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JQuery styles not being loaded

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JQuery styles not being loaded

598 posts
Hi All,

JQDialogFunctionalTest is working OK (style is loaded ok).

If i use the same code in my application the JQDialog works fine but has no style.
Somehow CSS classes are not being loaded to the JQDialog of my app (ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ....).

Both applications have the same libraries.

Any idea why style is not being loaded ?


renderDeleteProcessDefintionOn: html
   | id |

   html div
      id: (id := html nextId);
      script: (html jQuery new dialog
                draggable: true;
                resizable: true;
                modal: true;
         title: 'JQuery';
         autoOpen: false);
      with: [ html unorderedList list: #('this' 'is' 'jquery')].

        html div class: 'float-left margin-left-5px'; with: [
                html anchor
                                        onClick: (html jQuery id: id) dialog open;
                                                "callback: [self removeProcessDefinition]; "
                                                with: [html image url: (SEWAFIconLibrary / #remove24Png);
                                                                                                title: ('Remove Process Definition' translateFor: self session user);
                                                                                                altText: ('Remove Process Definition' translateFor: self session user) ]
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Re: JQuery styles not being loaded

Alejandro Zuzek
31 posts
Hi Bruno,

I had this problem way back and I solved it. I am not sure how I did it, but I think I just had to add the library corresponding to one of the JQuery UI Themes to the application libraries configuration. So besides one of the JQUi libraries you have to add one of the JQ Themes:

Application Libraries Configuration
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Re: JQuery styles not being loaded

598 posts

Thanks very much it was exactly that !

Just adding JQStartTheme styles are loaded !
