Latest Pharo 7 image doesn't give normal debugger on a method with undefined class method - get System Error

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Latest Pharo 7 image doesn't give normal debugger on a method with undefined class method - get System Error

Tim Mackinnon
I was going to look at testing my Create class in the debugger fixes however the latest image behaves in a manner I’ve not seen before.

In a fresh P7 image - build 1198 64bit osx (with latest vm downloaded by launcher) - I have created a new class in a new package

"self new testMethod"
FooObject new someMethod

Where FooObject and someMethod are undefined and when I saved the method I left them as undefined.

I then evaluated - TimeTest new testMethod in a playground and I get a white screen with *** System error handling failed *** (screenshot below)

In an earlier image (build 1167) this wasn’t the case?

Has something been broken?


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Re: Latest Pharo 7 image doesn't give normal debugger on a method with undefined class method - get System Error

Tim Mackinnon
Excuse the noise - this was user error, I synchronised my Pharo repository with an out of date local copy, so I must have brought in some incompatible changes with the new VM.

Phew !


> On 29 Aug 2018, at 23:42, Tim Mackinnon <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I was going to look at testing my Create class in the debugger fixes however the latest image behaves in a manner I’ve not seen before.
> In a fresh P7 image - build 1198 64bit osx (with latest vm downloaded by launcher) - I have created a new class in a new package
> TimTest:TimTest>>testMethod
> "self new testMethod"
> FooObject new someMethod
> Where FooObject and someMethod are undefined and when I saved the method I left them as undefined.
> I then evaluated - TimeTest new testMethod in a playground and I get a white screen with *** System error handling failed *** (screenshot below)
> In an earlier image (build 1167) this wasn’t the case?
> Has something been broken?
> Tim
> <PastedGraphic-1.png>