Let's Try One More Time [Dolphin 5 Beta 4]

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Let's Try One More Time [Dolphin 5 Beta 4]

Andy Bower

Ok, so beta 3 was less than well received so let's see how we do with beta
4. Apart from some cosmetic changes and a few more bug fixes we're hoping
that this is fairly close to the release. It'd be nice to get this out
before Smalltalk Solutions!


We've removed the activation scheme.


You will need the following serial number to enable the product:



For each product there are two possible downloads.

(1) The first option (recommended) is to download the full installer
executables. These include the MSI file and any updates that may be required
to bring your system up to date with the current MS Installer. They come in
at around 10Mb. If you feel this is too large then try option (2) below.

Dolphin Professional:

Dolphin Standard:

Dolphin Value:

(2) The second option is a bare MSI file that just includes the Dolphin
software and no MS Installer updates. Use this if you want the minimum
download and believe your system is up to date with MSI version 2. The MSI
downloads are around 6.5Mb.

Dolphin Professional:

Dolphin Standard:

Dolphin Value:

If it turns out that your Windows Installer need updating then you can
download the appropriate updates here:

For Win9x machines:

For WinNT/2000/XP machines:

If you have a problem where the MSI appears to be treated as text then try
right-clicking on the link and choosing Save as. This appears to be another
MIME type problem on the web server and hopefully it will be fixed for the


The release notes detailing the fixes in this version are at:


In addtion to the stuff noted above we've also attempted to address the
problems that were experienced with the IMG association when a prior copy of
Dolphin 4 was on the target machine. We'd like to hear if you still have
problems launchinga D5 image by double clicking on it.

We'll post the current issue list shortly.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: Let's Try One More Time [Dolphin 5 Beta 4]

Bill Schwab

I downloaded the MSI file because I was at home (read low bandwidth and not
terribly great phone lines on top of it) and had just upgraded the Windows
Installer.  I had the mime problems you described, but, was able to save-as
and get the file.

My unit tests are as in the earlier betas: one test is failing under D5, as
it should it turns out.  The view generator runs, and aside from some things
being the wrong size (as was the case at leat under beta 3 if not earlier),
the recordkeeper was able to load and tolerated some prodding.

QuickCode is not happy.  Make a file with a few levels of items using D4 and
load that into beta 4 to see what I mean.  It seems like levels in the tree
are being "skipped" and a non-printable character appears in the parent's
text.  I mention the recordkeeper because it also uses trees, and tbey seem
ok.  Opening another tree presenter on the QuickCode tree model seems to
give the same results.  It's a little late for any serious debugging.

Not bad for having just downloaded it about an hour ago.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: Let's Try One More Time [Dolphin 5 Beta 4]

Bill Schwab
Andy and Blair,

> QuickCode is not happy.  Make a file with a few levels of items using D4
> load that into beta 4 to see what I mean.  It seems like levels in the
> are being "skipped" and a non-printable character appears in the parent's
> text.  I mention the recordkeeper because it also uses trees, and tbey
> ok.  Opening another tree presenter on the QuickCode tree model seems to
> give the same results.  It's a little late for any serious debugging.

Got it: the code pane content for the selected item was appearing in the
tree, so something changed with the items's print string or the tree's use
thereof.  Setting #getTextBlock in the tree seems to fix it.

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]