210 by marianopeck: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets Ok Ben. I did the following: I consider FlatMessageListBrowser as "core", this is in PharoCore and this should be part of "OCompletion core". I mean, when you load OCompletion in Pharo, it shouyld have support for FlatMessageListBrowser. Right? Ok, since OCompletion is shared with squeakers, if they try to load OCompletion with extensions in FlatMessageListBrowser (that doesn't exist in squeak) they will have errros. So....I have created the package OcompletionPharoCompatibility where I commit your extensions of FlatMessageListBrowser as *OcompletionPharoCompatibility. I have also updated ConfigurationOfOCompletion version 1.4 and baseline 1.3 so that OCompletion core includes OcompletionPharoCompatibility when we are in Pharo. Conclusion if now in Pharo you do ConfogurationOfOCompletion project version: '1.4' it will load both, the package OCompletion and OcompletionPharoCompatibility. If I load this into Pharo, I have a problem when trying to use OCompletion in the FlatMessageListBrowser. The error is attached. I didn't yet link ConfigurationOfPharo to use the new version 1.4 of OCompletion. I will wait until it is working correctly. So...all you have to do now is test it, try to reproduce the problem I told you, and you commit your changes directlry to the package OcompletionPharoCompatibility. Then ConfoguationOfOCompletion version 1.4 should be updated. Now.....regarding Nautilus, I interpret that as "non core". That is, when I load OCompletion I don't wnat that it breaks because I don't have nautilus. The same with OB. So, that should be separated in another package. For OB, this is the package "OCForOB" that is in OCompletion repo. You should do the same for Nautilus. And then change ConfigurationOfNautilus so that to load such package when you want to load OCompletion. What I am not sure in this case where it is better to commit "OCForNautilus". Because it doesn't need to be necesssary in OCOmpletion repo. So maybe it is better for you to have it in Nautilus repository. Ahh BTW, there has a self halt in guessTypeForName: aString self halt. ^ nil cheers Attachments: PharoDebug.log 29.1 KB _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: FixProposed Comment #14 on issue 4210 by [hidden email]: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets I have posted a fix for OCompletion too, that's why it hangs. Here is the cs that contains the fix. We can ask for someone to integrate it in the shared branch or we could just add it in OCompletionPharoCompatibilty, as you want :) Attachments: ECController.BenjaminVanRyseghem.1.cs 578 bytes _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #15 on issue 4210 by marianopeck: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets Hi Ben. I am not sure about your change. It was class: self model selectedClassOrMetaClass and you change it to: class: self model receiverClass But...there are still like 15 implementations in the image of #selectedClassOrMetaClass. Wouldn't this break all those cases? wouldn't be easier to implement selectedClassOrMetaClass in your model ? _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #16 on issue 4210 by [hidden email]: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets each model using OCompletion respond to receiverClass (part of the API) when selectedClassOrMetaClass is a crappy name inherited from StringHolder. First I have though to implement this method in Nautilus and FlatBrowser, but some magic tool are invoking selectedClassOrMetaClass if found, and it changes my expected behavior (shout by example). And if it's part of the protocol to implement receiverClass, why asking for another selector that answer the same ? Moreover, since Igor change about SmalltalkEditor, selectedClassOrMetaClass should disappear to be replaced by selectedBehavior. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #17 on issue 4210 by marianopeck: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets "each model using OCompletion respond to receiverClass " it doesn't seem to be the case. Just check it. Implementors of #receiverClass, only two: FlatMessageListBrowser and receiverClass. In fact, just to test it in 13199, I did the change to use receiverClass instead of selectedClassOrMetaClass and now I cannot use OCompletion anywhere: workspace, OB, etc...because they DO NOT implement receiverClass. Now, evne worst, in 13201 i have NO implementors of receiverClass. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #18 on issue 4210 by [hidden email]: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets When I have loaded OCompletion 2 days ago using Gofer new squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository'; package: 'ConfigurationOfOCompletion'; load. ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfOCompletion) project version: '1.3') load. receiverClass is defined in StringHolder by example. But you have changed the ConfigurationOf and the last version of OCompletion have removed this method. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #19 on issue 4210 by marianopeck: Smart characters don't work in new senders/implementor widgets Ok. I see. I have updated to what Levente commits. He is the only maintainer of OCompletion. So we need to adapt it or fork and mantain it. But since, as always, there is no maintainer, we will have to adapt it to it. As I can see you have two options: or put selectedClassOrMetaClass in your model or: You want to use #receiverClass ? no problem. But then, commit such method in all thsoe classes like Workspace, ChangeList, etc... in the package OcompletionPharoCompatibility _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
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