Issue 714 in moose-technology: VerveineJ does not produce correct values for classes in annotation instances

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Issue 714 in moose-technology: VerveineJ does not produce correct values for classes in annotation instances

Status: New
Owner: ----
CC: [hidden email]
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-High Component-VerveineJ

New issue 714 by [hidden email]: VerveineJ does not produce correct  
values for classes in annotation instances

Take a look at the example below:

     @XmlElement(name = "Time", required = true, type = String.class)
     protected Date time;

The value of the third attribute of the annotation instance is the actual  
source code of the String class. Instead, it should be just the  
string 'String.class'.

Ideally, we would get an actual reference, but the string would do for now.

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Re: Issue 714 in moose-technology: VerveineJ does not produce correct values for classes in annotation instances

        Status: Fixed

Comment #1 on issue 714 by [hidden email]: VerveineJ does not  
produce correct values for classes in annotation instances

fixed and tested

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Re: Issue 714 in moose-technology: VerveineJ does not produce correct values for classes in annotation instances

        Labels: Milestone-4.7

Comment #2 on issue 714 by [hidden email]: VerveineJ does not produce  
correct values for classes in annotation instances

(No comment was entered for this change.)

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Re: Issue 714 in moose-technology: VerveineJ does not produce correct values for classes in annotation instances

        Status: New
        Labels: -Milestone-4.7 Milestone-4.8

Comment #3 on issue 714 by [hidden email]: VerveineJ does not produce  
correct values for classes in annotation instances

The problem seems to be back again. I just checked with the latest  
VerveineJ and for a code that looks like (taken from Jenkins):

     public transient final NodeProvisioner overallNodeProvisioner =  

I get an annotation instance that looks like

(FAMIX.AnnotationInstanceAttribute (id: 126)
                (annotationTypeAttribute (ref: 138875))
                (parentAnnotationInstance (ref: 8858))
                (value 'public class org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse
        extends org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.DoNotUse
/*   methods   */
[unresolved] public void <init>()
[unresolved] public void error(Unresolved type  
org.kohsuke.accmod.impl.Location, Unresolved type  
org.kohsuke.accmod.impl.RestrictedElement, Unresolved type  


It would be so great if someone could take a look at this.

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Re: Issue 714 in moose-technology: VerveineJ does not produce correct values for classes in annotation instances

Nicolas Anquetil

will ty to have a look over the week-end
(pray for bad weather :-) )

otherwise, will look at it some time next week


On 08/09/2013 10:59 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

> Updates:
>     Status: New
>     Labels: -Milestone-4.7 Milestone-4.8
> Comment #3 on issue 714 by [hidden email]: VerveineJ does not
> produce correct values for classes in annotation instances
> The problem seems to be back again. I just checked with the latest
> VerveineJ and for a code that looks like (taken from Jenkins):
>     @Restricted(NoExternalUse.class)
>     public transient final NodeProvisioner overallNodeProvisioner =
> unlabeledNodeProvisioner;
> I get an annotation instance that looks like
> (FAMIX.AnnotationInstanceAttribute (id: 126)
>         (annotationTypeAttribute (ref: 138875))
>         (parentAnnotationInstance (ref: 8858))
>         (value 'public class
> org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.NoExternalUse
>     extends org.kohsuke.accmod.restrictions.DoNotUse
> /*   methods   */
> [unresolved] public void <init>()
> [unresolved] public void error(Unresolved type
> org.kohsuke.accmod.impl.Location, Unresolved type
> org.kohsuke.accmod.impl.RestrictedElement, Unresolved type
> org.kohsuke.accmod.impl.ErrorListener)
> '))
> It would be so great if someone could take a look at this.

Nicolas Anquetil -- RMod research team (Inria)

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Re: Issue 714 in moose-technology: VerveineJ does not produce correct values for classes in annotation instances

In reply to this post by moose-technology
        Status: Invalid

Comment #4 on issue 714 by [hidden email]: VerveineJ does not  
produce correct values for classes in annotation instances

Flagging as Invalid because I was enabled to reproduce the error.
tried (not all combinations):
- library annotation, project local annotation
- library class as parameter, project local class as parameter
- annotation on attribute, on method, on class

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Re: Issue 714 in moose-technology: VerveineJ does not produce correct values for classes in annotation instances

        Status: New

Comment #5 on issue 714 by [hidden email]: VerveineJ does not produce  
correct values for classes in annotation instances

I am reopening it again, but this time I have an example project that shows  
the problem in the attachment.

If you parse that one with the latest VerveineJ, you get the following  

(FAMIX.AnnotationInstanceAttribute (id: 5)
                (annotationTypeAttribute (ref: 14))
                (parentAnnotationInstance (ref: 16))
                (value '(id=NoId)
public class annotationTest.InterceptorClass
        extends java.lang.Object
/*   methods   */
[unresolved] public void <init>()


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Re: Issue 714 in moose-technology: VerveineJ does not produce correct values for classes in annotation instances

        Status: Fixed

Comment #6 on issue 714 by [hidden email]: VerveineJ does not  
produce correct values for classes in annotation instances

thanks for the example
I believe it fixed now

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Re: Issue 714 in moose-technology: VerveineJ does not produce correct values for classes in annotation instances


Comment #7 on issue 714 by [hidden email]: VerveineJ does not produce  
correct values for classes in annotation instances

Great. I will test it right away

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Re: Issue 714 in moose-technology: VerveineJ does not produce correct values for classes in annotation instances

        Status: New

Comment #8 on issue 714 by [hidden email]: VerveineJ does not produce  
correct values for classes in annotation instances

I tested it and it works in the previous case, but I found another one for  
which it does not work properly.


@Interceptors({InterceptorClass.class, AnotherInterceptorClass.class})
public class AnotherAnnotatedClass {


        (FAMIX.AnnotationInstanceAttribute (id: 26)
                (annotationTypeAttribute (ref: 9))
                (parentAnnotationInstance (ref: 3))
                (value 'InterceptorClass.class'))

The value should be '{InterceptorClass.class,  
AnotherInterceptorClass.class}'. Or we can make it such that value accepts  
a collection, and then value can be
                (value 'InterceptorClass.class' 'AnotherInterceptorClass.class')

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Re: Issue 714 in moose-technology: VerveineJ does not produce correct values for classes in annotation instances


Comment #9 on issue 714 by [hidden email]: VerveineJ does not produce  
correct values for classes in annotation instances

I forgot to mention that I attached a test project.

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Re: Issue 714 in moose-technology: VerveineJ does not produce correct values for classes in annotation instances

        Status: Fixed

Comment #10 on issue 714 by [hidden email]: VerveineJ does not  
produce correct values for classes in annotation instances

This is becoming more difficult.

First I choose the solution of "{InterceptorClass.class,  
AnotherInterceptorClass.class}" to avoid changing FAMIX and make it  
unnecessarily complex

second, the problem with the previous  pb was that the  
annotationInstanceAttribute "InterceptorClass.class" was treated as an  
array of one element by JDT

I corrected it by taking the first element of the array.

Now, {InterceptorClass.class, AnotherInterceptorClass.class} is also an  
array and it did not show correctly because verveinej took only the first  
This is easy to solve when the array has more than one element.
But when it has only one element, I have no way to tell the difference  
"InterceptorClass.class" and "{InterceptorClass.class}".

I choose to always consider it is the first solution (so I don't put {}  
around an array of one)
Hope it will be acceptable to all

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