JQuery - Autocomplete

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JQuery - Autocomplete

Hi all,
I have autocomplete jquery function in some parts of my seaside app. It was working fine but it doesn't work anymore suddenly. I'm using JQGoogleLibrary and JQUiGoogleLibrary but if I change it to JQDeploymentLibrary and JQUiDeploymentLibrary it starts to work again. 
Do you know what can be happenning?

The lib versions are Google JQueryUI 1.8.6 and JQuery 1.4.4.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: JQuery - Autocomplete

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Re: JQuery - Autocomplete


my code is:

html textInput
       id: html lastId;
       script: (html jQuery this autocomplete
         sourceCallback: [:string | self clientsOfNameBegginingWith: string ]);
callback: [:name| self clientName: name]]

It works if I include JQDeploymentLibrary and JQUIDeploymentLibrary in my seaside application but it doesn't work if I use JQGoogleLibrary and JQUIGoogleLibrary instead. 


On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Fritz Schenk <[hidden email]> wrote:
Provide more information, code, working model.etc

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Re: JQuery - Autocomplete

I see what your doing. It appears correct - unfortunately I can't give you any
reason or explanation why it is not working.
Thanks for the snippet. I have tried
it with the same results.

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