Issue 918 in moose-technology: GLMTreePresentation display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node

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Issue 918 in moose-technology: GLMTreePresentation display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 918 by [hidden email]: GLMTreePresentation display  
artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node

Execute the following Workspace script, then in the left pane, click on $X  
while it is not expanded.  An display artifact appears on the first line as  
shown in attached image, which is the an overlap of the the hidden third  
level $X and $O.  See attached PNG.

Also the right pane locks up, which can be reset by unexpanding $A.

If you expand the $X in the right pane before clicking the $X in the left  
pane, the problem does not occur.


        |browser |
        browser := GLMTabulator new.
        browser column: #one; column: #two.
        browser transmit to: #one; andShow:
        [ :a |
                a tree
                        children: [:x :i | x asString size > 1 ifTrue: [x] ifFalse:  
[OrderedCollection new] ] ;
                        format: [ :x | x isCollection ifTrue: [x first] ifFalse: [x] ].
        browser transmit to: #two; andShow:
        [ :a |
                a tree
                        children: [:x :i | x asString size > 1 ifTrue: [x] ifFalse:  
[OrderedCollection new] ] ;
                        format: [ :x | x isCollection ifTrue: [x first] ifFalse: [x] ].
        browser transmit from: #one; to: #two port: #selection.
        browser openOn: #(($A $B ) ($C $E ($X $O)))

        GLMTreePresentation-artifact.png  9.6 KB

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Re: Issue 918 in moose-technology: GLMTreePresentation display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node


Comment #1 on issue 918 by [hidden email]: GLMTreePresentation  
display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node

To narrow in on this, put 'self halt' at the start of  
Using 'browser openOn: #(($C $E ($X $O)))' as a stripped down test case go:
1. Enable Halt Once.
2. Click $X (debugger appears)
3. Enable Halt Once again prior to clicking <Proceed> button
4. Click <Debug>

The problem occurs when I <Step Over> [^container listManager  
setSelectedMorph: found]
and inside #setSelectedMorph: when I <Step Over> 'self emptySelection'
and inside that when I <Step Over> 'self selectionChanged'
and following deeper

If after point 4. above, I click quickly <Over> the lines on #openInPath:
then sometimes the error occurs on the line [found toggleExpandedState],
but if I click slowly it seems to usually does not occur there.

Now apart from trying to troubleshoot through MorphTreeNodeMorph, I notice  
also that at the line [found toggleExpandedState] the arrow icon of $X  
changes from left pointing to down pointing - so $X is expanded - but I  
don't think that should happen.   Looking back up the stack I see  
GLMTreeMorphNodeModel>>expandParentPath which makes sense to expand the  
parents so the selected item is visible, except that I think the selected  
item should not be included in the send to #changed.

So actually the following resolves the problem...
" self openItemPath: anArray"
        self containerTree changed: {#rootNodes. #openItemPath}, (self path  
collect: [:each | each item]) removeLast.

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Re: Issue 918 in moose-technology: GLMTreePresentation display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node


Comment #2 on issue 918 by [hidden email]: GLMTreePresentation  
display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node

Actually that should be
        self containerTree changed: {#rootNodes. #openItemPath}, (self path  
collect: [:each | each item]) allButLast.

...except that introduces an issue of its own, not clearing the selection  
from the first line.

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Re: Issue 918 in moose-technology: GLMTreePresentation display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node


Comment #3 on issue 918 by [hidden email]: GLMTreePresentation  
display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node

What version?

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Re: Issue 918 in moose-technology: GLMTreePresentation display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node


Comment #4 on issue 918 by [hidden email]: GLMTreePresentation  
display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node

Just tested on a freshly downloaded Moose Suite 4.7.

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Re: Issue 918 in moose-technology: GLMTreePresentation display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node


Comment #5 on issue 918 by [hidden email]: GLMTreePresentation  
display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node

The attached changeset fixes the issue.

        MooseIssue918.2.cs  1.1 KB

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Re: Issue 918 in moose-technology: GLMTreePresentation display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node


Comment #6 on issue 918 by [hidden email]: GLMTreePresentation  
display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node

I cannot seem to be able to reproduce the problem in 5.0. Ben, could you  
try again?

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Re: Issue 918 in moose-technology: GLMTreePresentation display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node


Comment #7 on issue 918 by [hidden email]: GLMTreePresentation  
display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node

After confirming I could reproduce it in Moose 4.7, I am happy to report it  
no longer occurs in Moose 5.0.

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Re: Issue 918 in moose-technology: GLMTreePresentation display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node


Comment #8 on issue 918 by [hidden email]: GLMTreePresentation  
display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node

> After confirming I could reproduce it in Moose 4.7, I am happy to report  
> it no longer occurs in Moose 5.0.

But I can't see where I might close this Issue myself...

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Re: Issue 918 in moose-technology: GLMTreePresentation display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node

        Status: Fixed

Comment #9 on issue 918 by [hidden email]: GLMTreePresentation  
display artifact when selection is set to an unexpanded node

(No comment was entered for this change.)

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