[JOB] 18 months PostDoc Position INRIA Lille

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[JOB] 18 months PostDoc Position INRIA Lille

Marcus Denker-4
18 months PostDoc Position INRIA Lille

- Duration: 18 months
- Starting date: Begining 2012
- Where: RMOD team at INRIA Lille Nord Europe
- Salary: 55 Keuros net (before taxes)
- Keywords: dynamic languages, security, information flow, Smalltalk, Javascript

The position will take place in the context of the Systematic Resilience project.
We will focus on the following main tasks:

- Identification and understanding of security problems in Javascript and other dynamic languages
- Study and analyze existing approaches towards securing Javascript (Caja, isolates...)
- Comparison of different approaches to secure dynamic applications (Zope model, ZTK), Ruby
- Study of Mirrors/Capabilities as a basis for security in Javascript
- Proposition of an safe architecture for Resilience

About Lille and INRIA:
Lille is located in the north of france.
          (one hour from Paris, 1h20 from London, 35 min from Brussels, by train)
        -> French food, combined with good Belgium beer.
        -> RMoD: http://rmod.lille.inria.fr
        -> INRIA Lille: http://www.inria.fr/lille/
        -> INRIA in General: http://www.inria.fr
        -> Lille:
                - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lille
                - http://wikitravel.org/en/Lille

Please contact Stephane Ducasse ([hidden email]) for more information.

Marcus Denker -- http://marcusdenker.de

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