Labels: Importance-High
Comment #1 on issue 6042 by
[hidden email]: CompiledMethod>>#comment
method is not working
http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=6042It seams that Parser is broken ...
In firstPrecodeCommentFor: selector
"If there is a comment in the source code at the given selector that
preceeds the body of the method, return it here, else return nil"
"Behavior firstPrecodeCommentFor: #firstPrecodeCommentFor:"
| parser source tree |
(#(#Comment #Definition #Hierarchy ) includes: selector) ifTrue:
[ "Not really a selector"
^ nil ].
source := self
sourceCodeAt: selector asSymbol
ifAbsent: [ ^ nil ].
parser := self parserClass new.
tree := parser
parse: source readStream
class: self
noPattern: false
context: nil
notifying: nil
ifFail: [ ^ nil ].
^ (tree comment ifNil: [ ^ nil ]) first
tree comment return the first argument of the method or the selector if no
argument ...
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