Lagoon ImageStripper list doesn't let you choose

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Lagoon ImageStripper list doesn't let you choose

Frank Sergeant
(Dolphin 4.0 Professional, pl1)

In attempting to deploy to executable (via right-click on my application's
package in the package browser), the drop-down list for picking the image
stripper shows only ImageStripper.  I believe it should show its subclasses
as well (I added my own subclass CmImageStripper and the image already
contained a subclass).  I got around this by editing the properties of my
package (right-click Properties).

(There may be a similar problem with choosing the session manager, but I
haven't looked closely at that.)

  -- Frank
  [hidden email]

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Re: Lagoon ImageStripper list doesn't let you choose

Ian Bartholomew-3

> In attempting to deploy to executable (via right-click on my application's
> package in the package browser), the drop-down list for picking the image
> stripper shows only ImageStripper.  I believe it should show its
> as well (I added my own subclass CmImageStripper and the image already
> contained a subclass).  I got around this by editing the properties of my
> package (right-click Properties).
> (There may be a similar problem with choosing the session manager, but I
> haven't looked closely at that.)

Seems to work correctly here Frank. The image stripper drop down shows the
two strippers included with the pro package (!!) and the session manager
shows a lot (~10, I didn't count them) of runtime session managers. Adding
subclasses to ImageStripper and RuntimeSessionManager results in the added
classes appearing in the appropriate drop down.


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Re: Lagoon ImageStripper list doesn't let you choose

Nico de Boer
In reply to this post by Frank Sergeant
Hi Frank,

I think there is a problem with the drop down list. The same happens,
for example, in the "Tip of the day" application. With the arrow keys
you can walk through the selections, but the drop down doesn't work.
It only shows a fat line below the drop down box.

On an other machine of mine it works ok, so it must be a M$ bug
somehow. If have both machines running NT 4.0 SP5, so I cannot
see the difference there.

In version 3.0 everything works fine.


"Frank Sergeant" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:5lvW5.248$[hidden email]...
> (Dolphin 4.0 Professional, pl1)
> In attempting to deploy to executable (via right-click on my application's
> package in the package browser), the drop-down list for picking the image
> stripper shows only ImageStripper.  I believe it should show its

> as well (I added my own subclass CmImageStripper and the image already
> contained a subclass).  I got around this by editing the properties of my
> package (right-click Properties).
> (There may be a similar problem with choosing the session manager, but I
> haven't looked closely at that.)
>   -- Frank
>   [hidden email]

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Re: Lagoon ImageStripper list doesn't let you choose

Frank Sergeant
In reply to this post by Ian Bartholomew-3
"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:90e5t5$fjp$[hidden email]...

> Seems to work correctly here Frank. The image stripper drop down shows the
> two strippers included with the pro package (!!) and the session manager

Utoh, that makes me worry that I have again crossed that all-too-fine line
between reality and imagination!

I forgot to mention earlier that I'm running it on W2K SP1.

I tried again with various packages and with various earlier images (going
back to the default image and then the default image with pl1 applied) --
always the same result with the down arrow NOT dropping down a list.

It must be something peculiar to my machine somehow.  Oh well.

Thanks for checking it out.

  -- Frank
  [hidden email]

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Re: Lagoon ImageStripper list doesn't let you choose

Frank Sergeant
In reply to this post by Nico de Boer
"Nico de Boer" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:90e832$4bj$[hidden email]...

> I think there is a problem with the drop down list. The same happens,
> for example, in the "Tip of the day" application. With the arrow keys
> you can walk through the selections, but the drop down doesn't work.
> It only shows a fat line below the drop down box.

Ah, thank you!  Yes, the arrow keys move among the list items (but just one
list item shows at a time), just as you describe.

> On an other machine of mine it works ok, so it must be a M$ bug
> somehow. If have both machines running NT 4.0 SP5, so I cannot
> see the difference there.

I'm running on W2K SP1.  But, the drop-down lists in my application work
fine.  It is as if the list in Lagoon were defined to be one line high (I
should check that out), but that hardly accounts for the differences among
machines, especially in your case where both machines run the same OS

Oh well.

  -- Frank
  [hidden email]

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Re: Lagoon ImageStripper list doesn't let you choose

Ian Bartholomew-2
In reply to this post by Frank Sergeant

> > Seems to work correctly here Frank. The image stripper drop down shows
> > two strippers included with the pro package (!!) and the session manager
> Utoh, that makes me worry that I have again crossed that all-too-fine line
> between reality and imagination!
> I forgot to mention earlier that I'm running it on W2K SP1.

To muddy the waters a bit more ..... so am I.

It sounds as if it's one of the old "which version of the [insert a MS dll
name] are you using". problems. I thought that the new MSI distribution was
going to sort that out?


