Status: FixProposed
Owner: pavel.krivanek
New issue 4661 by pavel.krivanek: Smalltalk tools transcript changed some uses of "Transcript" to "Smalltalk tools
transcript". Of course it is not bad idea however it has some
unwelcome consequences - mainly it cannot work on images that have no
tools and Pharo Kernel and most of derived images have no ToolRegistry
at all. Currently it breaks Pharo Kernel job on CI server.
Here are affected methods:
Object>>crLog: {logging}
Object>>log: {logging}
Object>>logCr: {logging}
Object>>logCrTab: {logging}
Of course the simplest way how to fix that is revert previous versions
of this methods. However we may use some more general solution where
ToolRegistry will be part of the kernel but then we will have to solve
questions what tools are default, what to do if the tool class is
missing etc.
toolsFix.1.cs 924 bytes
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