Issue 505 in moose-technology: The Smalltalk importer should not populate the default comment in FAMIXClass

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Issue 505 in moose-technology: The Smalltalk importer should not populate the default comment in FAMIXClass

Status: New
Owner: [hidden email]
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-SmalltalkImporter  

New issue 505 by [hidden email]: The Smalltalk importer should not  
populate the default comment in FAMIXClass

The Smalltalk importer sets the comments to a FAMIXClass even if the  
comment is the default one. This is because asking  
ClassDescription>>comment returns the blank comment when empty.

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Re: Issue 505 in moose-technology: The Smalltalk importer should not populate the default comment in FAMIXClass

        Status: Fixed

Comment #1 on issue 505 by [hidden email]: The Smalltalk importer  
should not populate the default comment in FAMIXClass

Fixed in the latest smalltalk importer

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[hidden email]