JavascriptCoreJSON subapplication seems to have disappeared between 8.6.0 and 9.0.0

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JavascriptCoreJSON subapplication seems to have disappeared between 8.6.0 and 9.0.0

Steven LaFavor
I am working thru migating an inhouse monstrous application from 8.0.3 to 9.1,
and I seem to have hit a place where something got lost.

JavascriptCoreApp V 8.0.3 [162] has THREE subapplications:
JavascriptCore V 8.0.3 [162]
JavascriptCoreDecorations V 8.0.3 [162]
JavascriptCoreJSON V 8.0.3 [162]
JavascriptCoreApp V 8.6.0 [269] has THREE subapplications:
JavascriptCore V 8.6.0 [269]
JavascriptCoreDecorations V 8.6.0 [269]
JavascriptCoreJSON V 8.6.0 [269]
JavascriptCoreApp V 8.6.2 [349] has TWO subapplications:
JavascriptCore V 8.6.2 [349]
JavascriptCoreDecorations V 8.6.2 [349]
JavascriptCoreApp V 9.0.0 [394] has TWO subapplications:
JavascriptCore V 9.0.0 [394]
JavascriptCoreDecorations V 8.6.2 [349]
Any idea where the JavascriptCoreJSON subapplication went?   Or the classes in it?   I know I can pull it in, 
but wanted to ask you all if I just missed something.  I could not find any mention of it in the Migration Guide.


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Re: JavascriptCoreJSON subapplication seems to have disappeared between 8.6.0 and 9.0.0

Mariano Martinez Peck-2
Hi Steven,

I suspect the reason might be that VA 8.6.0 was shipped with Seaside 3.0.6. 
While VA 8.6.1 seems to have been shipped with Seaside 3.1.1.
And VA 8.6.2 with Seaside 3.2.0.

You know that Seaside for VAST starts from a port from Pharo, so it's likely that the JavascriptCoreJSON disappeared in a Seaside re-organization itself from 3.0.6 to 3.1.1. 

It says: 

  • JSON support is now in Seaside-JSON-Core, #jsonOn: methods get a JSON canvas instead of a stream as an argument

So, starting in Seaside 3.1.1 (starting with VA 8.6.1) it seems that what you are looking at is in SeasideJSONCoreApp and it's subapp. 

Does that sound right?

Best regards,

On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 4:56 PM Steven LaFavor <[hidden email]> wrote:
I am working thru migating an inhouse monstrous application from 8.0.3 to 9.1,
and I seem to have hit a place where something got lost.

JavascriptCoreApp V 8.0.3 [162] has THREE subapplications:
JavascriptCore V 8.0.3 [162]
JavascriptCoreDecorations V 8.0.3 [162]
JavascriptCoreJSON V 8.0.3 [162]
JavascriptCoreApp V 8.6.0 [269] has THREE subapplications:
JavascriptCore V 8.6.0 [269]
JavascriptCoreDecorations V 8.6.0 [269]
JavascriptCoreJSON V 8.6.0 [269]
JavascriptCoreApp V 8.6.2 [349] has TWO subapplications:
JavascriptCore V 8.6.2 [349]
JavascriptCoreDecorations V 8.6.2 [349]
JavascriptCoreApp V 9.0.0 [394] has TWO subapplications:
JavascriptCore V 9.0.0 [394]
JavascriptCoreDecorations V 8.6.2 [349]
Any idea where the JavascriptCoreJSON subapplication went?   Or the classes in it?   I know I can pull it in, 
but wanted to ask you all if I just missed something.  I could not find any mention of it in the Migration Guide.


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Mariano Martinez Peck
Software Engineer, Instantiations Inc.
[hidden email]

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