Status: Accepted
Owner: [hidden email] Labels: Type-Bug New issue 5131 by [hidden email]: Error accepting Trait method referencing undefined class In 1.3: 1. Open OB on a Trait e.g. TEasilyThemed 2. write a new method that references an undefined class e.g. newTextEditor ^ MyNewClass new. 26 December 2011 9:08:20 am VM: Mac OS - intel - 1072 - Croquet Closure Cog VM [CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.139] CogVM VM 4.0.0 Image: Pharo1.3 [Latest update: #13320] Trait(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #possibleVariablesFor:continuedFrom: Receiver: TEasilyThemed Arguments and temporary variables: aMessage: possibleVariablesFor: 'TextEntryBuilder' continuedFrom: a SortedColle...etc... exception: MessageNotUnderstood: Trait>>possibleVariablesFor:continuedFrom: resumeValue: nil Receiver's instance variables: methodDict: a MethodDictionary(size 157) traitComposition: {} localSelectors: nil users: an IdentitySet(ComposableMorph StandardWindow MorphicUIManager GroupWind...etc... organization: ('controls' newAlphaImage:help: newAlphaSelector:getAlpha:setAlph...etc... name: #TEasilyThemed environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals) classTrait: TEasilyThemed classTrait category: #'Polymorph-Widgets' EncoderForV3PlusClosures(Encoder)>>possibleVariablesFor: Receiver: {an EncoderForV3PlusClosures} Arguments and temporary variables: proposedVariable: 'TextEntryBuilder' results: a SortedCollection() Receiver's instance variables: comment: nil pc: nil scopeTable: a Dictionary('false'->{false} 'nil'->{nil} 'self'->{self} 'super'->...etc... nTemps: 0 supered: false requestor: a Parser class: TEasilyThemed selector: #newTextEntry literalStream: a WriteStream #() selectorSet: a Dictionary(#*->{*} #+->{+} #-->{-} #/->{/} #'//'->{//} #<->{<} #...etc... litIndSet: a Dictionary() litSet: a LiteralDictionary(-1->{-1} 0->{0} 1->{1} 2->{2} ) sourceRanges: a Dictionary() globalSourceRanges: an OrderedCollection() addedSelectorAndMethodClassLiterals: false optimizedSelectors: a Set() stream: nil position: nil rootNode: nil blockExtentsToLocals: nil Parser>>possibleVariablesFor: Receiver: a Parser Arguments and temporary variables: proposedVariable: 'TextEntryBuilder' Receiver's instance variables: source: a ReadStream 'newTextEntry ^ TextEntryBuilder new.' mark: 38 hereChar: Character arrowUp aheadChar: Character arrowUp token: #'.' tokenType: #period currentComment: nil buffer: a WriteStream 'new' typeTable: #(#xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xB...etc... here: 'new' hereType: #word hereMark: 35 hereEnd: 37 prevMark: 18 prevEnd: 33 encoder: {an EncoderForV3PlusClosures} requestor: an OBPluggableTextMorph(1043333120) parseNode: nil failBlock: [^ failBlock value] requestorOffset: 0 tempsMark: 16 doitFlag: false properties: an AdditionalMethodState category: #'*PolymorphSpd' UndeclaredVariable>>openMenuIn: Receiver: UndeclaredVariable Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [:labels :lines :caption | UIManager default chooseFrom: labels lin...etc... alternatives: nil labels: nil actions: nil lines: nil caption: nil choice: nil Receiver's instance variables: messageText: nil tag: nil signaler: a Parser signalContext: UndeclaredVariable(Exception)>>signal handlerContext: nil outerContext: nil name: 'TextEntryBuilder' parser: a Parser interval: (18 to: 33) UndeclaredVariable(ParserNotification)>>defaultAction Receiver: UndeclaredVariable Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: messageText: nil tag: nil signaler: a Parser signalContext: UndeclaredVariable(Exception)>>signal handlerContext: nil outerContext: nil name: 'TextEntryBuilder' parser: a Parser interval: (18 to: 33) UndefinedObject>>handleSignal: Receiver: nil Arguments and temporary variables: exception: UndeclaredVariable Receiver's instance variables: nil MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do: Arguments and temporary variables: exception: UndeclaredVariable val: nil Receiver's instance variables: sender: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: pc: 17 stackp: 3 method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(976486400)") closureOrNil: nil receiver: [aBlock value] MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do: Arguments and temporary variables: exception: UndeclaredVariable val: nil Receiver's instance variables: sender: [:def | [def accept: aText notifying: