Status: Accepted
Owner: [hidden email] Labels: Type-Bug New issue 6016 by [hidden email]: privateAnnouncer is not used and this is not good PackageOrganizer should register to the private Announcer of SystemAnnoucement. Now we recently changed it to register to the public one See announcer "PRIVATE - Do not use this announcer to register to receive events. Use SystemAnnouncer instead" ^ SystemAnnouncer announcer Now it should be announcer "PRIVATE - Do not use this announcer to register to receive events. Use SystemAnnouncer instead" ^ SystemAnnouncer privateAnnouncer It measn that some tests should adapt their setup and teardown RPackageTestCase>>initializeAnnouncers oldMCAnnouncer := SystemAnnouncer announcer. SystemAnnouncer announcer: SystemAnnouncer new. oldPrivateAnnouncer := SystemAnnouncer privateAnnouncer. SystemAnnouncer privateAnnouncer: SystemAnnouncer new. RPackageTestCase>>restoreAnnouncers SystemAnnouncer announcer: oldMCAnnouncer. SystemAnnouncer privateAnnouncer: oldPrivateAnnouncer. SystemNavigationTestsetUp>> super setUp. oldMonticelloAnnouncer := SystemAnnouncer announcer. SystemAnnouncer announcer: nil. oldPrivateAnnouncer := SystemAnnouncer announcer. SystemAnnouncer privateAnnouncer: nil. navigator := self createSystemNavigationToTest. classFactory := self createClassFactory. RPackageTestCase>>tearDown super tearDown. self classFactory cleanUp. SystemAnnouncer announcer: oldMonticelloAnnouncer. SystemAnnouncer privateAnnouncer: oldPrivateAnnouncer TraitsResource>>setUp "Please note, that most tests rely on this setup of traits and classes - and that especially the order of the definitions matters." "SetUpCount := SetUpCount + 1." dirty := false. oldAnnouncer := SystemAnnouncer announcer. oldPrivateAnnouncer := SystemAnnouncer privateAnnouncer. SystemAnnouncer announcer: nil. SystemAnnouncer privateAnnouncer: nil. SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance doSilently: [self t1: (self createTraitNamed: #T1 uses: { }). self t1 comment: 'I am the trait T1'. self t2: (self createTraitNamed: #T2 uses: { }). self t2 compile: 'm21 ^21' classified: #cat1. self t2 compile: 'm22 ^22' classified: #cat2. self t2 classSide compile: 'm2ClassSide: a ^a'. self t3: (self createTraitNamed: #T3 uses: { }). self t3 compile: 'm31 ^31' classified: #cat1. self t3 compile: 'm32 ^32' classified: #cat2. self t3 compile: 'm33 ^33' classified: #cat3. self t4: (self createTraitNamed: #T4 uses: { (self t1). (self t2) }). self t4 compile: 'm11 ^41' classified: #catX. "overrides T1>>m11" self t4 compile: 'm42 ^42' classified: #cat2. self t5: (self createTraitNamed: #T5 uses: self t1 + self t2). self t5 compile: 'm51 ^super foo' classified: #cat1. self t5 compile: 'm52 ^ self class bar' classified: #cat1. self t5 compile: 'm53 ^ self class bar' classified: #cat1. self t6: (self createTraitNamed: #T6 uses: (self t1 + self t2) @ { (#m22Alias -> #m22) }). self c1: (self createClassNamed: #C1 superclass: Object uses: { }). self c1 compile: 'foo ^true' classified: #accessing. self t1 compile: 'm11 ^11' classified: #cat1. self t1 compile: 'm12 ^12' classified: #cat2. self t1 compile: 'm13 ^self m12' classified: #cat3. self c2: (self createClassNamed: #C2 superclass: self c1 uses: self t5 - { #m11 }). self c2 compile: 'foo ^false' classified: #private. self c2 compile: 'bar ^self foo' classified: #private. self setUpTrivialRequiresFixture. self setUpTwoLevelRequiresFixture. self setUpTranslatingRequiresFixture]. SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance notify: self ofAllSystemChangesUsing: #codeChangedEvent: _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Labels: Milestone-2.0 Comment #1 on issue 6016 by [hidden email]: privateAnnouncer is not used and this is not good tearDown SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance noMoreNotificationsFor: self. self createdClassesAndTraits