Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

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Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 900 by [hidden email]: Glamour-Roassal should be able to  
work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

Hopefully, I've cracked this.  In response to my own query: "Could  
something like a GLMMorphicRoassalRawRenderer be added to the  
Glamour-Roassal interface?  - which would pass an unencumbered ROView to  
the paintingBlock.  It is not really a Glamour-Roassal interface at the  
moment, more of a Glamour-Mondrian interface."

With the attached slice you can now go...
     browser transmit to: #graphic andShow:
     [   :a |
         a roassal
             newView: [ ROView new @ RODraggable ] ;
             painting: [:view :input |  view add: ROElement new]

After loading you can first try the new & old tests  
in 'Glamour-Tests-Roassal'
then try 'GLMRawRoassalExamplesBrowser open'

I surprised myself that I got this far.  A few times I hit a brick wall and  
was going to submit a half done proof-of-concept, but then just kept  
digging. Apart from hopefully getting integrated, some critical feedback  
would appreciated.  A few points for review...

1. I had considered using #viewPrototype: with an instance to copy, but  
then I wasn't sure how deep I should copy it to produce a new view. So  
using a block with newView: seemed the safer path (and it also feels like  
it opens up some interesting possibilities, even if I can't think what they  
are at the moment)

2. I noticed that GLMRoassalPresentation>>renderOn: had a flag 'This should  
be the responsibility of the view'.
This method was one that I previously copied and modified for  
GLMRoassalRawPresentation in my "Interactive Roassal" experiment.  There I  
removed the calls to #applyLayout and #populateMenuOn since these were MNU  
for ROView (which had replaced ROMondrianViewBuilder). This time I pushed  
these two calls into ROMondrianViewBuilder>>preOpen, where ROView>>preOpen  
is left empty. I'm note sure I'm happy with #preOpen as a name but it was  
the best I could come up with, since I also refactored  
ROMondrianViewBuilder>>open to use it.

3. GLMMorphicRoassalRenderer>>render:  had hardcoded reference to #stack  
with "ROMorph on: view stack" so I pushed the required difference into  
ROMondrianBuilder>>newMorph and ROView>>newMorph.

4. GLMMorphicRoassalRenderer>>actOnPresentationUpdate had hardcoded use of  
#stack in "setView: aView stack" so I pushed that into  
ROMondrianViewBuilder>>onMorph: and ROView>>onMorph:

5. GLMMorphicRoassalRenderer>>actOnPresentationUpdate had hardcoded  
ROMondrianViewBuilder so I modified this to use the block passed to  
GLMRoassalPresentation>>newView: .

6. I copied GLMRoassalMorphicTest to GLMRawRoassalMorphicTest with required  

7. I copied GLMRoassalExamplesBrowser to GLMRawRoassalExamplesBrowser with  
required modifications.

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Re: Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder


Comment #1 on issue 900 by [hidden email]: Glamour-Roassal should be  
able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

The slice and dependent files are in the attached

Attachments:  455 KB

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Re: Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder


Comment #2 on issue 900 by [hidden email]: Glamour-Roassal should be  
able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

btw, that slice is against a fresh Moose-4.7-beta image downloaded  

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Re: Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder


Comment #3 on issue 900 by [hidden email]: Glamour-Roassal should be  
able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

I look at your slice, but you broke Glamour with it because newMorph is not  
present in Roassal

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Re: Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder


Comment #4 on issue 900 by [hidden email]: Glamour-Roassal should be  
able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

Thanks for taking the time to have a look at it.  #newMorph is in  
Roassal-BenComan.405.mcz in the file you downloaded.

Sorry the hiccup. I haven't working with slices very much.  It seems  
strange though. I thought I'd tested loading the  
SLICE-Issue-900-xxxxxxx.1.mcz file onto a freshly unpacked Moose image -  
except now I am having trouble loading that slice myself.

I just re-tested loading the individual mcz files in the following order.

* the eight Glamour-Tests-Roassal are all green.
* GLMRawRoassalExamplesBrowser open   brings up the Glamour browser on  
* GLMRoassalExamplesBrowser open   brings up the Glamour browser on  

Could you give it another go.

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Re: Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder


Comment #5 on issue 900 by [hidden email]: Glamour-Roassal should be  
able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

Or perhaps I misunderstood you, and you mean it needs Alexandre to approve  
and integrate my Roassal changes.

