Status: New
Owner: ---- New issue 4969 by [hidden email]: Calling timeStampString on a MethodReferene throws an exception. If you fill an issue for the first time, please read "How to report bugs" at Pharo image:core Pharo core version: Pharo1.4a Latest update: #14210 Virtual machine used: cog windows Class browser used if applicable: Steps to reproduce: 1. Run testGetTimeStampString |ref| ref := MethodReference class: Integer selector: #asInteger. self assert: ref timeStampString equals: '' 2. Behold a debugger, proclaiming that bitAnd: won't work on nils. THERE_BE_DRAGONS_HERE MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "bitAnd:" is nil 3 November 2011 10:37:04 am VM: Win32 - IX86 - 6.1 - Croquet Closure Cog VM [CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog-IgorStasenko.123] Commit: fe0330a267e1a99bd27bd161443c5cc255fde8c3 Date: Wed Aug 31 14:34:23 2011 +0200 By: Igor Stasenko <[hidden email]> Image: Pharo1.4a [Latest update: #14210] UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #bitAnd: Receiver: nil Arguments and temporary variables: aMessage: bitAnd: 16777216 exception: MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "bitAnd:" is nil resumeValue: nil Receiver's instance variables: nil ExpandedSourceFileArray>>fileIndexFromSourcePointer: Receiver: an ExpandedSourceFileArray(MultiByteFileStream: 'C:\Users\vs\Desktop\cogvm\PharoV10.source...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: anInteger: nil Receiver's instance variables: files: an Array(MultiByteFileStream: 'C:\Users\vs\Desktop\cogvm\PharoV10.source...etc... MethodReference(SourceReference)>>fileIndex Receiver: a MethodReference Integer >> #asInteger Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: timeStamp: nil timeStampString: nil sourcePointer: nil classIsMeta: false classSymbol: #Integer methodSymbol: #asInteger stringVersion: 'Integer asInteger' category: nil package: nil MethodReference(SourceReference)>>findTimestampInSource Receiver: a MethodReference Integer >> #asInteger Arguments and temporary variables: position: nil preamble: nil stamp: nil tokens: nil stampPosition: nil file: #(nil) Receiver's instance variables: timeStamp: nil timeStampString: nil sourcePointer: nil classIsMeta: false classSymbol: #Integer methodSymbol: #asInteger stringVersion: 'Integer asInteger' category: nil package: nil MethodReference(SourceReference)>>timeStampString Receiver: a MethodReference Integer >> #asInteger Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: timeStamp: nil timeStampString: nil sourcePointer: nil classIsMeta: false classSymbol: #Integer methodSymbol: #asInteger stringVersion: 'Integer asInteger' category: nil package: nil MethodReference>>DoIt Receiver: a MethodReference Integer >> #asInteger Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: timeStamp: nil timeStampString: nil sourcePointer: nil classIsMeta: false classSymbol: #Integer methodSymbol: #asInteger stringVersion: 'Integer asInteger' category: nil package: nil Compiler>>evaluate:in:to:notifying:ifFail:logged: Receiver: a Compiler Arguments and temporary variables: textOrStream: a ReadWriteStream 'self timeStampString' aContext: nil receiver: a MethodReference Integer >> #asInteger aRequestor: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) failBlock: [self morph flash. ^ nil] logFlag: true methodNode: DoIt ^ self timeStampString method: (MethodReference>>#DoIt "a CompiledMethod(612630528)") value: nil toLog: nil itsSelection: nil itsSelectionString: nil Receiver's instance variables: sourceStream: a ReadWriteStream 'self timeStampString' requestor: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) class: MethodReference category: nil context: nil parser: a Parser [rcvr class evaluatorClass new evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStream in: ctxt to: rcvr notifying: self morph ifFail: [self morph flash. ^ nil] logged: true] in SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelectionAndDo: Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor Arguments and temporary variables: rcvr: a MethodReference Integer >> #asInteger ctxt: nil Receiver's instance variables: morph: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) selectionShowing: true model: an Inspector editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: [rcvr class evaluatorClass new evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStream in: ctxt to: ...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: exception: OutOfScopeNotification handlerAction: [:ex | ex resume: true] handlerActive: true Receiver's instance variables: outerContext: SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelectionAndDo: startpc: 110 numArgs: 0 SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelectionAndDo: Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [:result | self afterSelectionInsertAndSelect: result printString] result: nil rcvr: a MethodReference Integer >> #asInteger ctxt: nil Receiver's instance variables: morph: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) selectionShowing: true model: an Inspector editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState SmalltalkEditor>>printIt Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: morph: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) selectionShowing: true model: an Inspector editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState SmalltalkEditor>>printIt: Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor Arguments and temporary variables: aKeyboardEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] Receiver's instance variables: morph: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) selectionShowing: true model: an Inspector editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>performCmdActionsWith:shifted:return: Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor Arguments and temporary variables: aKeyboardEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] aBoolean: false return: [:val | ^ val] asciiValue: 113 actions: #(#noop: #cursorHome: #noop: #noop: #cursorEnd: #noop: #noop: #noop: #...etc... action: #printIt: Receiver's instance variables: morph: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) selectionShowing: true model: an Inspector editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>dispatchCommandOn:return: Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor Arguments and temporary variables: aKeyboardEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] return: [:val | ^ val] asciiValue: 112 honorCommandKeys: true char: nil Receiver's instance variables: morph: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) selectionShowing: