Issue 954 in moose-technology: List presentation should support changing the color and font of the text

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Issue 954 in moose-technology: List presentation should support changing the color and font of the text

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 954 by [hidden email]: List presentation should support  
changing the color and font of the text

Tree, list and column presentations should support changing the color and  
style of the text.
For example, the following code should change just the color of the text:

        | browser  |
        browser := GLMTabulator new.
        browser column: #one.
        browser transmit
                to: #one;
                andShow: [ :a |
                                        a list
                                                display: [ :x | x ];
                                                textColor: [ :aNumber |
                                                                        (aNumber isDivisibleBy: 2)
                                                                                ifTrue: [ Color green ]
                                                                                ifFalse: [ Color red ] ] ].
                 browser openOn: (1 to: 6).

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Re: Issue 954 in moose-technology: List presentation should support changing the color and font of the text

        Status: WontFix
        Labels: Component-Glamour

Comment #1 on issue 954 by [hidden email]: List presentation should  
support changing the color and font of the text

This is already possible

GLMWrapper new with: [ :w |
        w show: [ :a |
                a list format: [ :x |
                                string: x asString
                                attribute: (x odd ifTrue: [TextColor gray] ifFalse: [TextColor black] )  
] ] ];
        openOn: ( 1 to: 10)

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