Issue 768 in moose-technology: Dynamic Presentation Example in Pharo 1.3

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Issue 768 in moose-technology: Dynamic Presentation Example in Pharo 1.3

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 768 by [hidden email]: Dynamic Presentation Example in  
Pharo 1.3

I don't know if it was supposed to, but the example didn't work in Pharo  
1.3, so I adjusted it

| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser title: 'Multi Methods Viewer'.
   column: [:c | c row:  #classes; row: #methods];
   column: #source.
browser transmit to: #classes; andShow: [ :a  |
   a list
     title: 'Classes';
     display: [:model | model allClasses ] ].
browser transmit to: #methods; from: #classes; andShow: [ :a |
   a list
     title: [ :class | 'Methods from ', class name ];
     display: [ :class | class methods ];
     format: [ :class | class selector ] ].
browser transmit to: #source; from: #methods; andShow: [ :a |
   a dynamic with: [ :some :methods |
     methods do: [ :each |
       some text
         title: each name asString;
         display: [ each getSource] ].
     some stackedArrangement ] ].

browser openOn: Smalltalk.

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Re: Issue 768 in moose-technology: Dynamic Presentation Example in Pharo 1.3

        Status: Fixed

Comment #1 on issue 768 by [hidden email]: Dynamic Presentation  
Example in Pharo 1.3

Thanks. The examples are supposed to work on Moose models, not on Pharo.

But, indeed, the code missed the opening incantation. I added it now.

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