Status: FixToInclude
[hidden email]
Labels: Milestone-1.3
New issue 4261 by
[hidden email]: Fixed checksForSlips manipulating
strings and pretending they are methodReferences.... is not about string manipulation but about objects!
Here is the right code that match with method comments
"Return a collection of method refs with possible debugging code in them."
| slips |
slips := OrderedCollection new.
self changedClasses do:
[:aClass |
(self methodChangesAtClass: aClass name) associationsDo:
[:mAssoc | | method | (#(remove addedThenRemoved) includes: mAssoc
value) ifFalse:
[method := aClass compiledMethodAt: mAssoc key ifAbsent: [nil].
method ifNotNil:
[method hasReportableSlip
ifTrue: [ slips add: (aClass >> mAssoc key) methodReference ]]]]].
^ slips
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