Issue 685 in moose-technology: Glamour does not copy the transmission context properly

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Issue 685 in moose-technology: Glamour does not copy the transmission context properly

Status: New
Owner: [hidden email]
CC: [hidden email]
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour Milestone-4.6

New issue 685 by [hidden email]: Glamour does not copy the  
transmission context properly

The following piece of code should display 42 in the lower pane.

finder := GLMFinder new.
finder show: [:a | a list display: [:x | 1 to: x ]].
finder transmit fromOutsidePort: #entity; toOutsidePort: #something.

browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser row: #explorer; row: #details.
browser transmit to: #explorer; andShow: [:a | a custom: finder].
browser transmit from: #explorer port: #something; to: #details; andShow:  
[:a | a text ].
browser openOn: 42.

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Re: Issue 685 in moose-technology: Glamour does not copy the transmission context properly

        Status: Fixed

Comment #1 on issue 685 by [hidden email]: Glamour does not copy the  
transmission context properly

Name: Glamour-Core-TudorGirba.204
Author: TudorGirba
Time: 21 July 2011, 1:50:25 pm
UUID: 81eed233-8e2b-4e4f-baf9-494423b07805
Ancestors: Glamour-Core-DamienCassou.203

Issue 685: Glamour does not copy the transmission context properly

The problem was due to GLMPane>>clearIn: not copying the context

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