aController] on: OBAnnouncerReq...etc... pc: 17 stackp: 3 method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(976486400)") closureOrNil: nil receiver: [def accept: aText notifying: aController] MethodContext(ContextPart)>>handleSignal: Receiver: BlockClosure>>on:do: Arguments and temporary variables: exception: UndeclaredVariable val: nil Receiver's instance variables: sender: Parser>>parse:class:category:noPattern:context:notifying:ifFail: pc: 17 stackp: 3 method: (BlockClosure>>#on:do: "a CompiledMethod(976486400)") closureOrNil: nil receiver: [methNode := self method: noPattern context: ctxt] UndeclaredVariable(Exception)>>signal Receiver: UndeclaredVariable Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: messageText: nil tag: nil signaler: a Parser signalContext: UndeclaredVariable(Exception)>>signal handlerContext: nil outerContext: nil name: 'TextEntryBuilder' parser: a Parser interval: (18 to: 33) UndeclaredVariable class>>signalFor:name:inRange: Receiver: UndeclaredVariable Arguments and temporary variables: aParser: a Parser aString: 'TextEntryBuilder' anInterval: (18 to: 33) Receiver's instance variables: superclass: ParserNotification methodDict: a MethodDictionary(#openMenuIn:->(UndeclaredVariable>>#openMenuIn: ...etc... format: 148 instanceVariables: #('parser' 'interval') organization: ('as yet unclassified' openMenuIn: setParser:name:range:) subclasses: nil name: #UndeclaredVariable classPool: nil sharedPools: nil environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals) category: #'Compiler-Exceptions' traitComposition: nil localSelectors: nil Parser>>correctVariable:interval: Receiver: a Parser Arguments and temporary variables: proposedVariable: 'TextEntryBuilder' spot: (18 to: 33) tempIvar: false binding: nil userSelection: (26 to: 25) action: nil Receiver's instance variables: source: a ReadStream 'newTextEntry ^ TextEntryBuilder new.' mark: 38 hereChar: Character arrowUp aheadChar: Character arrowUp token: #'.' tokenType: #period currentComment: nil buffer: a WriteStream 'new' typeTable: #(#xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xB...etc... here: 'new' hereType: #word hereMark: 35 hereEnd: 37 prevMark: 18 prevEnd: 33 encoder: {an EncoderForV3PlusClosures} requestor: an OBPluggableTextMorph(1043333120) parseNode: nil failBlock: [^ failBlock value] requestorOffset: 0 tempsMark: 16 doitFlag: false properties: an AdditionalMethodState category: #'*PolymorphSpd' [self correctVariable: varName interval: (varStart to: varEnd)] in Parser>>variable Receiver: a Parser Arguments and temporary variables: varName: 'TextEntryBuilder' varStart: 18 varEnd: 33 Receiver's instance variables: source: a ReadStream 'newTextEntry ^ TextEntryBuilder new.' mark: 38 hereChar: Character arrowUp aheadChar: Character arrowUp token: #'.' tokenType: #period currentComment: nil buffer: a WriteStream 'new' typeTable: #(#xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xB...etc... here: 'new' hereType: #word hereMark: 35 hereEnd: 37 prevMark: 18 prevEnd: 33 encoder: {an EncoderForV3PlusClosures} requestor: an OBPluggableTextMorph(1043333120) parseNode: nil failBlock: [^ failBlock value] requestorOffset: 0 tempsMark: 16 doitFlag: false properties: an AdditionalMethodState category: #'*PolymorphSpd' [(self lookupInPools: name ifFound: [:assoc | varNode := self global: assoc name: name]) ifTrue: [varNode] ifFalse: [^ action value]] in EncoderForV3PlusClosures(Encoder)>>encodeVariable:sourceRange:ifUnknown: Receiver: {an EncoderForV3PlusClosures} Arguments and temporary variables: name: 'TextEntryBuilder' action: [self correctVariable: varName interval: (varStart to: varEnd)] varNode: #(nil) Receiver's instance variables: comment: nil pc: nil scopeTable: a Dictionary('false'->{false} 'nil'->{nil} 'self'->{self} 'super'->...etc... nTemps: 0 supered: false requestor: a Parser class: TEasilyThemed selector: #newTextEntry literalStream: a WriteStream #() selectorSet: a Dictionary(#*->{*} #+->{+} #-->{-} #/->{/} #'//'->{//} #<->{<} #...etc... litIndSet: a Dictionary() litSet: a LiteralDictionary(-1->{-1} 0->{0} 1->{1} 2->{2} ) sourceRanges: a Dictionary() globalSourceRanges: an OrderedCollection() addedSelectorAndMethodClassLiterals: false optimizedSelectors: a Set() stream: nil position: nil rootNode: nil blockExtentsToLocals: nil Dictionary>>at:ifAbsent: Receiver: a Dictionary('false'->{false} 'nil'->{nil} 'self'->{self} 'super'->{super} 'thisContext'->...