I am trying to get Pillar working on OS X. I followed the instruction given on https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/EnterprisePharoBook/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/book-result/PillarChap/Pillar.html I did: ./pillar archetype welcome make book-result/welcome.html The two first instruction do not seem to cause any trouble. Work as expected. The make instruction produces: -=-=-=-= /tmp/pillar> make book-result/welcome.html mkdir -p ./book-result find . -type d -path ./book-result -prune -o -wholename "*/figures" -exec cp {} --parents -r ./book-result \; cp -r support/ ./book-result ./pillar export --to=html --outputDirectory=./book-result --outputFile=welcome.pillar welcome.pillar MessageNotUnderstood: FileReference>>jsonWriteOn: FileReference(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #jsonWriteOn: [ :assoc | needComma ifTrue: [ aStream nextPut: $, ] ifFalse: [ needComma := true ]. assoc key jsonWriteOn: aStream. aStream nextPut: $:. assoc value jsonWriteOn: aStream ] in Dictionary>>jsonWriteOn: in Block: [ :assoc | ... [ :each | each ifNotNil: [ aBlock value: each ] ] in Dictionary>>associationsDo: in Block: [ :each | each ifNotNil: [ aBlock value: each ] ] Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: Dictionary>>associationsDo: Dictionary>>jsonWriteOn: PRExportPhase>>asJson:withConfiguration: [ :outStream | self writeOutput: (self asJson: output withConfiguration: cocoonConfiguration) toStream: outStream ] in PRExportPhase>>write:using: in Block: [ :outStream | ... [ aBlock value: stream ] in FileReference(AbstractFileReference)>>writeStreamDo: in Block: [ aBlock value: stream ] BlockClosure>>ensure: FileReference(AbstractFileReference)>>writeStreamDo: FileReference(AbstractFileReference)>>pillarWriteDuring: PRExportPhase>>outputStreamDuring: PRExportPhase>>write:using: PRExportPhase>>actionOn: PRExportPhase class(PRPhase class)>>executeOn: [ :input | self executeOn: input ] in PRExportPhase class(PRPhase class)>>buildPipe: in Block: [ :input | self executeOn: input ] LPPhase>>executeOn: [ :subResult :next | next executeOn: subResult ] in LPPipeline>>executeOn: in Block: [ :subResult :next | next executeOn: subResult ] [ :each | nextValue := binaryBlock value: nextValue value: each ] in OrderedCollection(Collection)>>inject:into: in Block: [ :each | nextValue := binaryBlock value: nextValu...etc... OrderedCollection>>do: OrderedCollection(Collection)>>inject:into: LPPipeline>>executeOn: PRPillarConfiguration>>export [ :exporter | (configuration getConfigurationNamed: exporter) export ] in [ configuration defaultExporters do: [ :exporter | (configuration getConfigurationNamed: exporter) export ] ] in PRExportCommandLineHandler>>export in Block: [ :exporter | (configuration getConfigurationNamed...etc... Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: [ configuration defaultExporters do: [ :exporter | (configuration getConfigurationNamed: exporter) export ] ] in PRExportCommandLineHandler>>export in Block: [ configuration defaultExporters... BlockClosure>>on:do: PRExportCommandLineHandler>>export PRExportCommandLineHandler>>activate make: *** [book-result/welcome.html.json] Error 1 rm book-result/welcome.html.json -=-=-=-= Any idea what’s wrong? Cheers, Alexandre
_,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;: Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu ^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;. |
Forget about that way which doesn't work. Use this: https://github.com/cdlm/docker-texlive Works nicely and removes 90% of the setup frustration (you'll need latest docker-ce for this to work). Phil On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 5:38 PM, Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi alexandre This is a problem I identified and I'm trying to fix it. Now the version works for book, it is the one I used for all the booklets and new books I'm writing. Stef On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 7:42 PM, [hidden email] <[hidden email]> wrote:
so ./pillar archetype book will work. On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 8:43 PM, Stephane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:
Will work in creating the book artifact. But not the PDF because of some crap in TeX. Docker container alleviates that pain. We could make a book builder thing using AppVeyor and docker I think. Phil On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 8:44 PM, Stephane Ducasse <[hidden email]> wrote:
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