true model: an Inspector editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>dispatchOn: Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor Arguments and temporary variables: aKeyboardEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] char: nil return: [:val | ^ val] keyEvents: nil Receiver's instance variables: morph: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) selectionShowing: true model: an Inspector editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState [self dispatchOn: aKeyboardEvent] in SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>keystroke: Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor Arguments and temporary variables: aKeyboardEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] Receiver's instance variables: morph: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) selectionShowing: true model: an Inspector editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>handleKeystrokeAction: Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [self dispatchOn: aKeyboardEvent] Receiver's instance variables: morph: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) selectionShowing: true model: an Inspector editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>handleEditionAction:fromKeyboardEvent: Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor Arguments and temporary variables: anAction: [self dispatchOn: aKeyboardEvent] aKeyboardEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] Receiver's instance variables: morph: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) selectionShowing: true model: an Inspector editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>keystroke: Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor Arguments and temporary variables: aKeyboardEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] Receiver's instance variables: morph: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) selectionShowing: true model: an Inspector editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState [editor keystroke: evt] in [| action | evt keyValue = 13 ifTrue: [action := self crAction. action ifNotNil: [evt hand newKeyboardFocus: nil. ^ action value]]. self handleInteraction: [editor keystroke: evt]. self updateFromParagraph. super keyStroke: evt] in TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>keyStroke: Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) Arguments and temporary variables: evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 owner: a TransformMorph(935854080) submorphs: #() fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 color: Color black extension: a MorphExtension (735576064) [other: (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: Color black textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 text: a Text for 'self timeStampString' wrapFlag: true paragraph: a Paragraph editor: a SmalltalkEditor container: nil predecessor: nil successor: nil backgroundColor: nil margins: nil editView: a PluggableTextMorph(986185728) acceptOnCR: false autoAccept: false acceptOnFocusChange: false selectionColor: nil TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>handleInteraction: Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) Arguments and temporary variables: interactionBlock: [editor keystroke: evt] oldEditor: a SmalltalkEditor oldParagraph: a Paragraph oldText: a Text for 'self timeStampString' Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 owner: a TransformMorph(935854080) submorphs: #() fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 color: Color black extension: a MorphExtension (735576064) [other: (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: Color black textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 text: a Text for 'self timeStampString' wrapFlag: true paragraph: a Paragraph editor: a SmalltalkEditor container: nil predecessor: nil successor: nil backgroundColor: nil margins: nil editView: a PluggableTextMorph(986185728) acceptOnCR: false autoAccept: false acceptOnFocusChange: false selectionColor: nil TextMorphForEditView>>handleInteraction: Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) Arguments and temporary variables: interActionBlock: [editor keystroke: evt] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 owner: a TransformMorph(935854080) submorphs: #() fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 color: Color black extension: a MorphExtension (735576064) [other: (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: Color black textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 text: a Text for 'self timeStampString' wrapFlag: true paragraph: a Paragraph editor: a SmalltalkEditor container: nil predecessor: nil successor: nil backgroundColor: nil margins: nil editView: a PluggableTextMorph(986185728) acceptOnCR: false autoAccept: false acceptOnFocusChange: false selectionColor: nil [| action | evt keyValue = 13 ifTrue: [action := self crAction. action ifNotNil: [evt hand newKeyboardFocus: nil. ^ action value]]. self handleInteraction: [editor keystroke: evt]. self updateFromParagraph. super keyStroke: evt] in TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>keyStroke: Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) Arguments and temporary variables: evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] action: nil Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 owner: a TransformMorph(935854080) submorphs: #() fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 color: Color black extension: a MorphExtension (735576064) [other: (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: Color black textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 text: a Text for 'self timeStampString' wrapFlag: true paragraph: a Paragraph editor: a SmalltalkEditor container: nil predecessor: nil successor: nil backgroundColor: nil margins: nil editView: a PluggableTextMorph(986185728) acceptOnCR: false autoAccept: false acceptOnFocusChange: false selectionColor: nil ToolRegistry>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke: Receiver: a ToolRegistry Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [| action | evt keyValue = 13 ifTrue: [action := self crAction. ac...etc... aTextMorph: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] Receiver's instance variables: tools: an IdentityDictionary(#basicInspector->BasicInspector #browser->[self de...etc... inspectorsMap: an IdentityDictionary(#CompiledMethod->#CompiledMethodInspector ...etc... SmalltalkEditor>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke: Receiver: a