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: key: 'TextEntryBuilder' aBlock: [(self lookupInPools: name ifFound: [:assoc | varNode := self glo...etc... assoc: nil Receiver's instance variables: tally: 6 array: an Array(nil nil nil 'true'->{true} 'self'->{self} 'false'->{false} 'nil...etc... EncoderForV3PlusClosures(Encoder)>>encodeVariable:sourceRange:ifUnknown: Receiver: {an EncoderForV3PlusClosures} Arguments and temporary variables: name: 'TextEntryBuilder' range: (18 to: 33) action: [self correctVariable: varName interval: (varStart to: varEnd)] varNode: #(nil) Receiver's instance variables: comment: nil pc: nil scopeTable: a Dictionary('false'->{false} 'nil'->{nil} 'self'->{self} 'super'->...etc... nTemps: 0 supered: false requestor: a Parser class: TEasilyThemed selector: #newTextEntry literalStream: a WriteStream #() selectorSet: a Dictionary(#*->{*} #+->{+} #-->{-} #/->{/} #'//'->{//} #<->{<} #...etc... litIndSet: a Dictionary() litSet: a LiteralDictionary(-1->{-1} 0->{0} 1->{1} 2->{2} ) sourceRanges: a Dictionary() globalSourceRanges: an OrderedCollection() addedSelectorAndMethodClassLiterals: false optimizedSelectors: a Set() stream: nil position: nil rootNode: nil blockExtentsToLocals: nil Parser>>variable Receiver: a Parser Arguments and temporary variables: varName: 'TextEntryBuilder' varStart: 18 varEnd: 33 Receiver's instance variables: source: a ReadStream 'newTextEntry ^ TextEntryBuilder new.' mark: 38 hereChar: Character arrowUp aheadChar: Character arrowUp token: #'.' tokenType: #period currentComment: nil buffer: a WriteStream 'new' typeTable: #(#xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xB...etc... here: 'new' hereType: #word hereMark: 35 hereEnd: 37 prevMark: 18 prevEnd: 33 encoder: {an EncoderForV3PlusClosures} requestor: an OBPluggableTextMorph(1043333120) parseNode: nil failBlock: [^ failBlock value] requestorOffset: 0 tempsMark: 16 doitFlag: false properties: an AdditionalMethodState category: #'*PolymorphSpd' Parser>>primaryExpression Receiver: a Parser Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: source: a ReadStream 'newTextEntry ^ TextEntryBuilder new.' mark: 38 hereChar: Character arrowUp aheadChar: Character arrowUp token: #'.' tokenType: #period currentComment: nil buffer: a WriteStream 'new' typeTable: #(#xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xB...etc... here: 'new' hereType: #word hereMark: 35 hereEnd: 37 prevMark: 18 prevEnd: 33 encoder: {an EncoderForV3PlusClosures} requestor: an OBPluggableTextMorph(1043333120) parseNode: nil failBlock: [^ failBlock value] requestorOffset: 0 tempsMark: 16 doitFlag: false properties: an AdditionalMethodState category: #'*PolymorphSpd' Parser>>expression Receiver: a Parser Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: source: a ReadStream 'newTextEntry ^ TextEntryBuilder new.' mark: 38 hereChar: Character arrowUp aheadChar: Character arrowUp token: #'.' tokenType: #period currentComment: nil buffer: a WriteStream 'new' typeTable: #(#xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xBinary #xB...etc... here: 'new' hereType: #word hereMark: 35 hereEnd: 37 prevMark: 18 prevEnd: 33 encoder: {an EncoderForV3PlusClosures} requestor: an OBPluggableTextMorph(1043333120) parseNode: nil failBlock: [^ failBlock value] requestorOffset: 0 tempsMark: 16 doitFlag: false properties: an AdditionalMethodState category: #'*PolymorphSpd' ... _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: FixReviewNeeded Labels: Milestone-2.0 Comment #1 on issue 5131 by [hidden email]: Error accepting Trait method referencing undefined class Slice Name: SLICE-Issue-5131-Error-accepting-Trait-method-referencing-undefined-class-md.1 Author: md Time: 13 July 2012, 5:01:46.834 pm UUID: 25935588-bf95-4600-94a1-243017b50262 Ancestors: Dependencies: Traits-md.427 Issue 5131: Error accepting Trait method referencing undefined class _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: FixToInclude Comment #2 on issue 5131 by [hidden email]: Error accepting Trait method referencing undefined class (No comment was entered for this change.) _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: Integrated Comment #3 on issue 5131 by [hidden email]: Error accepting Trait method referencing undefined class in 2.0 211 _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
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