Status: Accepted
Owner: [hidden email] Labels: Type-Bug Milestone-2.0 New issue 5905 by [hidden email]: SegFault while installing a package Segmentation fault Tue May 15 17:37:16 2012 Squeak VM version: 3.9-7 #1 mer avr 25 16:15:06 CEST 2012 version 4.1.2 Built from: CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.157 uuid: a0bb1fe3-aac7-084b-8d5b-2252b9cf5b05 Apr 25 2012 With: StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.157 uuid: a0bb1fe3-aac7-084b-8d5b-2252b9cf5b05 Apr 25 2012 Revision: Commit: bbdee072a27d9021067cc3f4d2726bbd542a67ed Date: Wed Apr 25 15:38:04 2012 +0200 By: Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> Build host: Linux 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5xen #1 SMP Tue Nov 9 14:13:46 EST 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux plugin path: /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/ [default: /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/] C stack backtrace: /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8097301] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x809748c] [0xb770940c] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8071d62] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8071e8d] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x80836e1] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM(incrementalGC+0xbe)[0x8083e9e] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x808435f] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8087251] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8087431] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM(ceStackOverflow+0x62)[0x8087f32] [0x7707f22e] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8091324] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM(main+0x38a)[0x809819a] /lib/i386-linux-gnu/[0xb75184d3] Smalltalk stack dump: 0xbfa6fe00 M ZnLimitedReadStream>next 2028444060: a(n) ZnLimitedReadStream 0xbfa6fe24 M ZnUTF8Encoder>nextFromStream: 2028444084: a(n) ZnUTF8Encoder 0xbfa6fe48 M [] in ZnStringEntity>readLimitedFrom: 2028444036: a(n) ZnStringEntity 0xbfa6fe68 M String class(SequenceableCollection class)>new:streamContents: 2003029960: a(n) String class 0xbfa6fe88 M String class(SequenceableCollection class)>streamContents: 2003029960: a(n) String class 0xbfa6feb4 I ZnStringEntity>readLimitedFrom: 2028444036: a(n) ZnStringEntity 0xbfa6fed8 I ZnStringEntity>readFrom: 2028444036: a(n) ZnStringEntity 0xbfa6ff00 I ZnEntity class>readFrom:usingType:andLength: 2003155900: a(n) ZnEntity class 0xbfa6ff3c I ZnEntityReader>readEntityFromStream 2028443900: a(n) ZnEntityReader 0xbfa6ff60 I ZnEntityReader>readEntity 2028443900: a(n) ZnEntityReader 0xbfa6ff84 I ZnResponse(ZnMessage)>readEntityFrom: 2028435260: a(n) ZnResponse 0xbfa6ffa8 I ZnResponse>readEntityFrom: 2028435260: a(n) ZnResponse 0xbfa6ffcc I ZnResponse(ZnMessage)>readFrom: 2028435260: a(n) ZnResponse 0xbfa6fff4 I ZnResponse class(ZnMessage class)>readFrom: 2003156944: a(n) ZnResponse class 0xbfa70018 I ZnClient>executeRequestResponse 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa70030 M [] in ZnClient>getConnectionAndExecute 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa70050 M BlockClosure>ensure: 2028435132: a(n) BlockClosure 0xbfa7006c M ZnClient>getConnectionAndExecute 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa70084 M ZnClient>executeWithRedirectsRemaining: 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa700a0 M [] in ZnClient>executeWithRetriesRemaining: 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa700bc M BlockClosure>on:do: 2028430372: a(n) BlockClosure 0xbfa700dc M ZnClient>executeWithRetriesRemaining: 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa700fc M [] in ZnClient>executeWithRetriesRemaining: 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa70118 M BlockClosure>cull: 2028429592: a(n) BlockClosure 0xbfa70138 M [] in MethodContext(ContextPart)>handleSignal: 2028430060: a(n) MethodContext 0xbfa70158 M BlockClosure>ensure: 2028430244: a(n) BlockClosure 0xbfa70178 M MethodContext(ContextPart)>handleSignal: 2028430060: a(n) MethodContext 0xbfa70194 M HTTPProgress(Exception)>signal 2028429656: a(n) HTTPProgress 0xbfa701ac M HTTPProgress(Exception)>signal: 2028429656: a(n) HTTPProgress 0xbfa701c8 M HTTPProgress