Issue 904 in moose-technology: Roassal dragging subtrees (feature contribution)

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Issue 904 in moose-technology: Roassal dragging subtrees (feature contribution)

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 904 by [hidden email]: Roassal dragging subtrees (feature  

With a tree layout, when dragging an element I needed to drag all the  
children at the same time.  I knocked up a solution sufficient to my needs  
in about 40 minutes - see attached changeset.   I might be a nice general  
feature to add to Roassal but its a bit rough. It will likely need some  
critical love to polish it before integration.  Later it might be made to  
work with ROSelection and multi-selected elements - but that is out of my  
scope for the moment.

        RODraggableWithOthers.2.cs  1.3 KB

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Re: Issue 904 in moose-technology: Roassal dragging subtrees (feature contribution)

        Status: Fixed

Comment #1 on issue 904 by [hidden email]: Roassal dragging subtrees  
(feature contribution)

Hi Ben,

Thanks for your suggestion. I wrote a contribution inspired from your  

Fixed in 1.457 of Roassal. Try this:

| view elements |
view := ROView new.

0 to: 50 by: 10 do: [ :i |
        elements := (ROBox green size: 10) elementsOn: (i to: i + 9).
        elements do: [ :e | e @ RODraggable @ ROPopup ].
        view addAll: elements.

        ROLine buildEdgesFromElement: elements first from: #yourself toAll: [ :v |  
(v + 1 to: v + 9) ].

        ROTreeLayout on: elements.
        (view elementFromModel: i) - ROBox + ROBox red.
        (view elementFromModel: i)
                @ ROAllConnectedNodeDraggable ;
                translateBy: i * 15 @ 10.

view open

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Re: Issue 904 in moose-technology: Roassal dragging subtrees (feature contribution)

Ben Coman
A cursory review of the code seems like it would only work for one
layer.  How would ROAllConnectedNodeDraggable work with the three layers
of the following example[1]?   For my project I came up with an
alternative implementation 'LEKDraggableSubtree.'   I'd be interested in
what you think of the attached mcz.

cheers -ben

| view toElement fromElement draggableCase |
draggableCase := RODraggable.
"draggableCase := ROAllConnectedNodeDraggable "
"draggableCase := LEKDraggableSubtree withEdges: [ :selectedElement |
selectedElement view onlyEdges ] . "
view := ROView new.
1 to: 7 do:
[  :n |
   toElement :=   ((ROLabel elementOn: n) extent: 50@50 ) + ROBorder @
   view add: toElement.
    ((fromElement := view elementFromModel: n // 2) )
    ifNotNil: [ view add:    (ROEdge from: fromElement to: toElement ) +
ROLine ]
ROHorizontalTreeLayout new on: view elements.
view open.

[hidden email] wrote:

> Updates:
>     Status: Fixed
> Comment #1 on issue 904 by [hidden email]: Roassal dragging
> subtrees (feature contribution)
> Hi Ben,
> Thanks for your suggestion. I wrote a contribution inspired from your
> example.
> Fixed in 1.457 of Roassal. Try this:
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> | view elements |
> view := ROView new.
> 0 to: 50 by: 10 do: [ :i |
>     elements := (ROBox green size: 10) elementsOn: (i to: i + 9).
>     elements do: [ :e | e @ RODraggable @ ROPopup ].
>     view addAll: elements.
>     ROLine buildEdgesFromElement: elements first from: #yourself
> toAll: [ :v | (v + 1 to: v + 9) ].
>     ROTreeLayout on: elements.
>     (view elementFromModel: i) - ROBox + ROBox red.
>     (view elementFromModel: i)
>         @ ROAllConnectedNodeDraggable ;
>         translateBy: i * 15 @ 10.
> ].
> view open
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Moose-dev mailing list
[hidden email]

BTCRoassalExtension-BenComan.1.mcz (2K) Download Attachment
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Re: Issue 904 in moose-technology: Roassal dragging subtrees (feature contribution)


Good point. I have added a new interaction class: ROAllRecursivelyConnectedNodeDraggable
Try the following example
| view toElement fromElement draggableCase |
draggableCase := RODraggable.
"draggableCase := ROAllConnectedNodeDraggable " "draggableCase := LEKDraggableSubtree withEdges: [ :selectedElement | selectedElement view onlyEdges ] . "
view := ROView new.
1 to: 7 do:
[  :n |
 toElement :=   ((ROLabel elementOn: n) extent: 50@50 ) + ROBorder @ draggableCase.
 view add: toElement.
  ((fromElement := view elementFromModel: n // 2) )
  ifNotNil: [ view add:    (ROEdge from: fromElement to: toElement ) + ROLine ]
ROHorizontalTreeLayout new on: view elements.

view elements first @ ROAllRecursivelyConnectedNodeDraggable.
view elements first  - ROBorder + ROBorder red.
view open.

Your .mcz file goes in the right direction. However I have found a simpler solution I think, which also handle cycles.
Let me know whether this new version helps.


On Oct 21, 2013, at 4:20 PM, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:

> A cursory review of the code seems like it would only work for one layer.  How would ROAllConnectedNodeDraggable work with the three layers of the following example[1]?   For my project I came up with an alternative implementation 'LEKDraggableSubtree.'   I'd be interested in what you think of the attached mcz.
> cheers -ben
> [1]-------------------------------
> | view toElement fromElement draggableCase |
> draggableCase := RODraggable.
> "draggableCase := ROAllConnectedNodeDraggable " "draggableCase := LEKDraggableSubtree withEdges: [ :selectedElement | selectedElement view onlyEdges ] . "
> view := ROView new.
> 1 to: 7 do:
> [  :n |
>  toElement :=   ((ROLabel elementOn: n) extent: 50@50 ) + ROBorder @ draggableCase.
>  view add: toElement.
>   ((fromElement := view elementFromModel: n // 2) )
>   ifNotNil: [ view add:    (ROEdge from: fromElement to: toElement ) + ROLine ]
> ].
> ROHorizontalTreeLayout new on: view elements.
> view open.
> -------------------------------
> [hidden email] wrote:
>> Updates:
>>    Status: Fixed
>> Comment #1 on issue 904 by [hidden email]: Roassal dragging subtrees (feature contribution)
>> Hi Ben,
>> Thanks for your suggestion. I wrote a contribution inspired from your example.
>> Fixed in 1.457 of Roassal. Try this:
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>> | view elements |
>> view := ROView new.
>> 0 to: 50 by: 10 do: [ :i |
>>    elements := (ROBox green size: 10) elementsOn: (i to: i + 9).
>>    elements do: [ :e | e @ RODraggable @ ROPopup ].
>>    view addAll: elements.
>>    ROLine buildEdgesFromElement: elements first from: #yourself toAll: [ :v | (v + 1 to: v + 9) ].
>>    ROTreeLayout on: elements.
>>        (view elementFromModel: i) - ROBox + ROBox red.
>>    (view elementFromModel: i)
>>        @ ROAllConnectedNodeDraggable ;
>>        translateBy: i * 15 @ 10.
>> ].
>> view open
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> <BTCRoassalExtension-BenComan.1.mcz>_______________________________________________
> Moose-dev mailing list
> [hidden email]

Alexandre Bergel

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