SmalltalkEditor Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [| action | evt keyValue = 13 ifTrue: [action := self crAction. ac...etc... aTextMorph: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] Receiver's instance variables: morph: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) selectionShowing: true model: an Inspector editingState: a SmalltalkEditingState TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>keyStroke: Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) Arguments and temporary variables: evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 owner: a TransformMorph(935854080) submorphs: #() fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 color: Color black extension: a MorphExtension (735576064) [other: (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: Color black textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 text: a Text for 'self timeStampString' wrapFlag: true paragraph: a Paragraph editor: a SmalltalkEditor container: nil predecessor: nil successor: nil backgroundColor: nil margins: nil editView: a PluggableTextMorph(986185728) acceptOnCR: false autoAccept: false acceptOnFocusChange: false selectionColor: nil TextMorphForEditView>>keyStroke: Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) Arguments and temporary variables: evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] view: a PluggableTextMorph(986185728) Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 owner: a TransformMorph(935854080) submorphs: #() fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 color: Color black extension: a MorphExtension (735576064) [other: (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: Color black textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 text: a Text for 'self timeStampString' wrapFlag: true paragraph: a Paragraph editor: a SmalltalkEditor container: nil predecessor: nil successor: nil backgroundColor: nil margins: nil editView: a PluggableTextMorph(986185728) acceptOnCR: false autoAccept: false acceptOnFocusChange: false selectionColor: nil TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>handleKeystroke: Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] pasteUp: nil Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 owner: a TransformMorph(935854080) submorphs: #() fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 color: Color black extension: a MorphExtension (735576064) [other: (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: Color black textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 text: a Text for 'self timeStampString' wrapFlag: true paragraph: a Paragraph editor: a SmalltalkEditor container: nil predecessor: nil successor: nil backgroundColor: nil margins: nil editView: a PluggableTextMorph(986185728) acceptOnCR: false autoAccept: false acceptOnFocusChange: false selectionColor: nil KeyboardEvent>>sentTo: Receiver: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] Arguments and temporary variables: anObject: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) Receiver's instance variables: timeStamp: 451487782 source: a HandMorph(843055104) windowIndex: nil type: #keystroke buttons: 64 position: 77@10 handler: nil wasHandled: true keyValue: 112 charCode: 112 scanCode: 80 TextMorphForEditView(Morph)>>handleEvent: Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 owner: a TransformMorph(935854080) submorphs: #() fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 color: Color black extension: a MorphExtension (735576064) [other: (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: Color black textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 text: a Text for 'self timeStampString' wrapFlag: true paragraph: a Paragraph editor: a SmalltalkEditor container: nil predecessor: nil successor: nil backgroundColor: nil margins: nil editView: a PluggableTextMorph(986185728) acceptOnCR: false autoAccept: false acceptOnFocusChange: false selectionColor: nil TextMorphForEditView(Morph)>>handleFocusEvent: Receiver: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 owner: a TransformMorph(935854080) submorphs: #() fullBounds: 0@0 corner: 332@18 color: Color black extension: a MorphExtension (735576064) [other: (myDependents -> a DependentsA...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: Color black textStyle: a TextStyle Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 text: a Text for 'self timeStampString' wrapFlag: true paragraph: a Paragraph editor: a SmalltalkEditor container: nil predecessor: nil successor: nil backgroundColor: nil margins: nil editView: a PluggableTextMorph(986185728) acceptOnCR: false autoAccept: false acceptOnFocusChange: false selectionColor: nil [ActiveHand := self. ActiveEvent := anEvent. result := focusHolder handleFocusEvent: (anEvent transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] focusHolder: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) result: #(nil) Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 392@360 corner: 408@376 owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: nil color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: a PluggableButtonMorph(201064448) eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [392@360 392@360 mouseMove 451485832 nil] targetOffset: 76@8 damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil userInitials: '' lastEventBuffer: #(1 451485832 392 360 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 80 combinedChar: nil [aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [ActiveHand := self. ActiveEvent := anEvent. result := focusHolder ...etc... Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 0@0 corner: 976@662 owner: nil submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a PreDebugWindow(782499840) a Sys...etc... fullBounds: nil color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [othe...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) backgroundMorph: nil worldState: a WorldState griddingOn: nil BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: [aBlock value] Arguments and temporary variables: exception: Error handlerAction: [:ex | ActiveWorld := priorWorld. ActiveEvent := priorEvent. ...etc... handlerActive: false Receiver's instance variables: outerContext: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: startpc: 67 numArgs: 0 PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [ActiveHand := self. ActiveEvent := anEvent. result := focusHolder ...etc... priorWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] priorHand: a HandMorph(843055104) priorEvent: nil Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 0@0 corner: 976@662 owner: nil submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a PreDebugWindow(782499840) a Sys...etc... fullBounds: nil color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [othe...