JSON REST in VisualWork Seaside

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JSON REST in VisualWork Seaside

Roger Whitney
I have an existing Seaside app using Seaside 3.0 in VisualWork 7.x (it works in VW7.7 through VW7.9). I want to add a REST component to return JSON. The Seaside-REST packages don't ship with VW. I did find them on the cincom repository but they do not seem to work (a lot of exceptions). I also came across James Robertson's old video on RESTful services in Seaside but that approach also does not seem to work anymore (I get JSON in a web page).

Does anyone have REST working in Seaside 3 in VisualWorks? Not clear if I am missing something simple?

I can always use the VW WebToolKit to server my REST service, but would like to know if it is possible in Seaside using VW.

Roger Whitney              Department of Computer Science
[hidden email]        San Diego State University
http://www.eli.sdsu.edu/   San Diego, CA 92182-7720

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Re: JSON REST in VisualWork Seaside

Philippe Marschall
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 2:07 AM, Roger Whitney <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I have an existing Seaside app using Seaside 3.0 in VisualWork 7.x (it works in VW7.7 through VW7.9). I want to add a REST component to return JSON. The Seaside-REST packages don't ship with VW. I did find them on the cincom repository but they do not seem to work (a lot of exceptions). I also came across James Robertson's old video on RESTful services in Seaside but that approach also does not seem to work anymore (I get JSON in a web page).
> Does anyone have REST working in Seaside 3 in VisualWorks? Not clear if I am missing something simple?
> I can always use the VW WebToolKit to server my REST service, but would like to know if it is possible in Seaside using VW.

It should work in theory, I know it's working on GemStone an VAST.
Firstly it uses pragmas but the Pharo/Squeak/GemStone/VAST pragma API
is modelled after the VW pragma API. That should work in theory. The
second thing it uses are method argument names. You'll need to write
one class extension on the VisulalWorks (or Cincom Smalltalk) platform
class for this.

If you need to port it manually AFAIK there is a tool to directly load
the MC package without filing out and in. It's probably best to ask on
a Cincom mailing list like vwnc though.

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Re: JSON REST in VisualWork Seaside

Dale Henrichs
Regarding porting code between VW and the Monticello family (Squeak/Pharo/GemStone) you could try using a combination of STIG[1] and FileTree[3]. STIG is a VW implementation of the Cypress package format[2]. FileTree is a (Squeak/Pharo/GemStone) implementation of the Cypress package format.

Cypress writes packages to disk, so git/github can be used for managing the shared source code. If you go this route you'll be able to feedback bugfixes from the VW side and easily import new updates to your VW implementation from the FileTree side ...

It's probably easier to go this route...


[1] https://github.com/CampSmalltalk/STIG
[2] https://github.com/CampSmalltalk/Cypress/blob/master/README.md
[3] https://github.com/dalehenrich/filetree
----- Original Message -----
| From: "Philippe Marschall" <[hidden email]>
| To: "Seaside - general discussion" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Friday, July 27, 2012 11:57:30 PM
| Subject: Re: [Seaside] JSON REST in VisualWork Seaside
| On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 2:07 AM, Roger Whitney <[hidden email]>
| wrote:
| > I have an existing Seaside app using Seaside 3.0 in VisualWork 7.x
| > (it works in VW7.7 through VW7.9). I want to add a REST component
| > to return JSON. The Seaside-REST packages don't ship with VW. I
| > did find them on the cincom repository but they do not seem to
| > work (a lot of exceptions). I also came across James Robertson's
| > old video on RESTful services in Seaside but that approach also
| > does not seem to work anymore (I get JSON in a web page).
| >
| > Does anyone have REST working in Seaside 3 in VisualWorks? Not
| > clear if I am missing something simple?
| >
| > I can always use the VW WebToolKit to server my REST service, but
| > would like to know if it is possible in Seaside using VW.
| It should work in theory, I know it's working on GemStone an VAST.
| Firstly it uses pragmas but the Pharo/Squeak/GemStone/VAST pragma API
| is modelled after the VW pragma API. That should work in theory. The
| second thing it uses are method argument names. You'll need to write
| one class extension on the VisulalWorks (or Cincom Smalltalk)
| platform
| class for this.
| If you need to port it manually AFAIK there is a tool to directly
| load
| the MC package without filing out and in. It's probably best to ask
| on
| a Cincom mailing list like vwnc though.
| Cheers
| Philippe
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