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Re: Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder


Comment #6 on issue 900 by [hidden email]: Glamour-Roassal should be  
able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

I have had some discussion with Alexandre, and since the methods I was  
adding to Roassal are 'morph' focused and Roassal is more cross-platform,  
he suggested these methods be Glamour extensions to Roassal.  I'll do up  
another with regard for that.

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Re: Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder


Comment #7 on issue 900 by [hidden email]: Glamour-Roassal should be  
able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

Sorry I never got around to following this up. It is surprisingly long  
ago.  I have been distracted away from Moose for a while, but since there  
are now a number of builders for Roassal - ROMondrianViewBuilder,  
ROTreeMapBuilder, ROPunchcardBuilder, ROFranceMapBuilder - now might be a  
good time to revisit the architecture of the Glamour-Roassal interface.

Currently Glamour is tied tightly with ROMondrianViewBuilder, and I guess  
the new builders would not work with Glamour. In other words, it is  
currently a Glamour-ROMondrianViewBuilder interface rather than a  
Glamour-Roassal interface.  It would be really great if future new  
third-party Roassal builders could be easily plugged into Glamour.  This  
should also include direct use of ROView such as by my LEKtrek application  
(when I finally release it).

Also, please consider the case where the Roassal view is not completely  
regenerated each time, but is persistent across invocations of #paint:.  
This is for where the Glamour-Roassal interface is used mostly for passing  
selections from Glamour lists to highlight Roassal features.  Just off the  
top of my head, one way of implementing both these behaviours might be to  
consider whether a class or an instance is passed to #newView:.  For  
example, where..
         a roassal
             newView: [ :oldView | MyRoassalBuilder newViewFrom: oldView ] ;

* regenerate each time
     MyRoassalBuilder class>>newViewFrom: oldView
          ^ self new

* persistent
     MyRoassalBuilder class>>newViewFrom: oldView
          ^ oldView

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Re: Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder


Comment #8 on issue 900 by [hidden email]: Glamour-Roassal should be  
able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

I have updated this to work on Moose 5 build #166 [1] per attached files:
* Glamour-Roassal-Presentations-BenComan.16
* Glamour-Morphic-Renderer-BenComan.216

The Roassal parts have been made extensions from package  

After loading evaluate...
     GLMOtherExamples new roassalDirect openOn: (1 to: 20).


cheers -ben

        Issue-900.2.cs  7.8 KB

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Re: Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder


Comment #9 on issue 900 by [hidden email]: Glamour-Roassal should be  
able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

(No comment was entered for this change.)

        Glamour-Roassal-Presentations-BenComan.16.mcz  5.3 KB
        Glamour-Morphic-Renderer-BenComan.216.mcz  52.0 KB

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Re: Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder


Comment #10 on issue 900 by [hidden email]: Glamour-Roassal should  
be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

Here is an overview of the changes...

Package Glamour-Roassal-Presentations extensions to Roassal

* ROMondrianViewBuilder
   >>newMorph(new) - factored out GLMMorphicRoassalRenderer>>render: -  
returns new ROMorph on its #stack.

   >>onMorph:(new) - sets view of existing ROMorph on its #stack

* ROView
   >>newMorph(new) - returns new ROMorph on itself
   >>onMorph:(new) - sets view of existing ROMorph on itself
   >>applyLayout(new) - does nothing, just be polymorphic with  

Package Glamour-Roassal-Presentations

* GLMRoassalPresentation - added ivar 'newViewBlock'
   >>newViewBlock/newViewBlock:(new) - getter/setter for added ivar
     - changed #raw to #view, since this is polymorphic between ROView &  
   >>view(mod) - removed hardcoded ROMondrianViewBuilder. Instead  
evaluate 'newViewBlock'.

