Status: Accepted
Owner: [hidden email] Labels: Type-Bug New issue 6276 by [hidden email]: Menu gives MNU in DualChangeSorterApplication Pharo2.0a Latest update: #20185 evaluate: DualChangeSorterApplication new openWithSpec - on the "Unnamed" changeset select "Make changed go to me" from the menu - create a class Foo Object subclass: #Foo instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Simple' - now deselect and reselect "Unnamed" in the changesorter to see the new class Foo as a change in the changeset - right click on class "Foo" in the new changesorter => gives an MNU 5 July 2012 2:12:34.404 pm MenuMorph(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #add:selector:argumentList: Receiver: a MenuMorph(81002496) Arguments and temporary variables: <<error during printing> Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (0@0) corner: (40@10) owner: nil submorphs: #() fullBounds: nil color: (Color r: 0.745 g: 0.745 b: 0.745) extension: a MorphExtension (95944704) [other: (basicColor -> (Color r: 0.745 ...etc... borderWidth: 2 borderColor: (Color r: 0.595 g: 0.595 b: 0.595) defaultTarget: a DualChangeSorterApplication selectedItem: nil stayUp: false popUpOwner: nil activeSubMenu: nil activatorDockingBar: nil embeddable: nil menuItems: nil DualChangeSorterApplication>>classMenu:shifted:from:to: Receiver: a DualChangeSorterApplication Arguments and temporary variables: <<error during printing> Receiver's instance variables: dependents: a DependentsArray(a ChangeSorterApplication a ChangeSorterApplicati...etc... bindings: a BindingsHolder focusOrder: an OrderedCollection(a ChangeSorterApplication a ChangeSorterApplic...etc... owner: nil window: a StandardWindow(957349888) spec: a ComposableSpec extentHolder: a NewValueHolder model: a ChangeSorterModel changeSorterLeft: a ChangeSorterApplication changeSorterRight: a ChangeSorterApplication isRefreshing: false [:menu :shifted | self classMenu: menu shifted: shifted from: src to: dest] in _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: FixToInclude Comment #1 on issue 6276 by [hidden email]: Menu gives MNU in DualChangeSorterApplication Fixed in SLICE-Issue-6276-Menu-gives-MNU-in-DualChangeSorterApplication-tbn.1 _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Labels: Milestone-2.0 Comment #2 on issue 6276 by [hidden email]: Menu gives MNU in DualChangeSorterApplication (No comment was entered for this change.) _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: Integrated Comment #3 on issue 6276 by [hidden email]: Menu gives MNU in DualChangeSorterApplication (No comment was entered for this change.) _______________________________________________ Pharo-bugtracker mailing list [hidden email] |
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