Status: Accepted
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Labels: Type-Bug Milestone-2.0
New issue 6018 by
[hidden email]: Fixing MCSynchronisationTest is one of the new definition but it does not solve many problems
RPackageOrganizer>>systemMethodAddedActionFrom: ann
|class selector protocol method rPackage |
'methodAdded' crLog.
class := ann itemClass.
protocol := ann itemProtocol.
selector := ann itemSelector.
method := ann itemMethod.
(protocol beginsWith: '*') "we should pattern search the right package but
for now let us do it simply"
ifTrue: [ rPackage := packages at: (protocol copyWithout: $*) asSymbol]
ifFalse: [ rPackage := class package ].
class isTrait
ifTrue: [
"we do not use addMethod: since the method class is probably the trait
user class and not the trait.
So we would be adding the method in the package of the class using the
trait instead of the one of the trait."
class isMeta
ifTrue: [rPackage addSelector: selector ofMetaclassName: class
instanceSide name]
ifFalse: [rPackage addSelector: selector ofClassName: class
instanceSide name] ]
ifFalse: [ rPackage addMethod: method
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