Package Glamour-Morphic-Renderer

* GLMMorphicRoassalRenderer
   >>actOnPresentationUpdate:(mod) - removed hardcoded  
ROMondrianViewBuilder. Instead evaluate 'newViewBlock'
   >>render:(mod) - removed hardcoded ROMorph on #stack.  Factored out to  

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SVG Countries with GLamour & Roassal

Ben Coman
In reply to this post by moose-technology
After loading the following packages attached to Issue 900
    Glamour-Roassal-Presentations-BenComan.16.mcz  5.3 KB
    Glamour-Morphic-Renderer-BenComan.216.mcz  52.0 KB

then adding the method defined below and evaluating its comment, from a list you can select to display individual countries as per attached image.
cheers -ben

    "self new roassalCountries openOn: ROSVGPath countries"

    | browser |
    ROPlatform setCurrent: 'morphic'.
    browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
    browser column: #list; column: #roassalRaw.
    browser transmit to: #list; andShow:
    [     :a |
        a list
            title: 'Select country'
    browser transmit from: #list; to: #roassalRaw; andShow:
    [     :a |
        a roassal
            title: 'Country Shape';
            newViewBlock: [ ROView new @ RODraggable ] ;
            [    :view :country |  |path element|
                path := ROSVGPath path: (ROSVGPath perform: country).
                element := path elementOn: country.
                view add: element.
                view translateTo: path topLeftFromSVG negated.


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Re: SVG Countries with GLamour & Roassal



Le 17-11-2013 à 14:32, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> a écrit :

After loading the following packages attached to Issue 900
    Glamour-Roassal-Presentations-BenComan.16.mcz  5.3 KB
    Glamour-Morphic-Renderer-BenComan.216.mcz  52.0 KB

then adding the method defined below and evaluating its comment, from a list you can select to display individual countries as per attached image.
cheers -ben

    "self new roassalCountries openOn: ROSVGPath countries"

    | browser |
    ROPlatform setCurrent: 'morphic'.
    browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
    browser column: #list; column: #roassalRaw.
    browser transmit to: #list; andShow:
    [     :a |
        a list
            title: 'Select country'
    browser transmit from: #list; to: #roassalRaw; andShow:
    [     :a |
        a roassal
            title: 'Country Shape';
            newViewBlock: [ ROView new @ RODraggable ] ;
            [    :view :country |  |path element|
                path := ROSVGPath path: (ROSVGPath perform: country).
                element := path elementOn: country.
                view add: element.
                view translateTo: path topLeftFromSVG negated.


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Re: Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

In reply to this post by moose-technology

Comment #11 on issue 900 by [hidden email]: Glamour-Roassal should  
be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

A usage example can be defining the following method, then evaluating the  

        "self new roassalCountries openOn: ROSVGPath countries"

        | browser |
        ROPlatform setCurrent: 'morphic'.
        browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
        browser column: #list; column: #roassalRaw.
        browser transmit to: #list; andShow:
        [ :a |
                a list
                        title: 'Select country'
        browser transmit from: #list; to: #roassalRaw; andShow:
        [ :a |
                a roassal
                        title: 'Country Shape';
                        newViewBlock: [ ROView new @ RODraggable ] ;  "<----------"
                        [ :view :country |  |path element|
                                path := ROSVGPath path: (ROSVGPath perform: country).
                                element := path elementOn: country.
                                view add: element.
                                view translateTo: path topLeftFromSVG negated.

        Issue-900-use-case.png  12.3 KB

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Re: SVG Countries with GLamour & Roassal

In reply to this post by Ben Coman

On Nov 17, 2013, at 14:32, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:

After loading the following packages attached to Issue 900
    Glamour-Roassal-Presentations-BenComan.16.mcz  5.3 KB
    Glamour-Morphic-Renderer-BenComan.216.mcz  52.0 KB

then adding the method defined below and evaluating its comment, from a list you can select to display individual countries as per attached image.
cheers -ben

    "self new roassalCountries openOn: ROSVGPath countries"

    | browser |
    ROPlatform setCurrent: 'morphic'.
    browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
    browser column: #list; column: #roassalRaw.
    browser transmit to: #list; andShow:
    [     :a |
        a list
            title: 'Select country'
    browser transmit from: #list; to: #roassalRaw; andShow:
    [     :a |
        a roassal
            title: 'Country Shape';
            newViewBlock: [ ROView new @ RODraggable ] ;
            [    :view :country |  |path element|
                path := ROSVGPath path: (ROSVGPath perform: country).
                element := path elementOn: country.
                view add: element.
                view translateTo: path topLeftFromSVG negated.


