Issue 938 in moose-technology: RadialTreeLayout should translate the graph

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Issue 938 in moose-technology: RadialTreeLayout should translate the graph

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Roassal

New issue 938 by [hidden email]: RadialTreeLayout should translate  
the graph

Try this:
view nodes: (Collection withAllSubclasses).
view edgesFrom: #superclass.
view radialTreeLayout.

The center of the graph is placed at 0@0, and this is annoying because you  
do not see half of the graph. The layout should translate the graph to make  
it start at 0@0

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Re: Issue 938 in moose-technology: RadialTreeLayout should translate the graph

        Status: Started

Comment #1 on issue 938 by [hidden email]: RadialTreeLayout should  
translate the graph

This should not belong to the layout I have the impression. Where to  
position the camera against the nodes the view contains is the real  
question in my opinion. Probably that the other layout are not doing it in  
the right way.

I have added ROFocusView class>>centerView:
The Mondrian builder has been updated accordingly.
For example:
view nodes: (Collection withAllSubclasses).
view edgesFrom: #superclass.
view radialTreeLayout.
view center.

produces what is expected.

In Roassal 1.356.
Doru, if you agree with this, then close the issue.

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Re: Issue 938 in moose-technology: RadialTreeLayout should translate the graph


Comment #2 on issue 938 by [hidden email]: RadialTreeLayout should  
translate the graph

I think the ability to center the view is nice, but it does not solve the  
layout problem.

The layout positions nodes. So, there is no reason why the layout should  
not start positioning nodes at 0@0. And there is no reason for the default  
camera to not start at 0@0.

Or am I wrong?

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Re: Issue 938 in moose-technology: RadialTreeLayout should translate the graph

        Cc: [hidden email]

Comment #3 on issue 938 by [hidden email]: RadialTreeLayout should  
translate the graph

Any taker? :)

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Re: Issue 938 in moose-technology: RadialTreeLayout should translate the graph


Comment #4 on issue 938 by [hidden email]: RadialTreeLayout should  
translate the graph

Actually, I think the radial tree layout does the right think.  0 @ 0  
should be at the middle of the window. No reason to have it top left corner.
The way layouts are implemented, prevent them from being composed (e.g.,  
there is no easy way to layout a tree with a root node that is not in 0 @  

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Re: Issue 938 in moose-technology: RadialTreeLayout should translate the graph


Comment #5 on issue 938 by [hidden email]: RadialTreeLayout should  
translate the graph

I do not get it. I am talking about the user, not the internal  

I apply the layout, and two thirds of the graph cannot be seen. How is that  
the right thing?

The only thing that would be required would be to perform a translation of  
the whole graph (or maybe only of the camera) after the layout algorithm  
finished. This would be a linear algorithm depending on the number of nodes.

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Re: Issue 938 in moose-technology: RadialTreeLayout should translate the graph


Comment #6 on issue 938 by [hidden email]: RadialTreeLayout should  
translate the graph

Ping? :)

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Re: Issue 938 in moose-technology: RadialTreeLayout should translate the graph


Comment #7 on issue 938 by [hidden email]: RadialTreeLayout should  
translate the graph

Mathieu and I are working on this... We will need a few days more...

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Re: Issue 938 in moose-technology: RadialTreeLayout should translate the graph

        Status: Fixed

Comment #8 on issue 938 by [hidden email]: RadialTreeLayout should  
translate the graph

Sorry to have been that slow on this.

| rawView nodes edges |
rawView := ROView new.

nodes := (ROEllipse gray size: 10) elementsOn: Collection withAllSubclasses.

nodes do: [ :n | n @ RODraggable ].

rawView addAll: nodes.

edges := ROLine buildEdgesFromElements: nodes from: #superclass to:  

rawView addAll: edges.

RORadialTreeLayout new
        "translator: (ROSmoothLayoutTranslator new nbCycles: 10);"
        applyOn: nodes.
rawView openInWindowSized: 1000 @ 600.

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Re: Issue 938 in moose-technology: RadialTreeLayout should translate the graph


Comment #9 on issue 938 by [hidden email]: RadialTreeLayout should  
translate the graph

Forgot to say this is now fixed in Roassal 1.458

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Re: Issue 938 in moose-technology: RadialTreeLayout should translate the graph

        Labels: Milestone-4.9

Comment #10 on issue 938 by [hidden email]: RadialTreeLayout should  
translate the graph


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