As you might now, we are in the process of getting Pharo5 stable for a release.
One of the things that is always important is to clean the issue tracker: over the year
that the new release in in development, lots of issue accumulate.
Please, just for the issue you have either opened yourself or where you have been involved
in the discussion:
-> Is the issue still relevant? Maybe it has been fixed?
-> Is it really important to stay open? Sometimes things are just not worth it…
-> Is this really an issue tracker entry? What I mean here is that an issue tracker is
not a wish-list. There are so many things I want, but adding an issue is often not
helping. “It would be nice if”…
-> Bugs: Can it be reproduced? How?
-> Features: We are in freeze. Likely it should be moved to the “Pharo 6” Milestone.
We are at 521 open issue as of now, I am sure we can get that number down till we release.
At some point (soon) we will make a real “show stopper” list for the issue that we have to fix before
we can release.