Issue 944 in moose-technology: EyeSee chart Legend issues

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Issue 944 in moose-technology: EyeSee chart Legend issues

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 944 by [hidden email]: EyeSee chart Legend issues

When creating a chart, I would like to include a legend, and EyeSee allows  
for this.  However, the legend is always top left of chart (even with  
#legendBelow sent) and obscures the Y axis label; or it is to right (when  
#verticalLegend is sent) and writes over the right axis if that axis is  

Example code for first issue:

i := 0.
series1 := OrderedCollection new: 7.
20130601 to: 20130607 do: [ :dt| series1 add: { dt. i := i + 1. }].
series2 := OrderedCollection new: 7.
i := i + 1.
20130601 to: 20130607 do: [ :dt| series2 add: {dt. i := i -1. }].
series3 := OrderedCollection new: 7.
20130601 to: 20130607 do: [ :dt| series3 add: {dt. 4. }].
colors := { Color red. Color blue. Color green. }.
parts := OrderedCollection new: 3.
{ series1. series2. series3. } withIndexDo: [ :ls :ind |
                parts addLast: (ESLineDiagram new
                        y: #second;
                        preferredAxisMaxY: 7;
                        lineWidth: 2;
                        models: ls;
                        defaultColor: (colors at: ind);
                ind = 1 ifTrue: [
                        parts last
                                identifier: #first;
                                rotatedLabels: true;
                                xAxisLabel: 'Dates';
                                axisColor: Color black;
                                yAxisLabel: 'Some Measurement that will Collide with Legend'
        chart := ESDiagramRenderer new.
        composite := chart compositeDiagram.
        parts do: [ :chartPart| composite add: chartPart ].
        composite yPadding: 30; height: 600; width: 800.
        parts first
                displayLegend: true;
                colorDict: (Dictionary keys: #( 'Series1' 'Series2' 'Series3') values:  
        chart open.

Example code for second (vertical) issue:

i := 0.
series1 := OrderedCollection new: 7.
20130601 to: 20130607 do: [ :dt| series1 add: { dt. i := i + 1. }].
series2 := OrderedCollection new: 7.
i := i + 1.
20130601 to: 20130607 do: [ :dt| series2 add: {dt. i := i -1. }].
series3 := OrderedCollection new: 7.
20130601 to: 20130607 do: [ :dt| series3 add: {dt. 4. }].
seriesRight := OrderedCollection new: 7.
20130601 to: 20130607 do: [ :dt| seriesRight add: {dt. 6. }].
colors := { Color red. Color blue. Color green. Color yellow. }.
parts := OrderedCollection new: 4.
{ series1. series2. series3. } withIndexDo: [ :ls :ind |
                parts addLast: (ESLineDiagram new
                        y: #second;
                        preferredAxisMaxY: 7;
                        lineWidth: 2;
                        models: ls;
                        defaultColor: (colors at: ind);
                ind = 1 ifTrue: [
                        parts last
                                identifier: #first;
                                rotatedLabels: true;
                                xAxisLabel: 'Dates';
                                axisColor: Color black;
                                yAxisLabel: 'Some Measurement that will Collide with Legend'
parts addLast: (ESLineDiagram new
        y: #second;
        preferredAxisMaxY: 7;
        lineWidth: 2;
        models: seriesRight;
        defaultColor: colors last;
        axisColor: Color black;
        yAxisLabel: 'Another Measurement that will Collide with Legend'
chart := ESDiagramRenderer new.
composite := chart compositeDiagram.
parts do: [ :chartPart| composite add: chartPart ].
composite yPadding: 30; height: 600; width: 800.
parts first
        displayLegend: true;
        colorDict: (Dictionary keys: #( 'Series1' 'Series2' 'Series3' 'Series4')  
values: colors).
chart open.

This occurs in the current Moose dev (4.8 of recent origin), on Windows.


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Re: Issue 944 in moose-technology: EyeSee chart Legend issues


Comment #1 on issue 944 by [hidden email]: EyeSee chart Legend issues

Interestingly, if instead of using #yAxisLabel:, I instead use  
#diagramTitle:, it moves the left 'y axis label' down beneath the legend,  
and it is at least readable.  In fact, it looks better as a label - but not  
as a diagram title.

Of course, this still does nothing for the verticle legend overwriting the  
rigth axis.

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Re: Issue 944 in moose-technology: EyeSee chart Legend issues


Comment #2 on issue 944 by [hidden email]: EyeSee chart Legend issues

Type-Defect Component-EyeSee

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Re: Issue 944 in moose-technology: EyeSee chart Legend issues

        Status: WontFix

Comment #3 on issue 944 by [hidden email]: EyeSee chart Legend issues

If someone wants to improve EyeSee, it's a welcome effort, but we should  
focus on Graph-ET. So, am I marking this issue as won't fix.

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