Last SmaCC port for VA Smalltalk?

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Last SmaCC port for VA Smalltalk?

Gabriel Cotelli
anybody knows where to download the last available port of SmaCC for VAST?
I have some old version (R 1.0.3) and want to update it, but cannot find the place where someone downloaded it the first time.

For VisualWorks and Dolphin there's 2010 versions in

If there's no new port available maybe I port it by myself and publish it on vastgoodies. Any advice on this topic is welcomed.


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Re: Last SmaCC port for VA Smalltalk?

John O'Keefe
Gabriel -

I had started a port of SmaCC (1.0.5) some time ago (when it was a Seaside prerequisite).  Seaside's need for SmaCC dropped away, so I never finished the port.

It looks like the version on the Refactory website for VW and Dolphin is newer (and seems to contain a lot more stuff than just the SmaCC parser); perhaps there is also a newer version for Pharo, I didn't look this morning.  

Anyway, I think a newer version than the one I was working with is a better starting point if you are going to try porting.

Regards,  John
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Re: Last SmaCC port for VA Smalltalk?

Gabriel Cotelli
Hi John,

Right now I'm busy with some customer requirements so don't expect news in this front in the short term, but later I will start migrating our system to VA 8.0.3 and port if possible the latest SmaCC.


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