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) backgroundMorph: nil worldState: a WorldState griddingOn: nil HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] focusHolder: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) aBlock: [self keyboardFocus: nil] w: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] result: #(nil) Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 392@360 corner: 408@376 owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: nil color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: a PluggableButtonMorph(201064448) eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [392@360 392@360 mouseMove 451485832 nil] targetOffset: 76@8 damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil userInitials: '' lastEventBuffer: #(1 451485832 392 360 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 80 combinedChar: nil HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear: Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] focusHolder: a TextMorphForEditView(655360000) aBlock: [self keyboardFocus: nil] result: nil Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 392@360 corner: 408@376 owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: nil color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: a PluggableButtonMorph(201064448) eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [392@360 392@360 mouseMove 451485832 nil] targetOffset: 76@8 damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil userInitials: '' lastEventBuffer: #(1 451485832 392 360 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 80 combinedChar: nil HandMorph>>sendKeyboardEvent: Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 392@360 corner: 408@376 owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: nil color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: a PluggableButtonMorph(201064448) eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [392@360 392@360 mouseMove 451485832 nil] targetOffset: 76@8 damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil userInitials: '' lastEventBuffer: #(1 451485832 392 360 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 80 combinedChar: nil HandMorph>>handleEvent: Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] evt: [keystroke '<Cmd-p>'] ofs: nil Receiver's instance variables: bounds: 392@360 corner: 408@376 owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: nil color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: a PluggableButtonMorph(201064448) eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [392@360 392@360 mouseMove 451485832 nil] targetOffset: 76@8 damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil userInitials: '' lastEventBuffer: #(1 451485832 392 360 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 80 combinedChar: nil --- The full stack --- UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #bitAnd: ExpandedSourceFileArray>>fileIndexFromSourcePointer: MethodReference(SourceReference)>>fileIndex MethodReference(SourceReference)>>findTimestampInSource MethodReference(SourceReference)>>timeStampString MethodReference>>DoIt Compiler>>evaluate:in:to:notifying:ifFail:logged: [rcvr class evaluatorClass new evaluate: self selectionForDoitAsStream in: ctxt to: rcvr notifying: self morph ifFail: [self morph flash. ^ nil] logged: true] in SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelectionAndDo: BlockClosure>>on:do: SmalltalkEditor>>evaluateSelectionAndDo: SmalltalkEditor>>printIt SmalltalkEditor>>printIt: SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>performCmdActionsWith:shifted:return: SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>dispatchCommandOn:return: SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>dispatchOn: [self dispatchOn: aKeyboardEvent] in SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>keystroke: SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>handleKeystrokeAction: SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>handleEditionAction:fromKeyboardEvent: SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>keystroke: [editor keystroke: evt] in [| action | evt keyValue = 13 ifTrue: [action := self crAction. action ifNotNil: [evt hand newKeyboardFocus: nil. ^ action value]]. self handleInteraction: [editor keystroke: evt]. self updateFromParagraph. super keyStroke: evt] in TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>keyStroke: TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>handleInteraction: TextMorphForEditView>>handleInteraction: [| action | evt keyValue = 13 ifTrue: [action := self crAction. action ifNotNil: [evt hand newKeyboardFocus: nil. ^ action value]]. self handleInteraction: [editor keystroke: evt]. self updateFromParagraph. super keyStroke: evt] in TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>keyStroke: ToolRegistry>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke: SmalltalkEditor>>codeCompletionAround:textMorph:keyStroke: TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>keyStroke: TextMorphForEditView>>keyStroke: TextMorphForEditView(TextMorph)>>handleKeystroke: KeyboardEvent>>sentTo: TextMorphForEditView(Morph)>>handleEvent: TextMorphForEditView(Morph)>>handleFocusEvent: [ActiveHand := self. ActiveEvent := anEvent. result := focusHolder handleFocusEvent: (anEvent transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: [aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: BlockClosure>>on:do: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear: HandMorph>>sendKeyboardEvent: HandMorph>>handleEvent: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HandMorph>>processEvents [:h | ActiveHand := h. h processEvents. ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: WorldState>>handsDo: WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: WorldState>>doOneCycleFor: PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle [[World doOneCycle. Processor yield. false] whileFalse. nil] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess [self value. Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: Invalid Comment #1 on issue 4969 by [hidden email]: Calling timeStampString on a MethodReferene throws an exception. In 1.4, MethodReference has been replaced by the Ring Meta-Model... In Ring, the following works: (Integer >> #asInteger) asRingDefinition stamp --> output is '' _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
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