Status: Accepted
Owner: [hidden email] Labels: Type-Bug Milestone-1.3-DevImage New issue 4394 by [hidden email]: GoferApiTest >> testRepositoryErrors fails in Full but not in Core GoferApiTest >> testRepositoryErrors fails in Full but not in Core _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Cc: [hidden email] Comment #1 on issue 4394 by [hidden email]: GoferApiTest >> testRepositoryErrors fails in Full but not in Core So the very strange thing is that in Core, we have Gofer-Tests-MarcusDenker.129 but in Full, it is magically replaced by an on old version: Gofer-Tests-StephaneDucasse.129 The reason is ConfigurationOfGofer loads the old version with the faulty test. Now a brave soul needs to to -> update Configuration of Gofer -> Find our who load it and change that package to load the correct version of the updated Gofer package. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: FixProposed Comment #2 on issue 4394 by [hidden email]: GoferApiTest >> testRepositoryErrors fails in Full but not in Core (No comment was entered for this change.) _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #3 on issue 4394 by marianopeck: GoferApiTest >> testRepositoryErrors fails in Full but not in Core I think this is because of the version that Metacello bootstrap loads from Gofer. Dale, any idea how we can fix this? _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #4 on issue 4394 by marianopeck: GoferApiTest >> testRepositoryErrors fails in Full but not in Core We should be using Gofer-Tests-MarcusDenker.130 from Pharo repository. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #5 on issue 4394 by [hidden email]: GoferApiTest >> testRepositoryErrors fails in Full but not in Core Metacello should not be loading an older version of a package ... that would be a bug a bug in Metacello ... I thought that that bug was fixed in Metacello 1.0-beta.29 ... which build is this happaing in? 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4? _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #6 on issue 4394 by [hidden email]: GoferApiTest >> testRepositoryErrors fails in Full but not in Core ah ... now I see .. 1.3 ... I'll take a look _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #7 on issue 4394 by [hidden email]: GoferApiTest >> testRepositoryErrors fails in Full but not in Core oh wait ... I see the problem now ... When gofer is deciding which package is newer: Gofer-Tests-MarcusDenker.129 Gofer-Tests-StephaneDucasse.129 if first uses the version number, but for these two packages have the same version number (129), so gofer then goes to the author name and StephaneDucasse sorts after MarcusDenker so Gofer thinks that Gofer-Tests-StephaneDucasse.129 is the later package and Metacello (which has StephaneDucasse.129 specified in the config) goes ahead and loads the "newer version"... A checkin using using a version number greater than 129 or an author starting with a letter greater than 'S' will "fix" the problem ... _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #8 on issue 4394 by [hidden email]: GoferApiTest >> testRepositoryErrors fails in Full but not in Core Mariano, When you say "We should be using Gofer-Tests-MarcusDenker.130 from Pharo repository." are you referring to PHaro-Core 1.3 or Pharo-1.3 ... if Pharo-Core loads Gofer-Tests-MarcusDenker.130, then Metacello will stop "loading Gofer-Tests-StephaneDucasse.129" ... if Gofer-Tests-MarcusDenker.130 needs to be used in on Pharo-1.3, then the configuration of Gofer needs to be adjusted ... _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #9 on issue 4394 by marianopeck: GoferApiTest >> testRepositoryErrors fails in Full but not in Core Hi Dale. The latest commits are from Marcus, so I am NOT completly sure about my answer. My gut feeling is that when building Pharo, the Gofer version of PharoCore should not be changed. I mean, if in PharoCore there is teh version Gofer-Tests-MarcusDenker.130, then such version should stay there in Pharo, because such version has fixes for if we then load a different version, we have the problem like the one on this issue in particular. So..the real question is whether Metacello should install Gofer if Gofer is already present in the image. I don't know :( If it does that, then yes, we should update ConfigurationOfGofer so that to use that version. But at the same time, you did commits in the repo of Gofer, didn't you? So we need to merge? _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #10 on issue 4394 by [hidden email]: GoferApiTest >> testRepositoryErrors fails in Full but not in Core Mariano, if and when Gofer-Tests-MarcusDenker.130 is actually loaded into the core, Metacello will not load an older version on top of the version that is installed ... Monticello/Gofer/Metacello is flawed in that it is necessary from a performance perspective to use the name of the mcz file to determine version information, so this whole issue is down to a) Metacello requiring Gofer-Tests-StephaneDucasse.129 while the core has loaded a "later version" of the mcz file (Gofer-Tests-MarcusDenker.129) that Gofer thinks is an older version... I don't consider this a bug in Metacello, because there is no way to fix it, without changing the behavior of Gofer ... perhaps it is a Gofer bug:), but as far as I can tell it's a 50/50 proposition at this point, so there is no adequate resolution. As for should Metacello install Gofer? If Metacello (or any other project) truly does require a later version of an mcz file than is already installed in whatever image it is being loaded into, then of course, it should install the newer version ... whether or not an older version was already installed or not ... I don't see the need to do any merges ... you'll have to be more specific with the details of what you think needs to be merged, For Pharo 1.3, the deadlock between Gofer-Tests-MarcusDenker.129 and Tests-StephaneDucasse.129 needs to be resolved by someone on the pharo team (presumably marcus), by committing a new version of Gofer-Tests-MarcusDenker.129 or using Gofer-Tests-MarcusDenker.130 and then loading the appropriate package in the core ... Either way, once a human being decides which code they want in Pharo 1.3, that human must ensure that the version number of the package has been incremented beyond 129 so that Gofer/Metacello will make the right decision on which version is "newer". Once that is done, I don't believe that neither the Gofer configuration nor the Metacello configuration needs to be chnaged... _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: Closed Comment #11 on issue 4394 by [hidden email]: GoferApiTest >> testRepositoryErrors fails in Full but not in Core I saved a new version and now it's working! All Green _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
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