Hello forum.
First of all, my composed text is working. Thank you. :-) But now I have one more question about ComposedText concerning labels.
I have a dynamic user interface. Its labels are added in the #postBuildWith: method.
aBuilder add: (LabelSpec label: aComposedText layout: aPoint)).
But this does not work. The comment of the LabelSpec says:
[...] Label values may be Strings, Texts, ComposedTexts, or Images. [...] In the case of textual labels, the style property tells the font to be used in rendering the label. If this property is set to #default, the current TextAttributes default font will be used. The other values currently respected are: #small, #large, #system, and #fixed.
It seems that I have to define my ComposedText in the TextAttributes, so I can use it as label.
aBuilder add: ((LabelSpec label: aComposedText layout: aPoint) style: #myComposedText).
Is this true or is there a mistake in the assignment without the style parameter?
Thank you for your answers.
Best regards,
Tom Grünewald
Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik GmbH
Softwareentwicklung/Software Development
T o m G r ü n e w a l d
73446 Oberkochen, Germany
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Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik GmbH
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Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Dr. Dieter Kurz
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