Issue 612 in moose-technology: [Glamour] Tags do not play well with trees

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Issue 612 in moose-technology: [Glamour] Tags do not play well with trees

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 612 by [hidden email]: [Glamour] Tags do not play well  
with trees

With the following browser:

1- Open the 'odd' root node
2- Click the 'odd' tag
3- Open the 'some' root node
4- You will see some nodes that don't have the 'odd' tag which may be a bug
5- Click the 'even' tag
6- You won't see anything anymore as they are no number which is  
both 'even' and 'odd' ; there is no way to go back

        <glmBrowser: 'Tree withTags' input: '(1 to: 10)'>
                self new treeWithTags openOn: #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
        |browser model|
        model := Dictionary new.
        model at: #some put: #(1 2 3 4).
        model at: #even put: #(2 6 8).
        model at: #odd put: #(3 7 9).
        browser := GLMTabulator new.
        browser column: #one.
        browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [ :a |
                browser tree
                        display: [model keys];
                        children: [:key | key isNumber ifFalse: [model at: key] ];
                        tags: [:item | item isNumber ifTrue: [item even ifTrue: [#('even')]  
ifFalse: [#('odd')]] ifFalse: [#()]]].
        ^ browser

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Re: Issue 612 in moose-technology: [Glamour] Tags do not play well with trees


Comment #1 on issue 612 by [hidden email]: [Glamour] Tags do not  
play well with trees

Name: Glamour-Examples-DamienCassou.176
Author: DamienCassou
Time: 2 May 2011, 8:40:46 am
UUID: c34316aa-1a2f-4eef-aa51-ec772a5e8099
Ancestors: Glamour-Examples-TudorGirba.175

- Implement another tree with tags, but this one includes subelements in  
the tree (it's not just a list of nodes). Shows issue #612

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Re: Issue 612 in moose-technology: [Glamour] Tags do not play well with trees

        Labels: Component-Glamour

Comment #2 on issue 612 by [hidden email]: [Glamour] Tags do not  
play well with trees

This is indeed a known bug, but I do not know how to fix it. And it's not  
because I did not try :). I will try to try again at some point.

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Re: Issue 612 in moose-technology: [Glamour] Tags do not play well with trees


Comment #3 on issue 612 by [hidden email]: [Glamour] Tags do not  
play well with trees

Could you please give more details about what you know? Is it something  
related to the morphic tree widget or to Glamour?

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Re: Issue 612 in moose-technology: [Glamour] Tags do not play well with trees


Comment #4 on issue 612 by [hidden email]: [Glamour] Tags do not  
play well with trees

The problem is in the Morphic rendering of Glamour: in GLMTreeMorphModel  
and GLMTreeMorphNodeModel. Specifically,  
GLMTreeMorphModel>>toggleFilteringByTag: is the root of the algorithm that  
should decide which nodes should be visible and which should not.

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Re: Issue 612 in moose-technology: [Glamour] Tags do not play well with trees


Comment #5 on issue 612 by [hidden email]: [Glamour] Tags do not  
play well with trees

Damien, would you like to look into this?

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Re: Issue 612 in moose-technology: [Glamour] Tags do not play well with trees

        Status: Started
        Owner: [hidden email]
        Cc: [hidden email]

Comment #6 on issue 612 by [hidden email]: [Glamour] Tags do not  
play well with trees

Do you think the following unit test correctly reproduces the problem?

        |browser model treeMorph oddNode line3 oddTag someNode secondSome |
        model := Dictionary new.
        model at: #some put: #(1 2 3 4).
        model at: #even put: #(2 6 8).
        model at: #odd put: #(3 7 9).
        browser := GLMTabulator new.
        browser column: #one.
        browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [ :a |
                browser tree
                        display: [model keys];
                        children: [:key | key isNumber ifFalse: [model at: key] ];
                        tags: [:item | item isNumber ifTrue: [item even ifTrue: [#('even')]  
ifFalse: [#('odd')]] ifFalse: [#()]]].
        window := browser openOn: model.
        World doOneCycle.
        treeMorph := window submorphs last submorphs first submorphs first  
submorphs first.
        self assert: treeMorph class equals: LazyMorphTreeMorph.
        oddNode := treeMorph scroller submorphs second.
        oddNode toggleExpandedState.
        World doOneCycle.
        line3 := treeMorph scroller submorphs third.
        oddTag := line3 submorphs second submorphs first submorphs first submorphs  
        oddTag doButtonAction.
        World doOneCycle.
        someNode := treeMorph scroller submorphs first.
        someNode toggleExpandedState.
        World doOneCycle.
        secondSome := treeMorph scroller submorphs third submorphs second  
submorphs first submorphs first submorphs first.
        self assert: secondSome text asString equals: '3'.

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Re: Issue 612 in moose-technology: [Glamour] Tags do not play well with trees


Comment #7 on issue 612 by [hidden email]: [Glamour] Tags do not  
play well with trees

The problem comes from the fact that instances of  
GLMTreeMorphNodeModelcache their content and they never get a chance to  
delete their cache. I see two solutions:

1- The simple one is to remove the cache completely (I have tried and it  
2- The complex one is to add a way for the GLMTreeMorphNodeModelcache to be  
notified when the containerTree change its tags

Which one do you prefer?

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Re: Issue 612 in moose-technology: [Glamour] Tags do not play well with trees


Comment #8 on issue 612 by [hidden email]: [Glamour] Tags do not  
play well with trees

Thanks a lot for looking into this.

The test looks good. I would prefer solution 2. The contents should be  
recomputed when pressing on a tag.

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Re: Issue 612 in moose-technology: [Glamour] Tags do not play well with trees

        Labels: Milestone-4.4

Comment #9 on issue 612 by [hidden email]: [Glamour] Tags do not  
play well with trees

(No comment was entered for this change.)

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Re: Issue 612 in moose-technology: [Glamour] Tags do not play well with trees

        Status: Fixed

Comment #10 on issue 612 by [hidden email]: [Glamour] Tags do not  
play well with trees

Name: Glamour-Morphic-Widgets-DamienCassou.5
Author: DamienCassou
Time: 11 May 2011, 10:53:06 am
UUID: 5b6b05d7-c9d4-4379-99ee-c1a2d969b31e
Ancestors: Glamour-Morphic-Widgets-TudorGirba.4

- Fix issue 612 (Tags do not play well with trees) : when a tree's tags  
change, the tree now request each nodes recursively to destroy their cache  
about visible sub nodes

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Re: Issue 612 in moose-technology: [Glamour] Tags do not play well with trees


Comment #11 on issue 612 by [hidden email]: [Glamour] Tags do not  
play well with trees

Cool. I will take a look :)

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