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Re: Lagoon ImageStripper list doesn't let you choose

Bill Schwab-2

> It sounds as if it's one of the old "which version of the [insert a MS dll
> name] are you using". problems. I thought that the new MSI distribution
> going to sort that out?

One ominous thing I read (on, I think) is that MS has
released a defective merge module, which might factor into this if it turns
out to be accurate.  Another possibility is that if somebody else put out a
bogus MSI file, it might cause grief.  The rules are very complicated and as
such almost have to be easy to violate.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: DropDownList not dropping down (was Lagoon ImageStripper list doesn't let you choose)

Frank Sergeant
In reply to this post by Nico de Boer
Some time ago I mentioned that it looked like a drop down list in Lagoon was
not working correctly.  It turned out that items in the list could be
stepped through with the up and down arrow keys but the list never actually
dropped down, it showed only the single line.

"Nico de Boer" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:90e832$4bj$[hidden email]...
> I think there is a problem with the drop down list. The same happens,
> for example, in the "Tip of the day" application. With the arrow keys
> you can walk through the selections, but the drop down doesn't work.
> It only shows a fat line below the drop down box.

> On an other machine of mine it works ok, so it must be a M$ bug
> somehow. If have both machines running NT 4.0 SP5, so I cannot
> see the difference there.

I'm running W2K (SP1), Dolphin 4 Professional Pl1.  Nico sees the same
problem (at least similar) on one NT 4 machine.  So, I think there might be
a problem.  It is not serious in Lagoon, as only I need to use it there.
However, I just noticed it in a drop down list in my application where I
create the view at run time with ComboBox new.  (I added #inspect to a
context menu so I could take a look at the view's state easily.)  When
inspecting the ComboBox, the mode was #dropDownList as expected.  I poked
around and traced through ComboBox>>mode: and discovered that

      self mode: dropDown.
      self mode: dropDownList.

for example, will cause the list to begin working correctly (dropping down),
as will

      self recreate.

I looked at the creationStyle in both a ViewComposer-built ComboBox where it
dropped down and in my dynamically built ComboBox where it didn't.  In both
cases the creationStyle was #(1144063491 512).  It appears that the last 2
bits of 1144063491 are both ones, as expected, for the #dropDownList style.

I worked around the problem by sending #recreate to the view after adding it
to its container.

So, I'm posting this in case it offers a clue to where the problem might
lie.  It acts as if the window style is not set to match the bits in some
cases.  Even if this is a Windows problem (works with some DLL versions and
not with others) as appears to be the case, perhaps O-A will see a simple
change to Dolphin that would make it work on all versions of Windows in
spite of Microsoft.

-- Frank
[hidden email]
It's an HWND that blows no good

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Re: DropDownList not dropping down

Artur Zaroda
On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, Frank Sergeant wrote:

> Some time ago I mentioned that it looked like a drop down list in Lagoon was
> not working correctly.  It turned out that items in the list could be
> stepped through with the up and down arrow keys but the list never actually
> dropped down, it showed only the single line.
> "Nico de Boer" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> news:90e832$4bj$[hidden email]...
> > I think there is a problem with the drop down list. The same happens,
> > for example, in the "Tip of the day" application. With the arrow keys
> > you can walk through the selections, but the drop down doesn't work.
> > It only shows a fat line below the drop down box.
> > On an other machine of mine it works ok, so it must be a M$ bug
> > somehow. If have both machines running NT 4.0 SP5, so I cannot
> > see the difference there.
> I'm running W2K (SP1), Dolphin 4 Professional Pl1.  Nico sees the same
> problem (at least similar) on one NT 4 machine.  So, I think there might be
> a problem.  

For the record, it happens on my Win95 with IE5 as well.

Artur Zaroda
[hidden email]

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Re: DropDownList not dropping down (was Lagoon ImageStripper list doesn't let you choose)

Nico de Boer
In reply to this post by Frank Sergeant
Hi Frank,

I haven opened the "Tip of the day" application in the View Composer and
played some with the arrangement. I don't know what I did exactly, but now
drop down list looks like it should.

I've tried several things with the Lagoon Deployment Wizard. Visualy trying
enlarge the drop down list in vertical way (wich ofcourse does not work, but
maybe  it's recreated as you mentioned??) resulted in a normal functional
down list in the end.

I'm not sure this helps, but as you mentioned, maybe the people at OA know
how to cure this problem. After all, it's a problem wich I don't have in any
application. And it's a new problem since version 4.


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Re: DropDownList not dropping down (was Lagoon ImageStripper list doesn't let you choose)

Frank Sergeant
"Nico de Boer" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:947ei9$jrn$[hidden email]...

[ accidental fixes ]

Thanks for the extra details.  There's probably a common denominator hidden
in there somewhere that I'm hoping someone will spot.

-- Frank
[hidden email]