Issue 979 in moose-technology: Default window sizes for large screens

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Issue 979 in moose-technology: Default window sizes for large screens

Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 979 by [hidden email]: Default window sizes for large  

The following should probably be pushed upstream for Pharo 3.0, but I  
thought it best to report here in case it is feasible to include in Moose  
4.8.  Let me know what you think and if needed I can submit a changeset or  
slice (what is the preferred method for submissions for Moose)

I've got a 24 inch screen that I have been using with Moose-4.8-dev for a  
couple of weeks.  I am finding it annoying that the Glamorous Inspector and  
Glamorous Debugger open to maximum full screen size.

1. For the Standard Debugger, I don't agree with making the default size  
bigger for bigger screens.  I think the extra screen space is useful for  
inspectors and observing the application. Indeed, the debugger width should  
match the width of the System Browser, since that is the basis for the  
formatting of code. Matching these helps give a consistent UI feel for  

For Moose4.8/Pharo2.0 we have...

     ^ 850@600

Actually, perhaps that shouldn't be hard coded and instead be...

     ^ RealEstateAgent standardWindowExtent

then for Debugger we could have something similar to this...

        dependents size < 9 ifTrue: [^ super initialExtent]. "Pre debug window"
        RealEstateAgent standardWindowExtent y < 400 "a tiny screen"
                ifTrue: [^ super initialExtent].
        ^ [ RealEstateAgent standardWindowExtent.
                ] on: Error do: [800@600]

2. For Glamourous Inspector I understand defaulting to maximum width is  
useful, but its overkill to default to the full height of the screen. So  
you could have...

GLMMorphicRender>>open: aRenderable
        window := GLMMorphicWindowRenderer render: aRenderable from: self.
        ^ window openInWorld "removed 'maximize' from here"

        ^ RealEstateAgent fullscreenWindowExtent x @ RealEstateAgent  
standardWindowExtent y
which requires also...

RealEstateAgent class >> fullscreenWindowExtent
        ^ self maximumUsableArea insetBy: self fullscreenMargin.


RealEstateAgent class >> fullscreenMargin
        ^ FullscreenMargin ifNil: [FullscreenMargin := 25]

The last was copied from SystemWindow class >> fullScreenMargin which as an  
option can then be...

SystemWindow class >> fullScreenMagin
        ^ RealEstateAgent fullscreenMargin

3. Glamorous Debbugger needs a bit more vertical height, so perhaps...

GTDebugger >> initialExtent
        ^ RealEstateAgent fullscreenWindowExtent x @ RealEstateAgent  
fullscreenWindowExtent y * 2 // 3

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Re: Issue 979 in moose-technology: Default window sizes for large screens


Comment #1 on issue 979 by [hidden email]: Default window sizes for  
large screens

Attached are a changeset for the above, and a slice from loading that  
changeset into a fresh Moose image that was downloaded today.

        MooseIssue-979-DefaultWindowsSizeForLargeScreens.cs  1.8 KB

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Re: Issue 979 in moose-technology: Default window sizes for large screens


Comment #2 on issue 979 by [hidden email]: Default window sizes for  
large screens

and the slice

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