Status: Accepted
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Labels: Milestone-1.4 Type-Squeak
New issue 4413 by
[hidden email]: Better error message for MC Summary ====================
Name: Monticello-fbs.468
Author: fbs
Time: 9 June 2011, 8:10:14.668 pm
UUID: adb87d13-5e2c-4032-b404-f26c78e21f4a
Ancestors: Monticello-ul.466
Better error messages for off-line work:
* If you can't find a base "full version", say so
* If you Give Up on trying to resolve a name, report the actual failure
rather than trying to access a socket anyway, and throwing a primitive
failed error.
=============== Diff against Monticello-ul.466 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: MCDiffyVersion>>baseSnapshot (in category 'as yet
unclassified') -----
+ | baseVersion |
+ baseVersion := self workingCopy repositoryGroup versionWithInfo:
+ baseVersion ifNil: [Error signal: 'Missing snapshot: ', self
baseInfo name].
+ ^ baseVersion snapshot!
- ^ (self workingCopy repositoryGroup versionWithInfo: base) snapshot!
Item was changed:
----- Method: MCHttpRepository>>allFileNames (in category 'required') -----
| index |
+ [self displayProgress: 'Updating ', self description during:[
- self displayProgress: 'Updating ', self description during:[
index := HTTPSocket httpGet: self
locationWithTrailingSlash, '?C=M;O=D' args: nil user: self user passwd:
self password.
+ ]] on: NetworkError do: [ :e | self error: 'Could not access ',
location, '(', e className, ')'].
- ].
index isString ifTrue: [self error: 'Could not access ', location].
^ self parseFileNamesFromStream: index !
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