Issue 717 in moose-technology: Hismo and isStub

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Issue 717 in moose-technology: Hismo and isStub

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Hismo Milestone-4.6

New issue 717 by [hidden email]: Hismo and isStub

The following test fails. No idea why. ClassB is a stub

        | allModelClasses allHistoryModelClasses mooseSampleData sampleMooseModel  
hismoHistoryModel |
        mooseSampleData := MooseSampleData new.
        sampleMooseModel := (mooseSampleData readMSEString: self sampleMSE)
                                name: #'example'.
        allModelClasses := sampleMooseModel allModelClasses.

        self assert: (sampleMooseModel allModelClasses size = 1).
        self assert: (sampleMooseModel allClasses size = 2).

        hismoHistoryModel := HismoModelHistory new.
        hismoHistoryModel addLastVersionForMooseModel: sampleMooseModel.
        allHistoryModelClasses := hismoHistoryModel allClassHistories
                                select: [:each | each last isStub not].
        self assert: allModelClasses size = allHistoryModelClasses size

        ^ '(
        (FAMIX.Namespace (id: 1) (name ''aNamespace''))

        (FAMIX.Class (id: 2) (name ''ClassA'') (container (ref: 1)) (parentPackage  
(ref: 201)))
        (FAMIX.Method (name ''methodA1'') (signature ''methodA1()'') (parentType  
(ref: 2)) (LOC 2))
        (FAMIX.Attribute (name ''attributeA1'') (parentType (ref: 2)))

        (FAMIX.Class (id: 3) (name ''ClassB'') (container (ref: 1)) (isStub true)  
(parentPackage (ref: 201)))

        (FAMIX.Inheritance (subclass (ref: 3)) (superclass (ref: 2)))

        (FAMIX.Package (id: 201) (name ''aPackage''))
        (FAMIX.Package (id: 202) (name ''aPackage'') (parentPackage (ref: 201)))

Indeed, it looks like MooseEntity>>isStub is the trouble maker.

We need to create an issue.

In the meantime you can use:
        allHistoryModelClasses := hismoHistoryModel allClassHistories
                                select: [:each | each last versionEntity  
isStub not].

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Re: Issue 717 in moose-technology: Hismo and isStub

        Status: Fixed
        Owner: [hidden email]

Comment #1 on issue 717 by [hidden email]: Hismo and isStub


I added HismoEntityVersion>>isStub and appropriate test.

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