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Re: Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

In reply to this post by moose-technology
        Status: Fixed
        Cc: [hidden email]
        Labels: -Type-Defect Type-Enhancement Component-Glamour Milestone-5.0

Comment #12 on issue 900 by [hidden email]: Glamour-Roassal should be  
able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

Thanks Ben.

I integrated your solution for now with one modification: we have  
initializeView: instead of newViewBlock:.

We can iterate from this point on: we need to make all builders polymorphic.

Now, this works:

GLMWrapper new with: [ :browser |
                browser show: [ :a |
                        a roassal
                                initializeView: [ ROView new @ RODraggable ] ;
                                painting: [ :view :numbers |
                                        numbers do: [ :number |
                                                view add: (ROElement spriteOn: number) + ROLabel ].
                                        ROTreeLayout on: view elements
                                ] ] ];
        openOn: (1 to: 10)

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Re: Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

Ben Coman
[hidden email] wrote:

> Updates:
>     Status: Fixed
>     Cc: [hidden email]
>     Labels: -Type-Defect Type-Enhancement Component-Glamour Milestone-5.0
> Comment #12 on issue 900 by [hidden email]: Glamour-Roassal
> should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder
> Thanks Ben.
> I integrated your solution for now with one modification: we have
> initializeView: instead of newViewBlock:.
> We can iterate from this point on: we need to make all builders
> polymorphic.
> Now, this works:
> GLMWrapper new with: [ :browser |
>         browser show: [ :a |
>             a roassal
>                 initializeView: [ ROView new @ RODraggable ] ;
>                 painting: [    :view :numbers |
>                     numbers do: [ :number |
>                         view add: (ROElement spriteOn: number) +
> ROLabel ].
>                     ROTreeLayout on: view elements
>                 ] ] ];
>     openOn: (1 to: 10)
Cool.  #initializeView: is a good change.  I was never completely happy
with my choice, but could not think of better.

Following on from that I have been considering how to have a permanent
ROView that does not get replaced by a #new one each transmission. For
example, if there are two panes (list-pane & roassal-pane) the
double-clicking on items in the list-pane could add them to the
roassal-pane, then the could drag it around, then add a second item from
the list-pane, and so on...

So I wonder about some like...
| roview |
GLMWrapper new with: [ :browser |
        browser show: [ :a |
            a roassal
                initializeView: [ roview ifNil: [ roview := ROView new @
RODraggable ] ] ;
                painting: [    :view :numbers |
                    numbers do: [ :number |
                        view add: (ROElement spriteOn: number) + ROLabel ].
                    ROTreeLayout on: view elements
                ] ] ];
    openOn: (1 to: 10)

but that seems a bit hackish.  Maybe using #andShowIfNone: would be
better and transmitting the strong selection from the list-pane to the
roassal-pane a different port - maybe an #add port could be matched with
a #delete port or something.  What do you think?

cheers -ben
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Re: Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

Tudor Girba-2
Hi Ben,

You raise a good point: how to update the visualization without redrawing it. This is particularly important if you want to animate or adjust animations from outside.

In the Glamour spirit, it is the job of the transmission to clear or not the target pane. For example, in the case of an accumulator browser, you want to use andShowIfNone: rather than andShow:. Like this, you only install the presentation the first time, and afterwards you reuse it.

For example:

GLMCompositePresentation new tabulator with: [ :t |
t column: #index; column: #details.
t transmit to: #index; andShow: [:a | a list].
t transmit from: #index; to: #details; andShowIfNone: [:an | 
an accumulator show: [ :a | a text; title: #asString ] ]];
openOn: (1 to: 100)

An accumulator is typically used together with andShowIfNone: because you want them to accumulate entities as you passed them to it.

A similar approach should probably be applied to working with Roassal as well. Would you like to give it a try?


On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 5:50 PM, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:
[hidden email] wrote:
    Status: Fixed
    Cc: [hidden email]
    Labels: -Type-Defect Type-Enhancement Component-Glamour Milestone-5.0

Comment #12 on issue 900 by [hidden email]: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

Thanks Ben.

I integrated your solution for now with one modification: we have initializeView: instead of newViewBlock:.

We can iterate from this point on: we need to make all builders polymorphic.

