Status: New
Owner: [hidden email] New issue 5625 by [hidden email]: DNU in FileList when clicking on empty space Steps to reproduce: 1. open FileList 2. scroll down to see some empty space below file names 3. click on the empty space The DNU is raised: THERE_BE_DRAGONS_HERE MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "first" is nil 18 April 2012 9:42:06.212 am VM: unix - i686 - linux-gnu - CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.155 uuid: c53d1f34-009e-425c-9f88-398f8d39c5e8 Apr 15 2012, StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.155 uuid: c53d1f34-009e-425c-9f88-398f8d39c5e8 Apr 15 2012, Commit: 043d256c0d39b78e04db8608c0ebfbf096223a3f Date: Sun Apr 15 14:18:12 2012 +0200 By: Guille <[hidden email]> Image: Pharo1.4a [Latest update: #14433] UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #first Receiver: nil Arguments and temporary variables: aMessage: first exception: MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "first" is nil resumeValue: nil Receiver's instance variables: nil FileList>>findFileListIndex: Receiver: a FileList Arguments and temporary variables: aMorphTreeSelectionChanged: a MorphTreeSelectionChanged node: nil Receiver's instance variables: dependents: a DependentsArray(a SystemWindow(346554368) a SearchMorph(958660608...etc... reference: /home/krivanek/Stažené/cog volumeList: #('[]' ' home' ' krivanek' ' Stažené' ' cog') volumeListIndex: 5 list: an Array(/home/krivanek/Stažené/cog/CogVM /home/krivanek/Stažené/cog/Deja...etc... listIndex: 0 pattern: nil sortMode: #date brevityState: #FileList currentDirectorySelected: nil dirSelectionBlock: [:dirName | true] modalView: nil ok: false contents: 'NO FILE SELECTED -- Folder Summary -- CogVM DejaVuSans.ttf Pharo-1...etc... optionalButtonSpecs: nil grid: a MorphTreeMorph(210501632) fileEncoding: nil sortBlock: [:x :y | | xIsDir | (xIsDir := x isDirectory) = y isDirectory ifTr...etc... MessageSend>>value: Receiver: MessageSend(#findFileListIndex: -> a FileList) Arguments and temporary variables: anObject: a MorphTreeSelectionChanged Receiver's instance variables: receiver: a FileList selector: #findFileListIndex: arguments: #() MessageSend>>cull: Receiver: MessageSend(#findFileListIndex: -> a FileList) Arguments and temporary variables: arg: a MorphTreeSelectionChanged Receiver's instance variables: receiver: a FileList selector: #findFileListIndex: arguments: #() MessageSend>>cull:cull: Receiver: MessageSend(#findFileListIndex: -> a FileList) Arguments and temporary variables: arg1: a MorphTreeSelectionChanged arg2: an Announcer Receiver's instance variables: receiver: a FileList selector: #findFileListIndex: arguments: #() [action cull: anAnnouncement cull: announcer] in AnnouncementSubscription>>deliver: Receiver: an AnnouncementSubscription Arguments and temporary variables: anAnnouncement: a MorphTreeSelectionChanged Receiver's instance variables: announcer: an Announcer announcementClass: MorphTreeSelectionChanged subscriber: a FileList action: MessageSend(#findFileListIndex: -> a FileList) BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: [action cull: anAnnouncement cull: announcer] Arguments and temporary variables: exception: UnhandledError handlerAction: [:ex | | copy onDoCtx process handler bottom thisCtx | onDoCtx ...etc... handlerActive: false Receiver's instance variables: outerContext: AnnouncementSubscription>>deliver: startpc: 52 numArgs: 0 [Processor terminateActive] in [:ex | | copy onDoCtx process handler bottom thisCtx | onDoCtx := thisContext. thisCtx := onDoCtx home. [onDoCtx sender == thisCtx] whileFalse: [onDoCtx := onDoCtx sender. onDoCtx ifNil: [^ handlerAction cull: ex]]. bottom := [Processor terminateActive] asContext. onDoCtx privSender: bottom. handler := [handlerAction cull: ex] asContext. handler privSender: thisContext sender. (Process forContext: handler priority: Processor activePriority) resume. thisContext privSender: thisCtx. nil] in BlockClosure>>on:fork: Receiver: [action cull: anAnnouncement cull: announcer] Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: outerContext: AnnouncementSubscription>>deliver: startpc: 52 numArgs: 0 --- The full stack --- UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #first FileList>>findFileListIndex: MessageSend>>value: MessageSend>>cull: MessageSend>>cull:cull: [action cull: anAnnouncement cull: announcer] in AnnouncementSubscription>>deliver: BlockClosure>>on:do: [Processor terminateActive] in [:ex | | copy onDoCtx process handler bottom thisCtx | onDoCtx := thisContext. thisCtx := onDoCtx home. [onDoCtx sender == thisCtx] whileFalse: [onDoCtx := onDoCtx sender. onDoCtx ifNil: [^ handlerAction cull: ex]]. bottom := [Processor terminateActive] asContext. onDoCtx privSender: bottom. handler := [handlerAction cull: ex] asContext. handler privSender: thisContext sender. (Process forContext: handler priority: Processor activePriority) resume. thisContext privSender: thisCtx. nil] in BlockClosure>>on:fork: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: FixReviewNeeded Comment #1 on issue 5625 by [hidden email]: DNU in FileList when clicking on empty space SLICE-Issue-5625-DNU-in-FileList-when-clicking-on-empty-space-PavelKrivanek.1 _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Labels: Type-Bug Milestone-2.0 Comment #2 on issue 5625 by [hidden email]: DNU in FileList when clicking on empty space (No comment was entered for this change.) _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: Integrated Comment #3 on issue 5625 by [hidden email]: DNU in FileList when clicking on empty space in 2.0 208 _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
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