class(Exception class)>signal: 2003151160: a(n) HTTPProgress class 0xbfa701ec I ZnClient>getConnectionAndExecute 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa70204 M ZnClient>executeWithRedirectsRemaining: 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa70220 M [] in ZnClient>executeWithRetriesRemaining: 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa7023c M BlockClosure>on:do: 2028429576: a(n) BlockClosure 0xbfa7025c M ZnClient>executeWithRetriesRemaining: 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa70284 I [] in ZnClient>executeWithRetriesRemaining: 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa702a0 M BlockClosure>cull: 2028428584: a(n) BlockClosure 0xbfa702c0 M [] in MethodContext(ContextPart)>handleSignal: 2028429052: a(n) MethodContext 0xbfa702e0 M BlockClosure>ensure: 2028429236: a(n) BlockClosure 0xbfa70300 M MethodContext(ContextPart)>handleSignal: 2028429052: a(n) MethodContext 0xbfa70324 I HTTPProgress(Exception)>signal 2028428648: a(n) HTTPProgress 0xbfa70344 I HTTPProgress(Exception)>signal: 2028428648: a(n) HTTPProgress 0xbfa70368 I HTTPProgress class(Exception class)>signal: 2003151160: a(n) HTTPProgress class 0xbfa7038c I ZnClient>getConnectionAndExecute 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa703ac I ZnClient>executeWithRedirectsRemaining: 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa703d0 I [] in ZnClient>executeWithRetriesRemaining: 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa703ec M BlockClosure>on:do: 2028428568: a(n) BlockClosure 0xbfa70414 I ZnClient>executeWithRetriesRemaining: 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa70430 M [] in ZnClient>executeWithTimeout 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa7044c M BlockClosure>on:do: 2028428384: a(n) BlockClosure 0xbfa70474 I [] in ZnClient>executeWithTimeout 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa70498 I [] in ZnClient>withTimeoutDo: 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa704c4 I [] in ZnConnectionTimeout(DynamicVariable)>value:during: 2001403180: a(n) ZnConnectionTimeout 0xbfa704e4 M BlockClosure>ensure: 2028428240: a(n) BlockClosure 0xbfa70510 I ZnConnectionTimeout(DynamicVariable)>value:during: 2001403180: a(n) ZnConnectionTimeout 0xbfa70538 I ZnConnectionTimeout class(DynamicVariable class)>value:during: 2003164524: a(n) ZnConnectionTimeout class 0xbfa70560 I ZnClient>withTimeoutDo: 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa70584 I ZnClient>executeWithTimeout 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa705ac I ZnClient>execute 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa705cc I ZnClient>get 2028427120: a(n) ZnClient 0xbfa705f0 I [] in MCHttpRepository>allFileNames 2028422884: a(n) MCHttpRepository 0xbfa6ed70 M [] in MCHttpRepository>displayProgress:during: 2028422884: a(n) MCHttpRepository 0xbfa6ed8c M BlockClosure>on:do: 2028427072: a(n) BlockClosure 0xbfa6edbc I [] in MCHttpRepository>displayProgress:during: 2028422884: a(n) MCHttpRepository 0xbfa6ede0 M [] in ProgressInitiationException>defaultMorphicAction 2028425212: a(n) ProgressInitiationException 0xbfa6edfc M BlockClosure>on:do: 2028426936: a(n) BlockClosure 0xbfa6ee2c I [] in ProgressInitiationException>defaultMorphicAction 2028425212: a(n) ProgressInitiationException 0xbfa6ee4c M BlockClosure>ensure: 2028426800: a(n) BlockClosure 0xbfa6ee78 I ProgressInitiationException>defaultMorphicAction 2028425212: a(n) ProgressInitiationException 0xbfa6ee98 I MorphicUIManager>progressInitiationExceptionDefaultAction: 1999436756: a(n) MorphicUIManager 0xbfa6eebc I ProgressInitiationException>defaultAction 2028425212: a(n) ProgressInitiationException 0xbfa6eed8 M UndefinedObject>handleSignal: 1998057476: a(n) UndefinedObject 0xbfa6eef8 M MethodContext(ContextPart)>handleSignal: 2028425904: a(n) MethodContext 0xbfa6ef18 M MethodContext(ContextPart)>handleSignal: 2028425812: a(n) MethodContext 0xbfa6ef38 M MethodContext(ContextPart)>handleSignal: 2028425720: a(n) MethodContext 0xbfa6ef60 I MethodContext(ContextPart)>handleSignal: 2028425628: a(n) MethodContext 0xbfa6ef84 I ProgressInitiationException(Exception)>signal 2028425212: a(n) ProgressInitiationException 0xbfa6efa4 I ProgressInitiationException>display:at:from:to:during: 2028425212: a(n) ProgressInitiationException 