Status: New
Owner: ---- Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Fame Component-MooseCore Milestone-4.8 New issue 976 by [hidden email]: MSE import should be faster FROM Stephan Eggermont: Do I understand correctly that 36% of the time here is spend updating the progress bar? Reading a JHotDraw7 mse. | model stream | stream := UITheme builder fileOpen: 'Import model from MSE file' extensions: #('mse'). stream isNil ifFalse: [ "name without extension" MessageTally spyOn: [ model := MooseModel new. model importFromMSEStream: stream. stream close ]. model size > 0 ifTrue: [ model install. ]] **Tree** -------------------------------- Process: (40s) Morphic UI process: nil -------------------------------- 83.1% {26938ms} MooseModel class>>importFrom: 83.1% {26938ms} MooseModel class>>importFrom:withMetamodel: 83.1% {26932ms} MSEImporter(FMImporter)>>run 83.0% {26901ms} FMMSEParser>>run 83.0% {26897ms} FMMSEParser>>basicRun 83.0% {26897ms} FMMSEParser>>Document 82.1% {26615ms} FMMSEParser>>Element 38.4% {12451ms} FMMSEParser>>Attribute |19.9% {6449ms} MSEImporter(FMImporter)>>endAttribute: | |19.8% {6428ms} FMFutureElement>>endAttribute: | | 19.8% {6409ms} FMFutureAttribute>>endAttribute: | | 17.8% {5780ms} FMFutureAttribute>>maybeEnd | | |11.1% {3590ms} FM3MetaDescription>>attributeNamed:ifAbsent: | | | |7.0% {2271ms} FM3MetaDescription>>attributeNamed:ifAbsent: | | | | |3.3% {1072ms} FM3MetaDescription>>attributeNamed:ifAbsent: | | | | | |2.5% {799ms} FM3MetaDescription>>attributeNamed:ifAbsent: | | | | |1.7% {537ms} ByteString(String)>>= | | | | | |1.6% {509ms} primitives | | | | |1.6% {508ms} FMMultivalueLink(Collection)>>detect:ifNone: | | | | | 1.5% {480ms} FMMultivalueLink>>do: | | | | | 1.4% {467ms} OrderedCollection>>do: | | | |1.9% {610ms} FMMultivalueLink(Collection)>>detect:ifNone: | | | | |1.6% {508ms} FMMultivalueLink>>do: | | | | | 1.4% {459ms} OrderedCollection>>do: | | | |1.5% {478ms} ByteString(String)>>= | | | | 1.4% {469ms} primitives | | |5.9% {1912ms} FM3PropertyDescription>>setOn:values: | | | 5.2% {1692ms} FAMIXParameterType(Object)>>mmSetProperty:to: | | | 5.1% {1653ms} FM3PropertyDescription>>setOn:rawValue: | | | 1.6% {526ms} ByteSymbol(Symbol)>>asMutator | | | 1.5% {491ms} ByteString(String)>>asSymbol | | | 1.2% {379ms} Symbol class>>intern: | | | 1.2% {379ms} Symbol class>>lookup: | | | 1.2% {377ms} WeakSet>>like: | | | 1.2% {373ms} WeakSet>>scanFor: | | 1.8% {575ms} PhexMatcher>>= |8.8% {2844ms} FMMSEParser>>Value | |4.2% {1365ms} FMMSEParser>>Primitive | | |3.1% {1017ms} FMMSEParser>>Number | |3.5% {1138ms} FMMSEParser>>Reference | | 1.8% {583ms} FMMSEParser>>Identifier |4.5% {1463ms} FMMSEParser>>tNAME | |1.9% {610ms} Character>>isAlphaNumeric | | |1.5% {479ms} Character>>isLetter | |1.0% {340ms} FMMSEParser>>next |2.9% {948ms} MSEImporter(FMImporter)>>beginAttribute: | 2.8% {898ms} FMFutureElement>>beginAttribute: | 2.1% {674ms} PhexMatcher>>beTrue | 2.0% {663ms} PhexMatcher>>true | 1.7% {541ms} PhexMatcher>>expectedUnknownMessageToReturn: 36.5% {11837ms} FMMSEParser>>increment |36.5% {11837ms} Job>>value: | 36.5% {11819ms} Job>>currentValue: | 36.5% {11819ms} Job>>announceChange | 36.5% {11814ms} Job>>announce: | 36.4% {11789ms} SystemAnnouncer>>announce: | 36.4% {11789ms} SystemAnnouncer(Announcer)>>announce: | 36.3% {11775ms} SubscriptionRegistry>>deliver: | 22.1% {7148ms} SubscriptionRegistry>>subscriptionsHandling: | |10.3% {3326ms} WeakAnnouncementSubscription>>handles: | | |8.7% {2823ms} MethodRemoved class(Announcement class)>>handles: | | | |8.4% {2707ms} JobChange class(Behavior)>>inheritsFrom: | | |1.6% {503ms} primitives | |5.3% {1714ms} primitives | |4.8% {1558ms} IdentitySet(Set)>>do: | |1.3% {420ms} AnnouncementSubscription>>handles: | | 1.1% {349ms} AnnouncementSet>>handles: | 13.7% {4450ms} SubscriptionRegistry>>deliver:to: | 13.6% {4403ms} SubscriptionRegistry>>deliver:to:startingAt: | 13.5% {4364ms} AnnouncementSubscription>>deliver: | 13.4% {4335ms} MessageSend>>cull:cull: | 12.8% {4132ms} MessageSend>>cull: | 12.4% {4032ms} MessageSend>>value: | 12.4% {4030ms} MessageSend>>valueWithArguments: | 12.0% {3902ms} SystemProgressMorph class>>updateJob: | 8.5% {2754ms} JobProgressMorph>>progress: | |7.2% {2333ms} JobProgressBarMorph>>progress: | | 7.0% {2253ms} ProgressBarMorph>>value: | | 7.0% {2253ms} ProgressBarMorph(Morph)>>changed | | 6.9% {2251ms} ProgressBarMorph(Morph)>>invalidRect: | | 6.9% {2251ms} ProgressBarMorph(Morph)>>invalidRect:from: | | 6.9% {2246ms} JobProgressBarMorph(Morph)>>invalidRect:from: | | 6.9% {2222ms} JobProgressMorph(Morph)>>invalidRect:from: | | 6.8% {2214ms} SystemProgressMorph(Morph)>>invalidRect:from: | | 6.8% {2210ms} PasteUpMorph>>invalidRect:from: | | 6.3% {2025ms} Rectangle>>intersect:ifNone: | | 3.3% {1081ms} Rectangle>>intersects: | | | 1.9% {620ms} SmallInteger>><= | | | | 1.7% {552ms} SmallInteger(Integer)>><= | | | | 1.7% {552ms} Float>>adaptToInteger:andCompare: | | | | 1.7% {538ms} Float>>asTrueFraction | | | 1.4% {450ms} SmallInteger>>>= | | | 1.1% {359ms} SmallInteger(Integer)>>>= | | | 1.1% {359ms} Float>>adaptToInteger:andCompare: | | | 1.1% {348ms} Float>>asTrueFraction | | 1.5% {471ms} SmallInteger>>> | | | 1.2% {390ms} SmallInteger(Integer)>>> | | | 1.2% {390ms} Float>>adaptToInteger:andCompare: | | | 1.2% {388ms} Float>>asTrueFraction | | 1.2% {393ms} SmallInteger>>< | | 1.0% {327ms} SmallInteger(Integer)>>< | | 1.0% {325ms} Float>>adaptToInteger:andCompare: | 3.0% {961ms} JobProgressMorph>>label: | 2.8% {914ms} JobProgressMorph(Object)>>changed: | 2.5% {811ms} SystemProgressMorph>>update: | 2.1% {677ms} SystemProgressMorph>>updateWidth | 2.1% {677ms} SystemProgressMorph>>resize | 1.7% {562ms} SystemProgressMorph>>maxBarWidth | 1.4% {458ms} JobProgressMorph(Morph)>>minExtent 2.7% {891ms} MSEImporter(FMImporter)>>beginElement: |2.6% {836ms} FMFutureElement class>>with:name: | 2.6% {829ms} FMFutureElement>>with:name: | 2.1% {668ms} FM3MetaDescription>>createInstance | 2.0% {638ms} FAMIXNamespace class(Behavior)>>new 2.4% {775ms} FMMSEParser>>tFULLNAME |1.3% {408ms} Character>>isAlphaNumeric | 1.0% {335ms} Character>>isLetter 1.1% {349ms} FMMSEParser>>Serial **Leaves** 8.9% {2897ms} JobChange class(Behavior)>>inheritsFrom: 5.3% {1714ms} SubscriptionRegistry>>subscriptionsHandling: 5.1% {1649ms} IdentitySet(Set)>>do: 4.6% {1476ms} ByteString(String)>>= 4.4% {1423ms} OrderedCollection>>do: 2.2% {700ms} Array(SequenceableCollection)>>at:ifAbsent: 2.0% {637ms} FMMSEParser>>tOPEN 1.8% {598ms} SmallInteger(Number)>>negative 1.8% {582ms} UndefinedObject(ProtoObject)>>~~ 1.8% {582ms} FAMIXParameterizedType(Object)>>= 1.6% {522ms} SmallInteger>>bitShift: 1.6% {503ms} WeakAnnouncementSubscription>>handles: 1.2% {395ms} MultiByteFileStream(StandardFileStream)>>basicNext 1.2% {388ms} WriteStream>>nextPut: 1.1% {372ms} FMMSEParser>>tWHITESPACE 1.0% {339ms} WriteStream>>reset 1.0% {336ms} Unicode class>>isLetter: **Memory** old +39,936,212 bytes young -1,252,716 bytes used +38,683,496 bytes free +1,684,040 bytes **GCs** full 2 totalling 1,398ms (4.0% uptime), avg 699.0ms incr 1844 totalling 3,883ms (12.0% uptime), avg 2.0ms tenures 737 (avg 2 GCs/tenure) root table 0 overflows -- You received this message because this project is configured to send all issue notifications to this address. You may adjust your notification preferences at: _______________________________________________ Moose-dev mailing list [hidden email] |
Comment #1 on issue 976 by [hidden email]: MSE import should be faster Name: Fame-ImportExport-StephanEggermont.17 Author: StephanEggermont Time: 2 September 2013, 11:05:12.426 am UUID: bdafd946-185e-4fbd-9e0f-2200f20547e1 Ancestors: Fame-ImportExport-TudorGirba.16 Only call value: of the progress bar every 100 increments to reduce overhead in reading an MSE. -- You received this message because this project is configured to send all issue notifications to this address. You may adjust your notification preferences at: _______________________________________________ Moose-dev mailing list [hidden email] |
Status: Fixed Comment #2 on issue 976 by [hidden email]: MSE import should be faster It works fine. Excellent! -- You received this message because this project is configured to send all issue notifications to this address. You may adjust your notification preferences at: _______________________________________________ Moose-dev mailing list [hidden email] |
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