Lighttpd server and seaside

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Lighttpd server and seaside
Hi All,
I work wit GLASS ( Gemstone on a Ubuntu with Lighttpd web server configured on port 8181.
I have some description based on MAFileDescription.
My objective is to manage the relative I/O file from the lighttpd server.
I add to the MAFileDescription  the code kind: MAExternalFileModel.
And i change the baseUrl of MAExternalFileModel to: '' for point to the server.
But d'ont work.
Now for understand the configuration  i think to test all in Squeak ( Seaside 2.8a1 pmm.577 )
A) I have do some test about lighttpd configuration.
The fastcgi.server work fine.
But the server.document-root d'ont work.
In the server i have create the /var/www/testdtr with the file pizze.jpg
And the lighttpg.conf is set with:
>server.document-root       = "/var/www/"
$HTTP["url"]=~ "/image" {
> server.document-root       = "/var/www/testdtr/"}
Now from the browser when digit  :
1) the system answer with the Index of /testdtr/
    or  the system answer the error HTTP 404 file not found
Anyone have idea about this problem ?
B) For now the MAFileDescription configured as on, when define  save the relative file on Squeak2.3\File\fb\goz........ directory on the client.
    And when view d'ont display anything . The relative URL is set
    Where i wrong ?

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!




seaside mailing list
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Re: Lighttpd server and seaside

Dario Trussardi wrote:

>Hi All,
>I work wit GLASS ( Gemstone on a Ubuntu with Lighttpd web
>server configured on port 8181.
>I have some description based on MAFileDescription.
>My objective is to manage the relative I/O file from the lighttpd
>I add to the MAFileDescription  the code kind: MAExternalFileModel.
>And i change the baseUrl of MAExternalFileModel to: ''
>for point to the server.
>But d'ont work.
>Now for understand the configuration  i think to test all in Squeak (
>Seaside 2.8a1 pmm.577 )
>A) I have do some test about lighttpd configuration.
>The fastcgi.server work fine.
>But the server.document-root d'ont work.
>In the server i have create the /var/www/testdtr with the file pizze.jpg
>And the lighttpg.conf is set with:
>>server.document-root       = "/var/www/"
>$HTTP["url"]=~ "/image" {
>>server.document-root       = "/var/www/testdtr/"}
>Now from the browser when digit  :
>1) the system answer with the Index of
>    or  the system answer the
>error HTTP 404 file not found
>Anyone have idea about this problem ?
>B) For now the MAFileDescription configured as on, when define  save the
>relative file on Squeak2.3\File\fb\goz........ directory on the client.
>    And when view d'ont display anything . The relative URL is set
>    Where i wrong ?
>Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
>seaside mailing list
>[hidden email]

I've attached a portion of a lighttpd conf file that I've found will
cork correctly to access the file foto1 from this url
http://penny:8181/image/foto1 and accesses seaside via fastcgi for this
url http://penny:8181/seaside. You should be able to adapt the file to
your needs.


server.modules   += ( "mod_fastcgi" )

$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/image/" {
    server.document-root = "/export/penny1/users/dhenrich/"
} else $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/seaside" {

    fastcgi.server    = (
        "/seaside" =>

                ("host" => "","port" => 9001,"check-local" => "disable","mode" => "responder" ),
                ("host" => "","port" => 9002,"check-local" => "disable","mode" => "responder" ),
                ("host" => "","port" => 9003,"check-local" => "disable","mode" => "responder" ),


seaside mailing list
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Re: Lighttpd server and seaside

Dale Henrichs wrote:

> Dario Trussardi wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I work wit GLASS ( Gemstone on a Ubuntu with Lighttpd web
>> server configured on port 8181.
>> I have some description based on MAFileDescription.
>> My objective is to manage the relative I/O file from the lighttpd
>> server.
>> I add to the MAFileDescription  the code kind: MAExternalFileModel.
>> And i change the baseUrl of MAExternalFileModel to: ''
>> for point to the server.
>> But d'ont work.
>> Now for understand the configuration  i think to test all in Squeak (
>> Seaside 2.8a1 pmm.577 )
>> A) I have do some test about lighttpd configuration.
>> The fastcgi.server work fine.
>> But the server.document-root d'ont work.
>> In the server i have create the /var/www/testdtr with the file pizze.jpg
>> And the lighttpg.conf is set with:
>> .......
>>> server.document-root       = "/var/www/"  
>> $HTTP["url"]=~ "/image" {
>>> server.document-root       = "/var/www/testdtr/"}
>> Now from the browser when digit  :
>> 1) the system answer with the Index of
>> /testdtr/
>> 2)       or
>>  the system answer the
>> error HTTP 404 file not found
>> Anyone have idea about this problem ?
>> B) For now the MAFileDescription configured as on, when define  save the
>> relative file on Squeak2.3\File\fb\goz........ directory on the client.
>>    And when view d'ont display anything . The relative URL is set
>>    Where i wrong ?
>> Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
>> Thanks!
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> _______________________________________________
>> seaside mailing list
>> [hidden email]
> Dario,
> I've attached a portion of a lighttpd conf file that I've found will
> cork correctly to access the file foto1 from this url
> http://penny:8181/image/foto1 and accesses seaside via fastcgi for
> this url http://penny:8181/seaside. You should be able to adapt the
> file to your needs.
> Dale
>server.modules   += ( "mod_fastcgi" )
>$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/image/" {
>    server.document-root = "/export/penny1/users/dhenrich/"
>} else $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/seaside" {
>    fastcgi.server    = (
>        "/seaside" =>
>            (
>                ("host" => "","port" => 9001,"check-local" => "disable","mode" => "responder" ),
>                ("host" => "","port" => 9002,"check-local" => "disable","mode" => "responder" ),
>                ("host" => "","port" => 9003,"check-local" => "disable","mode" => "responder" ),
>            ),
>   )
>seaside mailing list
>[hidden email]
BTW, the foto1 file resides in the directory

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