Issue 4990 in pharo: TextMorph successor and predecessor

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Issue 4990 in pharo: TextMorph successor and predecessor

Status: Accepted
Owner: [hidden email]
Labels: Milestone-1.4 Type-Cleanup

New issue 4990 by [hidden email]: TextMorph successor and predecessor

looks like the purpose is to make multiple morphs, displaying
different (but adjacent) portions of one text..

But what i don't understand is what is the practical use of it? Is
there an examples of such use of TextMorph(s)?
As to me this looks a bit of over-enineering:
morph represents a view of some model.
Nothing prevents us from creating multiple different views of same
model (a text in this case). And i don't get, what do we gain by
letting them know about each other.
If there is a need to have a coordination between views, i think it
would be much simpler to have some centralized parent object/morph,
which managing additional complexity related with such

The functionality seems to be working:
  in text morph's halo, click on its menu , and there will be
  'add predecessor'
'add successor'
menu items, which creating a fresh text morphs over same text and put
it in ?hand?

i am clueless, what is purpose of this and whether it belongs to right
place.. that's why i asking.
(i would just throw it away

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Re: Issue 4990 in pharo: TextMorph successor and predecessor


Comment #1 on issue 4990 by [hidden email]: TextMorph successor and  

In the orginal 2.0 Squeak image there was a demo that demonstrated
text filling morphs, with the text flowing between multiple ones.

It is likely that it has never been used outside of this Demo.

The idea was that morphs could be the building blocks of a text layout  
like we see in Pages or Word (or better example  FrameMaker).

So if you want to have two paragraphs on one page, put two textmorphs and
let the text flow beteen them. No model, the morphs are the model and the  
at the same time.

The question is if that is really realistic to build a Rich Text editor  
that way?

> (i would just throw it away


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Re: Issue 4990 in pharo: TextMorph successor and predecessor


Comment #2 on issue 4990 by [hidden email]: TextMorph successor and  

as Igor mentioned yesterday it's useful for long texts.

I would suggest, if the majority don't see the advantage of pred/succ,
to create a subclass


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Re: Issue 4990 in pharo: TextMorph successor and predecessor

        Labels: -Milestone-1.4

Comment #3 on issue 4990 by [hidden email]: TextMorph successor and  

not a showstopper for 1.4

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