Issue 884 in moose-technology: The Roassal presentation should react to custom ports

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Issue 884 in moose-technology: The Roassal presentation should react to custom ports

Status: New
Owner: [hidden email]
CC: [hidden email]
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Glamour

New issue 884 by [hidden email]: The Roassal presentation should  
react to custom ports

The current implementation of the Roassal presentation relies only on the  
original entity. However, given that Roassal can handle various animations,  
we would benefit from an extra ability of the presentation to react to  
other ports.

For example, the list presentation reacts to #selection. Similarly, Roassal  
should be able to react to it or others as well. Only, given that Roassal  
is generic, the reaction should be customisable, too.

Perhaps something like this:
a roassal
    painting: [:view :entity | ... ]
    on: #customPort do: [ :view :customValue | ... ]

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Re: Issue 884 in moose-technology: The Roassal presentation should react to custom ports


Comment #1 on issue 884 by [hidden email]: The Roassal presentation  
should react to custom ports

Events cannot be used for that purpose?

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Re: Issue 884 in moose-technology: The Roassal presentation should react to custom ports


Comment #2 on issue 884 by [hidden email]: The Roassal presentation  
should react to custom ports

What events?

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Re: Issue 884 in moose-technology: The Roassal presentation should react to custom ports


Comment #3 on issue 884 by [hidden email]: The Roassal presentation  
should react to custom ports

I do not know. If Glamour generates event, then Roassal can listen at them.

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Re: Issue 884 in moose-technology: The Roassal presentation should react to custom ports


Comment #4 on issue 884 by [hidden email]: The Roassal presentation  
should react to custom ports

Announcements then :). Of course, they can be used. The question is only  
how to do it nicely.

Essentially, we should be able to do now as follows:

browser := GLMTabulator new .
        with: [:tabulator |
                tabulator column: #index; column: #visualization.
                tabulator transmit to: #index; andShow: [:a | a list ].
                tabulator transmit to: #visualization; andShow:[ :a |
                        a roassal
                                painting: [:view :collection | view nodes: collection ];
                                on: GLMContextChanged do: [:ann |
                                        ann property = #highlight ifTrue: [
                                                ROHighlightElement on: ann presentation view raw elements first  
color: Color blue ]]].
                tabulator transmit from: #index; to: #visualization port: #highlight.
        openOn: #( 1 2 3 ).

However, the problem is that in practice, the announcement does not get  
triggered now because when we copy the presentation during the  
transmission, the announcements do not get copied properly.

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Re: Issue 884 in moose-technology: The Roassal presentation should react to custom ports


Comment #5 on issue 884 by [hidden email]: The Roassal presentation  
should react to custom ports


Here is a working version for now:
browser := GLMTabulator new .
        with: [:tabulator |
                tabulator column: #index; column: #visualization.
                tabulator transmit to: #index; andShow: [:a | a list ].
                tabulator transmit to: #visualization; andShowIfNone:[ :a |
                        a roassal
                                painting: [:view :collection :roassal |
                                        view shape label.
                                        view nodes: collection.
                                        view gridLayout.
                                        roassal on: GLMContextChanged do: [:ann |
                                        ann property = #highlight ifTrue: [
                                                ann oldValue ifNotNil: [
                                                        ROUnhighlightElement on: (ann presentation view raw  
elementFromModel: ann oldValue)].
                                                ROHighlightElement on: (ann presentation view raw elementFromModel:  
ann value) color: Color red ]]]].
                tabulator transmit from: #index; to: #visualization port: #highlight
        openOn: ( 1 to: 20).

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Re: Issue 884 in moose-technology: The Roassal presentation should react to custom ports


Comment #6 on issue 884 by [hidden email]: The Roassal presentation  
should react to custom ports

I had been considering something like a #andSelect: operation similiar to  
#andShow:, but your first example "on: #customPort do: [ :view :customValue  
| ... ]" would work better, tying it more closely to a particular view.

Your example in Comment 5 works fine here and will do for now to integrate  
into my application. thanks.

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Re: Issue 884 in moose-technology: The Roassal presentation should react to custom ports


Comment #7 on issue 884 by [hidden email]: The Roassal presentation  
should react to custom ports


Here is a slightly extended version in which we deal with bidirectional  
updates between the list and roassal:
| browser |
        browser := GLMTabulator new .
                with: [:tabulator |
                        tabulator column: #index; column: #visualization.
                        tabulator transmit to: #index; andShow: [:a | a list ].
                        tabulator transmit to: #visualization; andShowIfNone:[ :a |
                                a roassal
                                        painting: [:view :collection :roassal |
                                                view shape label.
                                                view interaction on: ROMouseLeftClick do: [:ann | (roassal pane port:  
#selection) value: ann element model ].
                                                view nodes: collection.
                                                view gridLayout.
                                                roassal on: GLMContextChanged do: [:ann |
                                                        ann property = #selection ifTrue: [
                                                                ann oldValue ifNotNil: [
                                                                        ROUnhighlightElement on: (ann presentation view raw  
elementFromModel: ann oldValue)].
                                                                ROHighlightElement on: (ann presentation view raw elementFromModel:  
ann value) color: Color red ]]]].
                        tabulator transmit from: #index; to: #visualization port: #selection.
                        tabulator transmit from: #visualization port: #selection; to: #index  
port: #selection.

