Issue 808 in moose-technology: refresh a GLMRoassalPresentation

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Issue 808 in moose-technology: refresh a GLMRoassalPresentation

Status: New
Owner: [hidden email]
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Roassal

New issue 808 by [hidden email]: refresh a GLMRoassalPresentation

the update function on GLMRoassalPresentation don't call the painting  
block. Consequently the visualization is not refreshed.

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Re: Issue 808 in moose-technology: refresh a GLMRoassalPresentation


Comment #1 on issue 808 by [hidden email]: refresh a  


I am trying to add an update event in GLMMorphicRoassalRenderer so that  
when the pane containing the roassal visualization is sent an update event,  
the corresponding roassal visualization is redrawn (please see:

Now, I can trigger painting block of the GLMRoassalPresentation but there  
are some missing entities and the layout not being applied properly.Please  
find attached to this mail my code for GLMMorphicRoassalRenderer class to  
trigger the update event. Can you please see what is missing in my code  
that does not allow proper rendering of roassal visualization?

You can use this code to test the updated rendering feature:

        | browser startNumber |
        browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
        startNumber := 1.
        browser column: #one.
        browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [ :a |
                a roassal
                        title: 'Numbers in Roassal';
                        painting: [:view :number |
                                view shape label.
                                view interaction
                                        on: ROMouseClick do:  [ :event |
                                                ROFocusView new on: event element view: view raw ].
                                view nodes: (startNumber to: number).
                                view edgesFrom: [:each | each // 5 ].
                                self halt.
                                view treeLayout.
                                view addMenu: 'Refresh' callBack: [ :stack | startNumber := 10.  
(browser paneNamed: #one) update ].
                browser openOn: 42


Attachments:  852 bytes

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Re: Issue 808 in moose-technology: refresh a GLMRoassalPresentation

        Cc: [hidden email] [hidden email] [hidden email]

Comment #2 on issue 808 by [hidden email]: refresh a  

Hi Guillaume and Usman,

The solution for that problem is easy. Check this:
        | browser |
        browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
        browser column: #one.
        browser transmit to: #one; andShow: [ :a |
                a roassal
                        title: 'Numbers in Roassal';
                        painting: [:view :number |
                                | b |
                                b := [ :startNumber |
                                        view shape label.
                                        view interaction
                                                on: ROMouseClick do:  [ :event |
                                                        ROFocusView new on: event element view: view raw ].
                                        view nodes: (startNumber to: number).
                                        view edgesFrom: [:each | each // 5 ].
                                        view treeLayout.
                                        view applyLayout ].
                                "Initial view"
                                b value: 1.
                                view addMenu: 'Refresh' callBack: [ :stack |
                                        "We need to clean the view first, else all the nodes get accumulated"
                                        view raw elementsDo: #remove.
                                        b value: 3 .
                                        (browser paneNamed: #one) update ].
                browser openOn: 42

I am not sure this is a problem of Glamour. I feel Roassal is missing the  
abstraction. The main problem is the following: you are using the Mondrian  
DSL to build your view. However, Mondrian never supported any repaint  
functionalities. So, trying to do a repaint in Mondrian is not nice.

Maybe a new DSL is needed for this.

Is the problem fixed?


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Re: Issue 808 in moose-technology: refresh a GLMRoassalPresentation

        Status: Fixed
        Labels: Milestone-4.7

Comment #3 on issue 808 by [hidden email]: refresh a  

Thanks, Usman for the fix. I added a test and integrated it. I also updated  
slightly Roassal to expose the view from the Morph.

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