Issue 5608 in pharo: ReleaseTest #testObsoleteClasses fails

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Issue 5608 in pharo: ReleaseTest #testObsoleteClasses fails

Status: FailingTest
Owner: [hidden email]
Labels: Type-Bug Milestone-1.4

New issue 5608 by [hidden email]: ReleaseTest #testObsoleteClasses  

Obsolete classes remaining: an Array(AnObsoleteReference)

But the when I download the image and run ReleaseTest, it is green

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Re: Issue 5608 in pharo: ReleaseTest #testObsoleteClasses fails


Comment #1 on issue 5608 by [hidden email]: ReleaseTest  
#testObsoleteClasses fails

maybe we should recompile the image

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Re: Issue 5608 in pharo: ReleaseTest #testObsoleteClasses fails


Comment #2 on issue 5608 by [hidden email]: ReleaseTest  
#testObsoleteClasses fails

This is really strange... if I run this test in the image that is used for  
the test run, it's green.

If I run the test in the image that is saved *after* running the tests, it  
is green.

I really have no clue at all why jenkins sees a failing test.

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Re: Issue 5608 in pharo: ReleaseTest #testObsoleteClasses fails


Comment #3 on issue 5608 by [hidden email]: ReleaseTest  
#testObsoleteClasses fails

I've seen this too.  I think there is something in the image that is  
hanging on to Reference, but (somehow) gets cleaned up during startup or  
GUI initialisation.

If I run "PointerExplorer openOn: (SystemNavigation default obsoleteClasses  
first)" in a startup script, I get an explorer window with a few  
references, but I can't explore any further as the references are cleaned  
up by the time the GUI starts displaying/responding :(

I've attached a script that opens a PointerExplorer and expands all the  
elements to a particular level.  Change the 5 to whatever you want.  Note  
that numbers > 5 take loooooong on my computer.  Hopefully you have  
something faster.

Also, note the #OnceOnly wrapper in the script - startup scripts are  
currently being run 8 times for me (on Linux), but I'll submit another  
issue for that once I have it characterised better.

Attachments:  406 bytes

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Re: Issue 5608 in pharo: ReleaseTest #testObsoleteClasses fails

        Status: Closed

Comment #4 on issue 5608 by [hidden email]: ReleaseTest  
#testObsoleteClasses fails

I downloaded the build, opened and saved the image and used that --> bug  

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