> > Bob emailed me with a one-line change that appears to be the answer to > > my problem. > > Hey, that's happened to all of us, and it'll happen again. :-) No doubt :) > > Any comments on the stdout/stderr block idea? > > I guess I'm either too tired or too dense, but I don't understand how > this would work. Could you give a bit more explanation of what you're > thinking of? Code fragments of how you'd expect to use it would be a > big help. It's a pretty simple idea, and I'm not doing a very good job of explaining it. It might be easier to just write the wrapper that I have in mind, and the applications will be obvious. If you like it, we're done, and if not, we can kick it around to get something better. More to come. > Thanks for helping to improve things. Thanks for doing the hard part! Have a good one, Bill -- Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D. [hidden email] |
Here is another attempt at a helper method for ExternalProcess. Rather than collecting and returning the output, it accepts and evaluates two blocks as follows: ExternalProcess executeCommand:cmd contents inDirectory:( File splitPathFrom:each issFileName ) waitForSeconds:30 out:[ :text | out nextPutAll:text. ] error:[ :text | out nextPutAll:text. ]. Obviously, one could use different streams for the two kinds of output - a "need" to do that started me thinking about this. Note that it no longer traps errors, which might be a _really_ bad idea??? Please note the comment about temp files - is it enough to delete the three we create? The code fragment above runs in a progress dialog. Maybe I just never tried it before, but I find that I cannot cancel the dialog. Is #waitForCompletion unfriendly to Dolphin's message loop? If so, is there a more forgiving way to get the same benefit? Unfortunately, I do not have any example code that is likely to run on just about any machine. Quite the opposite, my examples are likely not to run on all but two or three computers. It might be useful to create an example that pulls a text directory on the windows and system directories, and then deliberately provides a nonsense path name or something else to generate an error. Comments or better ideas? Again, feel free to ignore, distribute as-is, or alter this as you deem appropriate. Have a good one, Bill ============ !ExternalProcess class methodsFor! executeCommand:aStringCommand inDirectory:aDirectoryString waitForSeconds:anIntegerSeconds out:outBlock error:errorBlock "Execute a command by launching a separate process. outBlock and errorBlock are monadic valuables, evaluated with the corresponding stream text from the external process." | tmpStdinName tmpStdoutName tmpStderrName process startTemps endTemps diffTemps | #wksSafe. "7-04 - second try at a helper method" startTemps := (File find: aDirectoryString, '\_*') collect: [ :aWin32FindData | aWin32FindData fileName ]. tmpStdinName := File temporaryFilename. tmpStdoutName := File temporaryFilename. tmpStderrName := File temporaryFilename. process := ExternalProcess new commandLine: aStringCommand; directory: aDirectoryString; secondsToWait: anIntegerSeconds; stdinFilename: tmpStdinName; stdoutFilename: tmpStdoutName; stderrFilename: tmpStderrName; yourself. [ process executeSync ] ensure:[ ( Array with:tmpStdoutName with:tmpStderrName ) with:( Array with:outBlock with:errorBlock ) do:[ :fileName :block | | tmpFile | tmpFile := FileStream read:fileName. block value:tmpFile contents. tmpFile close. ]. File delete:tmpStdinName. File delete:tmpStdoutName. File delete:tmpStderrName. "7-04 - are the explicit deletes above suffient? If so, could eliminate startTemps at the top." endTemps := (File find: aDirectoryString, '\_*') collect: [ :aWin32FindData | aWin32FindData fileName ]. diffTemps := endTemps difference:startTemps. diffTemps do:[ :aFilename | File delete: aFilename ]. ]. ! ! !ExternalProcess class categoriesFor: #executeCommand:inDirectory:waitForSeconds:out:error:!public! ! -- Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D. [hidden email] |
Just saw this and haven't had time to really think about it. Besides, it's early... :-) I just posted an update to my Goodies so haven't had time to get this integrated, but I'll try to make some time at lunch today to look it over. Thanks for your help and ideas! Bob |
In reply to this post by Schwab,Wilhelm K
I just put out a goodies update that includes this change. I modified
what you gave me - I made it an instance method instead of a class method and changed the message signature somewhat - but other than changing things it's exactly the same. :-) Take a look and see what you think. Share and enjoy. Bob |
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