Issue 5528 in pharo: Compiler wrong for primitive error code when method has blocks with temps

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Issue 5528 in pharo: Compiler wrong for primitive error code when method has blocks with temps

Status: FixReviewNeeded
Owner: [hidden email]
Labels: Type-Bug Milestone-1.4

New issue 5528 by [hidden email]: Compiler wrong for primitive error  
code when method has blocks with temps

The problem is with #newTemp:
used for binding a temporary in a block argument -  [:foo <<< ]

which increments the total number of temps in encoder (nTemps)..

and as result, at the point where #fixTemp: is sent,
the nTemps = 2, while actually should be = 1.
resulting that error code temp having wrong index.
and if you look later, the total number of temps in compiled method
are not based on nTemps variable of encoder, but actually calculated
from scratch:

                                newBytes: blkSize
                                trailerBytes: trailer
                                nArgs: arguments size
                                nTemps: (encoder supportsClosureOpcodes
                                                        ifTrue: [| locals |
                                                                        locals := arguments,
                                                                                                ifNil: [#()]
                                                                                                ifNotNil: [{primErrNode}]).
                                                                                noteBlockExtent: block blockExtent
                                                                                hasLocals: locals.
                                                                        locals size]
                                                        ifFalse: [encoder maxTemp])

here, locals size = 2, not 3
which means, that (storeIntoTemp: 2) won't work, because it lies
outside of method's temps range.

Here's even more crazy... if we compile code like that:

badat: index
        <primitive: 60 error: x >
        [:foo | | xx y z | 5].
        ^ x


<primitive: 60 error: x>
17 <81 45> storeIntoTemp: 5
19 <8F 01 00 05> closureNumCopied: 0 numArgs: 1 bytes 23 to 27
23 <73> pushConstant: nil
24 <73> pushConstant: nil
25 <73> pushConstant: nil
26 <20> pushConstant: 5
27 <7D> blockReturn
28 <87> pop
29 <15> pushTemp: 5
30 <7C> returnTop

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Re: Issue 5528 in pharo: Compiler wrong for primitive error code when method has blocks with temps


Comment #1 on issue 5528 by [hidden email]: Compiler wrong for  
primitive error code when method has blocks with temps


here the fix..
i can't say that i like it.. but it works.

        compiler-errornode-fix.1.cs  2.5 KB

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Re: Issue 5528 in pharo: Compiler wrong for primitive error code when method has blocks with temps

        Status: FixToInclude

Comment #2 on issue 5528 by [hidden email]: Compiler wrong for  
primitive error code when method has blocks with temps

better fix by eliot attached.

Attachments:  2.4 KB

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Re: Issue 5528 in pharo: Compiler wrong for primitive error code when method has blocks with temps

        Status: Integrated

Comment #3 on issue 5528 by [hidden email]: Compiler wrong for  
primitive error code when method has blocks with temps

in 14406

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