Status: Accepted
Owner: [hidden email] Labels: Milestone-1.4 Type-Bug New issue 4569 by [hidden email]: "load updates" just loads the last update? When I take the image and "update" Than it looks like if it loads only the *last* update in the update stream. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #1 on issue 4569 by [hidden email]: "load updates" just loads the last update? -> starting from 14025, it loads all 40 updates successfully (I will upload that to the archive) -> The reason seems to be the changes / simplifications to loading updates when we changed to use ZINC. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #2 on issue 4569 by [hidden email]: "load updates" just loads the last update? Yes I will have a look to see if I can get it fixed _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Labels: Importance-High Comment #3 on issue 4569 by [hidden email]: "load updates" just loads the last update? I do not get why it works starting from 14025 and why it does not break when the bug is loaded. But we are lucky on this one. We can take 14025 + the fix and this will be ok. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #4 on issue 4569 by [hidden email]: "load updates" just loads the last update? Or we can take 14065 and add the fix as 14066. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Cc: [hidden email] Comment #5 on issue 4569 by [hidden email]: "load updates" just loads the last update? this was the code before newUpdates "Return a list of fully formed URLs of update files we do not yet have up to the upToNumber instance variable if set." "self new newUpdates" | existing out list doc raw char | out := OrderedCollection new. existing := SystemVersion current updates. doc := HTTPClient httpGet: self updateListFileURLString. doc class == RWBinaryOrTextStream ifTrue: [raw := doc reset; contents. "one file name per line" list := self extractVersion: SystemVersion current version from: raw. list reverseDo: [:fileName | | itsNumber | itsNumber := fileName initialIntegerOrNil. (existing includes: itsNumber) ifFalse: [ (itsNumber isNil or: [itsNumber <= self upToNumber]) ifTrue: [out addFirst: self updateFolderURL, fileName]] ifTrue: [^ out]]. ((out size > 0) or: [char := doc reset; skipSeparators; next. (char == $*) | (char == $#)]) ifTrue: [^ out "we have our list"]]. self feedback: 'All code update servers seem to be unavailable'. ^ out and using Zinc newUpdates "Return a list of fully formed URLs of update files we do not yet have up to the upToNumber instance variable if set." "self new newUpdates" | existing out list result doc raw char | out := OrderedCollection new. existing := SystemVersion current updates. (result := ZnClient get: self updateListFileURLString) isSuccess ifFalse: [ self error: 'Cannot access update server' ]. "one file name per line" list := self extractVersion: SystemVersion current version from: result contents. list reverseDo: [:fileName | | itsNumber | itsNumber := fileName initialIntegerOrNil. (existing includes: itsNumber) ifFalse: [ (itsNumber isNil or: [itsNumber <= self upToNumber]) ifTrue: [out addFirst: self updateFolderURL, fileName]] ifTrue: [^ out]. ((out size > 0) or: [char := doc reset; skipSeparators; next. (char == $*) | (char == $#)]) ifTrue: [^ out "we have our list"]]. self feedback: 'All code update servers seem to be unavailable'. ^ out _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #6 on issue 4569 by [hidden email]: "load updates" just loads the last update? We were a bit careless implementing all these changes on the lastest Sprint, too much talking I guess (but a lot of fun, nice food, ..). I just tried a bit in an #14059 image and I definitively got data back from the #get: call and list got instanciated. I don't want to get too defensive here, but basically the HTTP call should not make the difference. Maybe we did other changes as well ? Sven _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #7 on issue 4569 by [hidden email]: "load updates" just loads the last update? I think we changed something else, too. In the UpdateStreamer? _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: FixToInclude Comment #8 on issue 4569 by [hidden email]: "load updates" just loads the last update? i reverted the old method in 14066. Now the bug is that we had a block too large (we even refered to doc which was not set :). newUpdates "Return a list of fully formed URLs of update files we do not yet have up to the upToNumber instance variable if set." "self new newUpdates" | existing out list result doc raw char | out := OrderedCollection new. existing := SystemVersion current updates. (result := ZnClient get: self updateListFileURLString) isSuccess ifFalse: [ self error: 'Cannot access update server' ]. "one file name per line" list := self extractVersion: SystemVersion current version from: result contents. list reverseDo: [:fileName | | itsNumber | itsNumber := fileName initialIntegerOrNil. (existing includes: itsNumber) ifFalse: [ (itsNumber isNil or: [itsNumber <= self upToNumber]) ifTrue: [out addFirst: self updateFolderURL, fileName]] ifTrue: [^ out]]. "(" (out size > 0) "or: [char := doc reset; skipSeparators; next. (char == $*) | (char == $#)])" ifTrue: [^ out "we have our list"]. self feedback: 'All code update servers seem to be unavailable'. ^ out _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #9 on issue 4569 by [hidden email]: "load updates" just loads the last update? We should wait that we have a couple a issue after 14065 so that we can try it well. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #10 on issue 4569 by [hidden email]: "load updates" just loads the last update? (No comment was entered for this change.) Attachments: 1.2 KB _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #11 on issue 4569 by [hidden email]: "load updates" just loads the last update? the cs is the same as the last snippet. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #12 on issue 4569 by [hidden email]: "load updates" just loads the last update? So the reversion worked (I double checked). I think this means we can add the new Zn based version now and again test it well. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #13 on issue 4569 by [hidden email]: "load updates" just loads the last update? Yes! Thanks _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: Closed Comment #14 on issue 4569 by [hidden email]: "load updates" just loads the last update? in 14073 _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
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