0xbfa6efd8 I ProgressInitiationException class>display:at:from:to:during: 2003151416: a(n) ProgressInitiationException class 0xbfa6f00c I MorphicUIManager>displayProgress:from:to:during: 1999436756: a(n) MorphicUIManager 0xbfa6f040 I MCHttpRepository>displayProgress:during: 2028422884: a(n) MCHttpRepository 0xbfa6f06c I MCHttpRepository>allFileNames 2028422884: a(n) MCHttpRepository 0xbfa6f08c I MCHttpRepository(MCFileBasedRepository)>allFileNamesOrCache 2028422884: a(n) MCHttpRepository 0xbfa6f0b0 M MCHttpRepository(MCFileBasedRepository)>readableFileNames 2028422884: a(n) MCHttpRepository 0xbfa6f0c8 M MCHttpRepository(MCFileBasedRepository)>allVersionNames 2028422884: a(n) MCHttpRepository 0xbfa6f0e0 M [] in MCHttpRepository(MCFileBasedRepository)>goferReferences 2028422884: a(n) MCHttpRepository 0xbfa6f0fc M BlockClosure>on:do: 2028424864: a(n) BlockClosure 0xbfa6f120 M MCHttpRepository(MCFileBasedRepository)>goferReferences 2028422884: a(n) MCHttpRepository 0xbfa6f13c M [] in Gofer>basicReferencesIn: 2028423028: a(n) Gofer 0xbfa6f158 M BlockClosure>on:do: 2028424752: a(n) BlockClosure 0xbfa6f178 M Gofer>basicReferencesIn: 2028423028: a(n) Gofer 0xbfa6f198 M [] in Gofer>allResolvedIn: 2028423028: a(n) Gofer 0xbfa6f1c0 M [] in Dictionary>at:ifAbsentPut: 2028423588: a(n) Dictionary 0xbfa6f1dc M Dictionary>at:ifAbsent: 2028423588: a(n) Dictionary 0xbfa6f1fc M Dictionary>at:ifAbsentPut: 2028423588: a(n) Dictionary 0xbfa6f21c M Gofer>allResolvedIn: 2028423028: a(n) Gofer 0xbfa6f248 I [] in Gofer>allResolved 2028423028: a(n) Gofer 0xbfa6f26c M Array(SequenceableCollection)>do: 2028423460: a(n) Array 0xbfa6f294 I Gofer>allResolved 2028423028: a(n) Gofer 0xbfa6f2b4 I GoferPackageReference(GoferReference)>resolveAllWith: 2028423016: a(n) GoferPackageReference 0xbfa6f2dc I GoferPackageReference(GoferReference)>resolveWith: 2028423016: a(n) GoferPackageReference 0xbfa6f300 I [] in Gofer>resolved 2028423028: a(n) Gofer 0xbfa6f330 M Array(SequenceableCollection)>collect: 2028423272: a(n) Array 0xbfa6f354 I Gofer>resolved 2028423028: a(n) Gofer 0xbfa6f374 I GoferLoad>initializeOn: 2028423184: a(n) GoferLoad 0xbfa6f398 I GoferLoad class(GoferOperation class)>on: 2003101568: a(n) GoferLoad class 0xbfa6f3c4 I Gofer>execute:do: 2028422612: a(n) Gofer 0xbfa6f3ec I Gofer>execute: 2028422612: a(n) Gofer 0xbfa6f410 I Gofer>load 2028422612: a(n) Gofer 0xbfa6f42c M [] in ConfigurationOfCI class>ensureMetacello 2024522820: a(n) ConfigurationOfCI class 0xbfa6f448 M BlockClosure>cull: 2028422592: a(n) BlockClosure 0xbfa6f468 M SystemDictionary(Dictionary)>at:ifPresent: 1999386400: a(n) SystemDictionary 0xbfa6f490 I SmalltalkImage>at:ifPresent: 2010153420: a(n) SmalltalkImage 0xbfa6f4b8 I [] in ConfigurationOfCI class>ensureMetacello 2024522820: a(n) ConfigurationOfCI class 0xbfa6f4d4 M SystemDictionary(Dictionary)>at:ifAbsent: 1999386400: a(n) SystemDictionary 0xbfa6f4fc I SmalltalkImage>at:ifAbsent: 2010153420: a(n) SmalltalkImage 0xbfa6f524 I ConfigurationOfCI class>ensureMetacello 2024522820: a(n) ConfigurationOfCI class 0xbfa6f548 I ConfigurationOfCI>project 2028422384: a(n) ConfigurationOfCI 0xbfa6f568 I ConfigurationOfCI class>project 2024522820: a(n) ConfigurationOfCI class 0xbfa6f588 I ConfigurationOfCI class>load 2024522820: a(n) ConfigurationOfCI class 0xbfa6f5a0 M UndefinedObject>? 1998057476: a(n) UndefinedObject 0xbfa6f5d8 I Compiler>evaluate:in:to:notifying:ifFail:logged: 2028419340: a(n) Compiler Segmentation fault Tue May 15 17:37:16 2012 Squeak VM version: 3.9-7 #1 mer avr 25 16:15:06 CEST 2012 version 4.1.2 Built from: CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.157 uuid: a0bb1fe3-aac7-084b-8d5b-2252b9cf5b05 Apr 25 2012 With: StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.157 uuid: a0bb1fe3-aac7-084b-8d5b-2252b9cf5b05 Apr 25 2012 Revision: Commit: bbdee072a27d9021067cc3f4d2726bbd542a67ed Date: Wed Apr 25 15:38:04 2012 +0200 By: Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> Build host: Linux 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5xen #1 SMP Tue Nov 9 14:13:46 EST 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux plugin path: /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/ [default: /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/] C stack backtrace: /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8097301] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x809748c] [0xb770940c] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8097415] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x809748c] [0xb770940c] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8071d62] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8071e8d] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x80836e1] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM(incrementalGC+0xbe)[0x8083e9e] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x808435f] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8087251] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8087431] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM(ceStackOverflow+0x62)[0x8087f32] [0x7707f22e] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8091324] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM(main+0x38a)[0x809819a] /lib/i386-linux-gnu/[0xb75184d3] Most recent primitives at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: 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at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: (Segmentation fault) Segmentation fault Tue May 15 17:37:16 2012 Squeak VM version: 3.9-7 #1 mer avr 25 16:15:06 CEST 2012 version 4.1.2 Built from: CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.157 uuid: a0bb1fe3-aac7-084b-8d5b-2252b9cf5b05 Apr 25 2012 With: StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.157 uuid: a0bb1fe3-aac7-084b-8d5b-2252b9cf5b05 Apr 25 2012 Revision: Commit: bbdee072a27d9021067cc3f4d2726bbd542a67ed Date: Wed Apr 25 15:38:04 2012 +0200 By: Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> Build host: Linux 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5xen #1 SMP Tue Nov 9 14:13:46 EST 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux plugin path: /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/ [default: /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/] C stack backtrace: /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8097301] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x80974a2] [0xb770940c] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8097415] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x809748c] [0xb770940c] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8071d62] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8071e8d] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x80836e1] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM(incrementalGC+0xbe)[0x8083e9e] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x808435f] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8087251] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8087431] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM(ceStackOverflow+0x62)[0x8087f32] [0x7707f22e] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM[0x8091324] /home/cassou/Documents/squeak/vms/Cog/CogVM(main+0x38a)[0x809819a] /lib/i386-linux-gnu/[0xb75184d3] Most recent primitives at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: at:put: 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Comment #1 on issue 5905 by [hidden email]: SegFault while installing a package I don't see what you were trying to do exactly ;-) But from the stacktrace I can see that you were doing a MC load using Zn. I can see that Zn is doing UTF-8 decoding, which should not happen since .mcz files are binary. It might be that the repository you are loading from serves the .mcz files with the wrong mime-type. But it could be something completely different as well ;-) Sven _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #2 on issue 5905 by [hidden email]: SegFault while installing a package I was trying to install CI using the following recipe and am not able to reproduce. Gofer new url: ''; package: 'CI'; package: 'CI-Core'; package: 'Ci-Integration'; package: 'CI-Loader'; package: 'ConfigurationOfCI'; load _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: WontFix Comment #3 on issue 5905 by [hidden email]: SegFault while installing a package as it is not reproducible, I close it for now (it stays available for searching) _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
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