Status: FixProposed
[hidden email]
Labels: Hazelnut Milestone-1.3
New issue 4342 by
[hidden email]: Fix In SystemDictionary allow the use of a different SystemDictionary
"Fill cachedClassNames and cachedNonClassNames. Return an array with the
calculated values."
| classNames nonClassNames |
classNames := OrderedCollection new: self size.
nonClassNames := OrderedCollection new.
self keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
"The key == value name test below addresses two separate issues:
1) Obsolete classes, where key = #Foo and value name = 'AnObsoleteFoo'
2) Aliases, i.e., Smalltalk at: #OtherName put: aClass"
((value isKindOf: (self at: #Class)) and: [ key == value name ])
ifTrue: [ classNames add: key ]
ifFalse: [ nonClassNames add: key ] ].
classNames sort.
cachedNonClassNames := nonClassNames sort.
cachedClassNames := classNames.
^{ classNames. nonClassNames }
FixInSystemDictionary.1.cs 918 bytes
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