Now, this works:

GLMWrapper new with: [ :browser |
        browser show: [ :a |
            a roassal
                initializeView: [ ROView new @ RODraggable ] ;
                painting: [    :view :numbers |
                    numbers do: [ :number |
                        view add: (ROElement spriteOn: number) + ROLabel ].
                    ROTreeLayout on: view elements
                ] ] ];
    openOn: (1 to: 10)

Cool.  #initializeView: is a good change.  I was never completely happy with my choice, but could not think of better.

Following on from that I have been considering how to have a permanent ROView that does not get replaced by a #new one each transmission. For example, if there are two panes (list-pane & roassal-pane) the double-clicking on items in the list-pane could add them to the roassal-pane, then the could drag it around, then add a second item from the list-pane, and so on...

So I wonder about some like...
| roview |

GLMWrapper new with: [ :browser |
       browser show: [ :a |
           a roassal
               initializeView: [ roview ifNil: [ roview := ROView new @ RODraggable ] ] ;

               painting: [    :view :numbers |
                   numbers do: [ :number |
                       view add: (ROElement spriteOn: number) + ROLabel ].
                   ROTreeLayout on: view elements
               ] ] ];
   openOn: (1 to: 10)

but that seems a bit hackish.  Maybe using #andShowIfNone: would be better and transmitting the strong selection from the list-pane to the roassal-pane a different port - maybe an #add port could be matched with a #delete port or something.  What do you think?

cheers -ben

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Re: Issue 900 in moose-technology: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

Ben Coman
Tudor Girba wrote:
Hi Ben,

You raise a good point: how to update the visualization without redrawing it. This is particularly important if you want to animate or adjust animations from outside.

In the Glamour spirit, it is the job of the transmission to clear or not the target pane. For example, in the case of an accumulator browser, you want to use andShowIfNone: rather than andShow:. Like this, you only install the presentation the first time, and afterwards you reuse it.

For example:

GLMCompositePresentation new tabulator with: [ :t |
t column: #index; column: #details.
t transmit to: #index; andShow: [:a | a list].
t transmit from: #index; to: #details; andShowIfNone: [:an | 
an accumulator show: [ :a | a text; title: #asString ] ]];
openOn: (1 to: 100)

An accumulator is typically used together with andShowIfNone: because you want them to accumulate entities as you passed them to it.

A similar approach should probably be applied to working with Roassal as well. Would you like to give it a try?

I will be happy to, but cannot for a while - but I'll refer back to your advice here when I give it a go (unless someone else has a compelling need to beat me to it)
cheers -ben


On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 5:50 PM, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:
[hidden email] wrote:
    Status: Fixed
    Cc: [hidden email]
    Labels: -Type-Defect Type-Enhancement Component-Glamour Milestone-5.0

Comment #12 on issue 900 by [hidden email]: Glamour-Roassal should be able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder

Thanks Ben.

I integrated your solution for now with one modification: we have initializeView: instead of newViewBlock:.

We can iterate from this point on: we need to make all builders polymorphic.

Now, this works:

GLMWrapper new with: [ :browser |
        browser show: [ :a |
            a roassal
                initializeView: [ ROView new @ RODraggable ] ;
                painting: [    :view :numbers |
                    numbers do: [ :number |
                        view add: (ROElement spriteOn: number) + ROLabel ].
                    ROTreeLayout on: view elements
                ] ] ];
    openOn: (1 to: 10)

Cool.  #initializeView: is a good change.  I was never completely happy with my choice, but could not think of better.

Following on from that I have been considering how to have a permanent ROView that does not get replaced by a #new one each transmission. For example, if there are two panes (list-pane & roassal-pane) the double-clicking on items in the list-pane could add them to the roassal-pane, then the could drag it around, then add a second item from the list-pane, and so on...

So I wonder about some like...
| roview |

GLMWrapper new with: [ :browser |
       browser show: [ :a |
           a roassal
               initializeView: [ roview ifNil: [ roview := ROView new @ RODraggable ] ] ;

               painting: [    :view :numbers |
                   numbers do: [ :number |
                       view add: (ROElement spriteOn: number) + ROLabel ].
                   ROTreeLayout on: view elements
               ] ] ];
   openOn: (1 to: 10)

but that seems a bit hackish.  Maybe using #andShowIfNone: would be better and transmitting the strong selection from the list-pane to the roassal-pane a different port - maybe an #add port could be matched with a #delete port or something.  What do you think?

cheers -ben

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