Status: FixReviewNeeded
Owner: marianopeck
Labels: Type-Cleanup Milestone-2.0
New issue 6103 by marianopeck: DataStream doesn't want to die I will kill it anyway.
So removing 'System-Object Storage' didn't work. I did:
ScriptLoader new deletePackageNamed: 'System-Object Storage'.
Now the MCWorkingCopy is removed (I don't see the package in Monticello
Browser), but I can still browse the class DataStream, and the package is
available from Nautilus.
Now if I do:
RPackageOrganizer default unregisterPackageNamed: #'System-Object Storage'
I don't see the package in Nautilus, but the class "DataStream" is still
alive. I can do "DataStream name -> #DataStream" I browse it
with Nautilus I don't see the class but the category _UnpackagedPackage.. kill it, the way I found to do it is:
DataStream removeFromSystem.
RPackageOrganizer default unregisterPackageNamed: #'System-Object Storage'.
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