do: [ :aClassOrTrait | | behaviorName | behaviorName := aClassOrTrait name. Smalltalk globals at: behaviorName ifPresent: [ :classOrTrait | classOrTrait removeFromSystem ]. ChangeSet current removeClassChanges: behaviorName ]. createdClassesAndTraits := self t1: (self t2: (self t3: (self t4: (self t5: (self t6: (self c1: (self c2: (self c3: (self c4: (self c5: (self c6: (self c7: (self c8: nil))))))))))))). SystemAnnouncer announcer: oldAnnouncer. SystemAnnouncer privateAnnouncer: oldPrivateAnnouncer. and TraitsTestCase>>setUp super setUp. oldAnnouncer := SystemAnnouncer announcer. oldPrivateAnnouncer := SystemAnnouncer privateAnnouncer. SystemAnnouncer announcer: nil. SystemAnnouncer privateAnnouncer: nil. TraisTestCase>>tearDown TraitsResource resetIfDirty. self createdClassesAndTraits do: [ :aClassOrTrait | | behaviorName | behaviorName := aClassOrTrait name. Smalltalk globals at: behaviorName ifPresent: [ :classOrTrait | classOrTrait removeFromSystem ]. ChangeSet current removeClassChanges: behaviorName ]. createdClassesAndTraits := nil. SystemAnnouncer announcer: oldAnnouncer. SystemAnnouncer privateAnnouncer: oldPrivateAnnouncer. Now I do not understand but when I do that I get a lot of error in the teardown of MCSynchronisationTest because the category is already removed. and I do not understand why.... _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #2 on issue 6016 by [hidden email]: privateAnnouncer is not used and this is not good I'll have a look. Now, I think we should find a real solution for Silent Tests. Because we will have to add those 10 lines of code to the tearDown and setUp of every test creating a class. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #3 on issue 6016 by [hidden email]: privateAnnouncer is not used and this is not good I found the problem this was another mistake. So I will integrate these changes _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #4 on issue 6016 by [hidden email]: privateAnnouncer is not used and this is not good Steph, restoring the privateAnnouncer thingy + modifying this method (prior downloading slice for issue 5977 for traits ;)). RpackageMCSynchronizationTests>>restoreAnnouncers super restoreAnnouncers. MCWorkingCopy announcer: oldAnnouncer. gives me no errors, just one failure on testInvariant Now I'm running the whole tests of the image to look for any other side effects _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #5 on issue 6016 by [hidden email]: privateAnnouncer is not used and this is not good in 20107 Attachments: FixingPrivateAnnouncer.2.cs 2.4 KB _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #6 on issue 6016 by [hidden email]: privateAnnouncer is not used and this is not good Look there is a bug in SystemNavigationTest>>setUp oldPrivateAnnouncer := SystemAnnouncer announcer. should be oldPrivateAnnouncer := SystemAnnouncer privateAnnouncer. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #7 on issue 6016 by [hidden email]: privateAnnouncer is not used and this is not good Yes I fixed now in 20103 _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #8 on issue 6016 by [hidden email]: privateAnnouncer is not used and this is not good Guille I also added RPackageTestCase>>initializeAnnouncers oldMCAnnouncer := SystemAnnouncer announcer. SystemAnnouncer announcer: SystemAnnouncer new. oldPrivateAnnouncer := SystemAnnouncer privateAnnouncer. SystemAnnouncer privateAnnouncer: SystemAnnouncer new. and RPackageTestCase>>restoreAnnouncers SystemAnnouncer announcer: oldMCAnnouncer. SystemAnnouncer privateAnnouncer: oldPrivateAnnouncer. _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: Integrated Comment #9 on issue 6016 by [hidden email]: privateAnnouncer is not used and this is not good In 20123 _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
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