I think it's pretty cool that we can easily accommodate such a scenario  
without worrying about possible infinite loops.

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Re: Issue 884 in moose-technology: The Roassal presentation should react to custom ports


Comment #8 on issue 884 by [hidden email]: The Roassal presentation  
should react to custom ports

Just a minor tweak...  when clicking on the #index pane background,
'ann value' is nil, so need to wrap ROHighlightElement...

ann value ifNotNil: [ ROHighlightElement on: (ann presentation view raw  
elementFromModel: ann value) color: Color red ]]]]]].

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Re: Issue 884 in moose-technology: The Roassal presentation should react to custom ports


Comment #9 on issue 884 by [hidden email]: The Roassal presentation  
should react to custom ports

One thing I haven't been able to work out is when clicking on the  
#visualization background I need the element to deselect and also deselect  
the element in the list.

I observe that when clicking in the #visualization pane,  
hightlighted-selection  still works when the following lines are commented  
+ view interaction on: ROMouseLeftClick do: [:ann | (roassal pane port:  
#selection) value: ann element model ].
+ tabulator transmit from: #index; to: #visualization port: #selection.
+ tabulator transmit from: #visualization port: #selection; to: #index  
port: #selection.

Also I see that adding a break here....
  roassal on: GLMContextChanged do: [:ann | self halt.

shows this is invoked three times when clicking on an element in the  
#visualization pane but not invoked when clicking on the background on the  
#visualization pane.

I am unable to find my way any deeper than that. Any ideas?

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Re: Issue 884 in moose-technology: The Roassal presentation should react to custom ports


Comment #10 on issue 884 by [hidden email]: The Roassal presentation  
should react to custom ports

btw, not sure if the following simplifies or adds complication, but if you  
load ROSelectionAndExample.2.cs from Issue 894, then you can do the  
| browser activeSelection |
activeSelection := ROSelection new
        onInclusion: [ :element | ROHighlightElement on: element color: Color red  
        onExclusion: [ :element | ROUnhighlightElement on: element ].

        browser := GLMTabulator new .
        browser with:
        [ :tabulator |
                        tabulator column: #index; column: #visualization.
                        tabulator transmit to: #index; andShow: [:a | a list ].
                        tabulator transmit to: #visualization; andShowIfNone:
                        [ :a |
                                a roassal painting:
                                        [ :view :collection :roassal |
                                                view shape label.
                                                view interaction on: ROMouseLeftClick do: [:ann | (roassal pane port:  
#selection) value: ann element model ].
                                                view nodes: collection.
                                                view gridLayout.
                                                roassal on: GLMContextChanged do:
                                                [ :ann |
                                                        ann property = #selection ifTrue:
                                                                activeSelection clear.
                                                                activeSelection add: (ann presentation view raw elementFromModel:  
ann value) .
                        tabulator transmit from: #index; to: #visualization port: #selection.
                        tabulator transmit from: #visualization port: #selection; to: #index  
port: #selection.
browser openOn: #(1 2 3 4 5).

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Re: Issue 884 in moose-technology: The Roassal presentation should react to custom ports

        Status: Started

Comment #11 on issue 884 by [hidden email]: The Roassal presentation  
should react to custom ports

What about this issue? Is there something to do?
Here is a new version of Ben's script (ROHighlightElement and  
ROUnhighlightElement) have been changed into ROBlink :

| browser activeSelection |
activeSelection := ROSelection new
        onInclusion: [ :element | ROBlink highlight: element color: Color red ];
        onExclusion: [ :element | ROBlink unhighlight: element ].

        browser := GLMTabulator new .
        browser with:
        [ :tabulator |
                        tabulator column: #index; column: #visualization.
                        tabulator transmit to: #index; andShow: [:a | a list ].
                        tabulator transmit to: #visualization; andShowIfNone:
                        [ :a |
                                a roassal painting:
                                        [ :view :collection :roassal |
                                                view shape label.
                                                view interaction on: ROMouseLeftClick do: [:ann | (roassal pane port:  
#selection) value: ann element model ].
                                                view nodes: collection.
                                                view gridLayout.
                                                roassal on: GLMContextChanged do:
                                                [ :ann |
                                                        ann property = #selection ifTrue:
                                                                activeSelection clear.
                                                                activeSelection add: (ann presentation view raw elementFromModel:  
ann value) .
                        tabulator transmit from: #index; to: #visualization port: #selection.
                        tabulator transmit from: #visualization port: #selection; to: #index  
port: #selection.
browser openOn: #(1 2 3 4 5).

Everything seems to work as expected. Shall I close the issue?

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Re: Issue 884 in moose-technology: The Roassal presentation should react to custom ports


Comment #12 on issue 884 by [hidden email]: The Roassal presentation  
should react to custom ports

Looks good.  Its only missing one thing.  In the List Pane after you click  
a number to select it, you can click on the background to deselect it.  You  
should be able to the same in the Roassal Pane, but clicking on the  
background does not deselect.  But maybe that is separate from the title of  
this Issue.

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Re: Issue 884 in moose-technology: The Roassal presentation should react to custom ports


Comment #13 on issue 884 by [hidden email]: The Roassal presentation  
should react to custom ports

Is there an event, sorry, an announcement, about deselection?

by the way, why do we still use the word "Announcement" whereas the whole  
World calls an event event?

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